Why would anyone like this literal doormat?
Why would anyone like this literal doormat?
don't mention her and she'll slowly fade from existence.
Because she was literally made to be the viewer's wife. Her whole personality revolves around the MC and how much she loves him. Blatant waifu-bait. Cute though.
Ugly potato with monkey face.
I can see her existence fading out. Her epitaph not being written. A shallow grave is where she rests forever. A name wiped from every mind that ever knew it.
Only redditors and Sup Forums crossboarders like her
Outclassed by pic related.
Confirmed for no reading the series
Come to bed
best girl
get over it
I'd rather not waste time reading more schlock.
How can you even criticize content you don't even consume? You just sound like someone who wants to be contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.
her seiyu
Hahaha what pretentious faggot.
>Doesn't read manga or WNs
What has Sup Forums become.
Why the fuck would I ever read a light novel?
Poor Subaru. He tried boosting her self-esteem, only to nearly die by being drowning in Rem's mayo bath.
Because she'd totally let you do anal.
What kind of anal?
Why would you ever watch an anime?
But I don't. I love Emilia.
Doormats don't commit coldblooded murder, OP.
because they watch a terrible show
>"Do I fit in?" the thread
>Rem 20 years later
I have never hated a character(s) as much as those two dumb cunt maids in Re:zero
The first two episodes were really fun and promising, and then suddenly it introduces these two anime cliche doormats which at any chance a sensible person would ditch and go fucking somewhere else. My friends told me they got more development but every episode that expanded on them made me hate the pair more, only slightly decent moment after episode 2 was the fucking scene of her with all her bones broken.
How can two characters be possibly so fucking painful to watch?
>Learning a useless language to read Chinese comic books
Sasuga user.
watched a couple of jav cosplays of her
pretty good
>f jav cosplays
Her sister is way better imo
The fuck is WN
Web novel, usually shit.
>People don't even know what a WN is
I never knew Sup Forums was full of newfags
never heard of it somehow tho
Pick one