Why are all the women in this show mentally ill while all the guys are just normal guys?

Why are all the women in this show mentally ill while all the guys are just normal guys?

Author is a woman. There, your question is answered.

Women aren't people user. The sooner you come to terms with this fact, the sooner life can start making a whole lot more sense to you.

They're just animals. they simply exist to consume and destroy.

t. man

Author self insert as Akane, and she probably hates teenagers.

that's a pretty hilarious thought

No wonder Akane and Narumi are the only happy characters in this, while the other teenagers are miserable as hell.

the guys are fucking stupid

for loving a slut?

You must be really sheltered if you consider these people "mentally ill". People like this exist in real life, go out more.

You are fucked up to assume that animals exist only to consume and destroy.

Isn't onii-chan a literal cuckhold?

to be fair mugi acts like a bitch too

he's a boy high school
none of the chicks would be virgins by the time he got them on a bed if this was remotely realistic

this tbqh senpai

>They're just animals. they simply exist to consume and destroy.
I didn't know my dog was some kind of divine pestilence.

I'm sorry your mom sucked.

I feel like this everytime I read a shoujo romance. Unless you're reading the cringe rapey kind the guys always come off as well-meaning bros and the girl is the one who is borderline retarded or insufferably a selfish cunt.

That's why his senpai raped him so easily.

Just like in real life.

no because he does not own a bird's nest
and even if he did own one, no cuckoo bird would lay its eggs in his nest to trick him into raising them as his own
because he isn't a bird

There's some logic to this. A male author, or more specifically an author aiming at a male audience, will make all the girls as idealized (from a male perspective) as possible. This is where we get all the ideal waifu material character archetypes. Male characters, on the other hand, can be varied, including being bad people (assuming they're not self-inserts).

A female writer, or any writer aiming for a female audience, effectively does the opposite, making their female characters however they like, while making the male characters more "appealing".

He's still a massive cuck nevertheless.

This only really applies when you're making pandering trash

Oh for sure. There are obviously exceptions.

But let's be fair, with the current model anime is sold under (high prices, few customers), it often is targeting a very specific audience (which you can easily call pandering if you want).

>pandering trash

Here's a (You) for your effort.

>cringe rapey
What's cringe about rape in a fictional world? It gets me hard as fuck.

>As a man you must fuck every women you see on bed

Hanabi and Moka are just childs to him. He have the senpai ready on booty calls anytime he wants.

You write what the editor tells you to write.

Wait, what? This is her own work.

>the girl is the one who is borderline retarded or insufferably a selfish cunt.
So just like all real women?

Women are whores. More at 11.

Not how it works.

That's what happens when you poorly craft a :relatable" character to appease a demographic and self-insert. You already know this is the case with shonen.

That's exactly how it works in Eastern publishing industry, user.
If you want to talk about Western industry, go back to your own board and never come back.

You're delusional.

Nice argument.


t. cuck