Other urls found in this thread:
Requesting Daidouji with a genderbent version of Star Platinum as a stand.
Reqeusting Raphtalia buried under a ton of Raph-chans. Srceaming internally, externally or eternally
Requesting something cute with Feldt Grace (21 year old movie version) from Gundam 00.
Requesting this together with Dark Magician Girl together
Requesting Maria Kumokawa curtsying and greeting her master
Requesting Meiko and Sophia in a purple version of Meiko's school uniform staring at each other in a confused manner.
Requesting Annie camwhoring using Mirai's account and Mirai freaking out over the comments/in general.
More girls like this, thick with sweaters and boots.
Requesting Harumi Fujiyoshi from Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei in a warm winter attire making snowballs.
Requesting Mimi from Duel Masters as a catgirl, please!
Requesting Mato Kuroi from BRS:OVA lazily lounging on a big living room sofa while watching TV, perhaps with some sort of foodstuff in her mouth.
Requesting YMO's album cover for X∞Multiplies recreated with Rei clones.
Requesting colors and stuff
Pixie Ref: i.imgur.com
Angewomon Ref: i.imgur.com
Gardevoir ref (Regular or Shiny):i.imgur.com
Requesting something really macho and cheesy with your favorite male character.
I request Seska
drunk as fuck
Requesting Asagi drinking a can of soda.
Requesting pov lap pillow from large-breasted girls.
Requesting Erza and Kirito wearing sunglasses with smug grins on their faces and fist bumping while an explosion forms in the background.
The ironic cool I'm looking for example: i.imgur.com
Requesting Ayame Kajou in the "fuck me" shirt (the "U" can be ironically censored with an asterisk or a "O/0") and frilly black panties making a vulgar pick-up line and/or gesture.
Requesting Jeremiah Gottwald and Midboss outfit swap.
Screaming i mean, FUCK i cant get it right.
Requesting any cute Sup Forums girl riding on a Flygon.
Hana wearing Shielder's Dangerous Beast costume from Fate/Grand Order, but in white or pink.
Or Hana in a costume inspired by Pitz the blue one
Full body or less
Requesting Fubuki, Yuudachi, and Mutsuki, each wearing this competition swimsuit.
Dakimakura mode (Lying on back and facing the viewer).
Preferably full body.
Pretty please!
Requesting Fin E Ld Si Laffinty from Rinne no Lagrange as a male, and being taken advantage of by Madoka and Muginami.
Rozalin with big tits in a plugsuit designed from her dress.
Requesting Constanze making replicas of the Balance Breakers (both canon and the awful anime original season 3 one)
Requesting Sena getting spanked and looking aroused with heart pupils in her eyes as her huge tits flop around from the spankings. Or just her in a midriff exposing version of her suit.
Noire in a tightsuit on a motorcycle (black and blue Yamaha MT-10) holding a sword as well, OR her in a leopard-print bikini or the virgin killer sweater, pref. reverse style to imitate the 'Imai Style' bikini.
Not the user you replied to but I drew you something.
Damn that's good quality. JEalous of the OR
That's detailed as fuck. Frustrated face and those tits are the best parts.
Requesting Nejire Hadou in front of a fan trying to stay cool.
That's fucking great. Deep down she likes it.
Can I get this but with Tamamo and/or Hakuno or Nero? Thanks.
How much for commissions?
Requesting Yuzuru and Mukuro reading some magazines together about cute dresses, cakes, and other girly things.
Rerequesting from old thread
Requesting Amanda, Kyouko, and Maki all in tomato pajamas laying around like in the image at the right, except Aria Pokoteng (the dog in the image) is replaced by a tomato plushie.
damn thats really good
you should draw doujinshi
Requesting Rosseweisse wearing Tamamo's clothes with the hoodie unzipped, optionally with the same hairstyle.
Anyone willing to take a request of Gundam Breaker 3? I'd want her cosplaying as one of those "Gundam Girls" mecha girls, wearing sexy versions of Gundam armor, like Barbatos since that's the new one.
I don't do them.
Requesting Sara in a backless dress, applying makeup in front of a mirror
Requesting the other way around too, Tamamo in Rosseweisse's clothes.
Requesting a big bootied Mashu sitting on Gudao's face.
Requesting Akko doing something stupid
Requesting more Reoko and Azuma hand holding.
Alternatively mecha musume Reoko, in combination with Entei.
Requesting RinaRina in a pose/reaction similar to this, obviously doesn't need to be a gif. files.catbox.moe
Requesting Shin and Owen having a fart contest
Yuuko in the virgin killer sweater or dress or anything involving a tight jumpsuit or light consensual bondage. Sorry.
Seriously what the fuck is your damage
Report and ignore.
Patchouli hugging a giant purple Patchouli sized Peeps please!
Patchy cosplaying as Sachiko please.
Requesting Patchy tiddies comparison chart please.
I kind of liked the idea.
Yame in a wedding dress, maybe aged up a bit to early 20s
Not sure if virgin killer would be good, but it certainly suits her character.
Requesting Raphi getting dunked by Satania
Why report though? They're not breaking the rules.
What kind of weird ass fetish is this
how new?
I know who dunkfag is but the question is WHY this.
That's why it's a fetish
Requesting guro. Bumping.
this dress for Tamamo i.imgur.com
But again, there's no established rules set here. And anything that's NSFW can just be cross-linked from /i/.
Oh shit, it's adorable.Thanks a lot. Was starting to lose hope too. I'll take a wonderful smile over the requested expression, it's fine.
>cutting off hair is totally the same as cutting off a body part
Are you stupid?
>Equivalent to ahoge
Rokuro from Sousei no Onmyouji wearing the outfit on the left
Requesting a drawing of typical neckbearded Umaru-fag. Please convey the level of autistic social and mental retardation of someone who would make her their waifu, and the associated assmad they feel at not being validated, as best as possible. Use your imagination.
What a cute waifu!
"No established rules"
Rule 3.
>You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: [...]or grotesque ("guro")[...]
Requesting this cute loli-Grandma wearing cute old lady clothes.
And again, text isn't guro. It's just text on a screen, get some tougher skin.
I'm as disgusted by the text as I am by someone using the white theme.
Requesting my cute waifu telling me that she loves me!
Dunked on by satania instead.
No its more so that if you're requesting, you want it to get delivered. It won't be and can't be. Don't bother posting it.
I know Ducksuu personally, his fetish is weird but he isn't a bad guy. Everyone has their own fetishes guy, no need to bully. Sometimes i wanna see my waifu's reaction to being dunked, but only in a playful way.
There's always imgur links too
Requesting paizuri or Arisa tied up or fucked and seen from the camera's display.
From here on out, report and ignore shitposting.
youre waifu already NTRed you user
>isn't a bad guy
But he is a lying and retarded shitter
Yeah he's a great guy when you're around
Soon as you're not the little cunt just loves to run his fucking mouth about you
Lying about what?
All he does is talk about feet and dunking all day, I shit you not.
however it's perfectly legal to post the image in Sup Forums and then link the post from this thread
Him being multiple waifufags.
And then she was NTRed.
I'm pretty sure he just wants to see girls getting dunked, not particularly claiming said girl to being his waifu. Can't a guy ask for a girl being dunked, and not have that girl be his waifu? I haven't really paid attention to a lot of his post, but if he's doing this in the waifu thread too then I can't defend him.
drew the other guy's request, the elf getting raped by orcs.
He's been in the waifufag threads and masqueraded as Kogasafag as well as Nanamifag. A few others too.
Plus he gets really annoying when he used to tack on other people's requests and asks them to get dunked instead. Then he cowers back and says that he couldn't help it but then goes off and does it again.
>oilseed rape
You cheeky cunt you
he was and he did, more recently he tried getting some other faggot to leave so he could request in their place and got mad when he was exposed
it's a very long story and I'm very tired