Domo, Goblin Slayer desu.
Domo, Goblin Slayer desu
Other urls found in this thread:
>Year One
We Batman now.
Well, I mean, no shit? Orcbolg is a fairly straight forward Dark Knight archetype.
anime soon, huh
Chapter 10 Korean scans are out. Pretty comfy chapter up.
Well, post the link then.
Search marumaru on google. I'm already going to crash.
O fuck o fuck, indeed it's pretty comfy chapter.
Anyone want to dump the chapter?
I would, but God called so later.
Reminder there's an user who mad that GS isn't as ugly as him and drew his face on GS's.
He also samefagg pretending that all user agree GS should be ugly like him.
Pic related.
What the fuck. Shiro what are you doing in my dark fantasy
I'm back, proceed to dump.
fatefag please, if you want to post the page, post the chapter as well.
>Sister wasn't Kirino
>inb4 Goblin Slayer aren't fat neckbeard like me
So, this is like an origins spinoff, yes?
why is that shop not selling bikini armor?
>you'll never play GS tabletop
You mean the Year One?
If so yes. That page you quoted, no. That was just an aftermath of the last chapter.
did Priestess get promote to gold?
Nah, just a few ranked up.
Forgot which one.
Gotta go again.
Would continue dump if no one going to, but it'll take a while.
can anyone summon koreanman please?
Damn I was expecting priestess to see him without the armor.
these fags in his party for good now?
Poor mans got a cheese addiction now.
>not liking genki Nao elf
Obviously, looks like he paid Sugita Lizard in cheese
Blushing even if she doesnt have an idea what he looks like. Did the elf fell in love with the armor, or the man itself?
Its his focus/ideal.
Jesuz, this is why elf woman are getting taken by human males
>Guts and Paladin-cute training scrubs
Hearts of gold
Not until the party after the farm battle.
>Walking around without his armor
>No one recognizes him
I love this autist.
Odd, until now every character was an expy of it's original placeholder, i guess that because the sister is already ded the artist decided that making her a kirino's expy was a waste?
Fully armored lap pillow
>bottom panel
['tism intensifies]
Last page.
Just marry him for god sake.
rape is coming
so this is the part where Lancer saw him helmetless before, just don't know he's GS?
so is this the part the gobbos get so butthurt, that they try to kill CG
I was hoping to find GS fanart in Twitter, like happened wirh Neverland, but no luck.
he does it again!
or to avoid lawsuit?
Expies never get lawsuits and we have like 10+ expies already.
It's magic, user.
What the fuck? Is that Guts?
It's probably retaliation from some important dude for killing the ogre, doubt the gobs would just up and raid him specifically since they shouldn't even know him.
Gilgamesh when
A Guts that never get Griffined
At least he looks fit and no Kirito tier bullshit.
You mean he is chill and stable?
>wanting to lust gobs even more
He's like, borderline famellic there, like some bodybuilder ready for a contest. Getting some calories and fat in would not hurt him one bit.
Kirito is in a game.
You still haven't got over how a male written Japanese character explicitly cuck you out of your female written Japanese character yet?
He looks fit.
yes surprisingly. Also due to not getting raped during his childhood.
Why don't the guild just force GS to babysit all new adventurers on their inaugural goblin quest to keep the attrition rate down and stop the unnecessary losses of manpower from unprepared people getting gobbed?
Gobs gonna gob.
I cant fucking understand you, really.
And when i say Kirito i mean every teenager warrior who is a skinny bitch but he have the power of terry Crews.
Are you okay?
>explicitly cuck you out of your female written Japanese character yet?
2 years of glop
Who can be okay?
The same reason why your driving school don't force professional racers to babysit your dumb ass when you sit for your driving license.
They couldn't afford it and you are not worth it anyway.
Hey, is that victorian clothes girl again, what is her class?
>The same reason why your driving school don't force professional racers to babysit your dumb ass
If only there were anybody below a professional racer, like, a driving instructor
>and you are not worth it anyway
I argue stopping the economic damage from people failing the quests and letting infestations of goblins become even more entrenched and cause more damage is worth it
Read the LN
Guild are cheapskates and probably not governmently funded
If she was promoted to gold, that scenario were she becomes "punished priestess" would become true.
Nobody will win, oretty sure he will die at the end.
Goblin slayer is married to slaying goblins anyway. He only has so much passion to share.
Well, at some point he will need a successor, someone that continues to exterminating goblins after he is gone. Even with his dedication he probably knows he can't end all of them in his lifetime.
>driving instructor
They all had training and it was all they fault for not being serious when dealing with goblins.