Some madman actually went and translated Jorge Joestar. Enjoy perhaps the most insane piece of canon (?) Jojo literature ever devised by Womankind.
Remember to give thanks to BuddyWaters for translating this nightmarish thing.
Some madman actually went and translated Jorge Joestar. Enjoy perhaps the most insane piece of canon (?) Jojo literature ever devised by Womankind.
Remember to give thanks to BuddyWaters for translating this nightmarish thing.
Other urls found in this thread:
I feel glee at the sight of ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
lisa lisa's huge stonking ass?
It's actually terrible.
I feel betrayed
Iwant to nut inside Joseph
>the most insane piece of canon (?) Jojo literature ever devised by Womankind
The author is a man
>Jorge Joestar
Surely you must be jesting
Reminder the only Part you have to read slowly in order to appreciate all the subtleties and themes of its brilliance is Part 5 and the rest of them don't even compare. If you get a satisfied reaction from any Part that isn't Part 5 it's because you haven't read Part 5 thoroughly enough and must immediately reread it. Ougon no Kaze is objectively the best Part but only if you read it at a snail's pace and observe every single line of ink Araki painted onto the page because you haven't learned to appreciate its genius on all levels just yet.
Ok, who did it?
Who voted Jorge?
Chapter 1 was alright and felt kind of Part 1-2 tier in terms of writing but Chapter 2 felt like utter fanfiction
Should I keep going?
it still makes no sense why araki nowadays draws joseph like that and draws johnathan how joseph is supposed to look
>that doujin where she molests that shota
Save yourself from this
>This is what part 5 fags believe
I know a lot of people give 5 a lot of unwarranted shit but seriously get your head outta your ass
how long have you been a fan of jojo's bizarre adventure™?
That's his daddy George II, but I don't think Araki gives a fuck about Parts 1 and 2 enough to draw them accurately anymore. It's like he put them behind him or something. It's nice he likes to focus on new things, but it's hard to go to Araki for anything related to the Hamon duology
Also that doujin was pretty good. I'm kinda peeved it's the only thing in the Big Ass tag though
Best OP, what is it?
i realized too late after i posted, whoops. i just saw "guy that looks like exactly like joseph does now" and thought it was him. bravo araki.
>Jonathan looks like Rohan
>Joseph might as well be Jorge
>Josuke's hair looks more fake
>That derpy Giorno in the background
>The World looks more like Diego's, even has the Ds
>Kira's Giorno without the doughnuts hair
Thank God Kars is only a head. I seriously wouldn't be so bothered if Jonathan was buffer
I don't get Jorge. The contents of the book itself aren't all that interesting when it comes down to it, but how did it even get made and published? What was the author thinking?
Are Jojoniums worth getting?
I find it's getting harder to tell the difference between Jonathan and Joseph with Araki's style now.
>how did it get made and published
on jojo's 25'th birthday popular novel writers were given an oportunity to write a story in the jojo universe,jorge joester,purple haze feedback and dio's journal(?) were made
>what was the author thinking
He was trying to out-bizarre Araki, and he succeeded
That has always been the case though. Back in part 4's time they both looked like Josuke but Joseph literally had JOSEPH written on his clothes.
>popular novel writers
Really? Is the guy known for writing this sort of nonsense?
Does anyone have the ms paint drawing that shows how fucked Polnareff's pose is from a different angle? Please, I need it.
I love this image, but it's not what I need. I'm saving it anyway, thank you.
>Jorge Joestar makes CLAMP in Wonderland look like a masterpiece
take a look for yourself i guess
I think Sono Chi No Sadame is the best by itself, but the progression of the 3 DiU OPs are untouchable.
Is this worse than the Reimi spine image? I think it is.
>Reimi spine image
>>>>>>>>>anything but crazy noisy bizarre town
get some fucking taste
the nigstars are worse
That cosplay's not amazing but it's not worth getting triggered about.
If you want to be autistic about race then only hafu should be allowed to cosplay Jotaro, Giorno and Josuke, and white people shouldn't be able to cosplay JJL characters at all.
i'm not talking about my picture. i actually forgot i attached it when i typed "the nigstars". i'm referring to a certain picture, you've probably seen it.
Oh, that one? Yeah that one's shit but it's lost all impact to me. Once you've seen one ugly tumblr fanart where everyone is black and obese you've seen them all.
I want Koichi to shit in my mouth
No Josuke abuse in this thread pls
Just Josuke nudes
I've been living under a human (I'm a rock) for the past month, anyhting new JoJo-related? Anything about part 5 anime?
Time to die
Would Yukako forfeit her love for Koichi if she caught a glimpse of Josuke naked?
Anyone would, user. Even crazy Yukako.
Would she let Koichi watch, or would she just show him pictures from her phone afterwards?
Piss off cuckfag
Depends on whether or not Josuke knows of Yukako's hypothetical voyeuristic tendencies. Then again, most of his high school's female student body have probably attempted the same thing.
She would hide it from him until he finds out. Then she would throw a rage fit about how she needs Josuke dick to be calm and how she just wanted to keep a happy relationship. Koichi would of course be manipulated into believing her and go to sleep every day knowing that somewhere out there, his future wife is getting dora'd by the pompadaddy.
The end!
Why does Doppio look like a baby now?
>Koichi will probably use this as leverage to leave Yukako and get into a relationship with a normal, well-adjusted girl
>Josuke will be stuck with the progenitor of yanderes and will never find his Yasuho
>Josuke cucks Koichi out of his shitty unfaithful yandere
>Koichi cucks Josuke out of his Yasuho
Josuke is the ugliest JoJo.
Gappy's much uglier
Post Josukes
Could a pissed off Josuke beat Jotaro in his prime in a stand rush?
Fucking anime only fags voting for part 4
>Malformed teeth
>Creepy, mismatched eyes
>Gormless expression
>Revolting posture
He's a foul little gremlin
t. ugly hair faggot
>Saying that Gappy's namesake teeth are anything less than beautiful
>Insulting his wonderful, unique eyes
>Calling the apex of human intelligence 'gormless'
>Insinuating that the pose of kings, the pose to end all poses, is 'revolting'
Name ONE main villain who isn't a creep in some way.
Pucci, all he wanted was "muh heben"
That's not purposely creepy, he was doing it so he could determine what the fuck was up with Gappy's eyes
Don't forget that he probably licks his son which is how he became a little pervert.
Josuke looks mostly okay but Jotaro, Jolyne, Giorno and Johnny are better.
Yeah I'm saying all that, Gappy is just a downgraded Sea Kira. I blame Josefumi for shitting up his gene-pool.
> implying Josuke and Yukako even like eachother
They did it for the fugs, not the hugs
But thats a lie user
Currently reading through the manga, finished part 1.
Which is better b&w, or color?
Literally barely any difference except the hair.
I bet this makes your dick wet.
BW is usually the best bet. If you like colour then go for it though.
Josuke probaly did become a cop like his gramps. And Okuyasu followed him because thats what Okuyasus do.
> spin-off series about grown-up Okuyasu and Josuke solving crimes in Morioh
I'm ok with this
It shows how good Sailor Kira looked when even a downgraded version is easily one of the most handsome Jojos. The eyes and the little gap are charm points.
Too early to tell.
Kira's got a handsomer face and eyes in general even without the hair, and also he doesn't constantly make expressions that imply a frontal lobotomy.
Who is the cutest?
And Kira has a better hat
>teddy bears in the 19th century
The filename is wrong
He ditched his old boy bear, hence why it showed up in the Civil War fight
Araki's new art style is fine, but when it's applied to older characters they look like fucking abominations.
Only Ultimate Kars could beat prime Jotaro
His older characters look like abominations though
t. Rohan
Who would leave their kid alone with some sick faggot who talks to objects?
>Dinosaurs in the 19th century
There are bigger issues with SBR's historical accuracy than teddy-bears
He lost it when him and Johnny raced after Hot Pants in a panic, they also left a bunch of their other supplies behind. It wasn't intentional and he clearly regretted it (hence it appearing at all), and Gyro picking out the girl bear was to show that he wasn't replacing his own.
Someone who wasn't paying close attention would probably just think Doppio was playing with her and humoring her.
>series is known / celebrated for its boys
>none of them are pure
I guess we have Jonathan and Kakyoin
Do you think Gappy is Josefumi with parts of Kira, or a whole new entity entirely? He's almost definitely not Kira with amnesia.
Josefumi and Gappy sharing a stand makes me think he's just Josefumi with amnesia and extra bits.
>Kakyoin the mother fucker
>Jonathan who didn't die a virgin
Josuke's the only pure one, he doesn't get anyone remotely resembling a romantic interest in his part.
Why was Pucci so happy he had wiped out the Joestar family when Josuke was still a thing.
Unless he was just happy about killing Jotaro and his kid because fuck that guy for killing his precious Dio-sama.
It's not canon, but it is official.