Four days and seven hours until the next episode!
Kemono Friends
please cant we rest for a while
we dont need to have 24/7 threads
we should maintain the quality of these threads i beg of you
Ferris wheel from the ED is visible in the 3rd episode, apparently:
Oh shit, can't wait till we get to the theme park area.
>what are they saying?
There's a Ferris Wheel just barely visible in the distance in that shot. People who noticed are sugoi. "I figured from the ED they'd go to the Park Central in the end, but hiding it even here..."
If that's the final area the ED was foreshadowing even more than we thought.
They just posted the new preview for episode 8. Website is kill.
> they
>didn't go extinct after all, huh.
>What didn't?
>I'm Sand Cat. Nice to meet you.
>S... she sure is a free spirit.
>I- I'm Tsuuchinoko.
>...see ya!
>Why are you following me!?
>Because it's rare.
>Website is kill.
What happened?
Also damn, Emperors tits.
Is an user typesetting all these yet? I might do it myself later if not.
I will be so hyped if the last episodes takes place in a dilapidated rusty amusement park full of Cell Aliens.
Addiction is real.
Too many people trying to get on it to read the preview text?
After the anime is over, will there be nothing left of our friends?
>500 error - Internal Server Error
Margay is CUTE!
It's Margaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
Will we ever see Serval-chan's Shining Finger again?
I'm just translating stuff I found on Twitter so if you want to typset then that's just fine with me.
>You actually know about that!?
>I didn't.
>That's a really nice tail.
>...well it doesn't feel bad to be complimented...
>What do you mean, "hmph!?"
>Unparalleled curiosity and quickness to lose interest!
>This entire place'll be destroyed if I leave her alone!
>That's interesting!
As I understand it, a 500 error would mean there's simply something wrong with the programming of the website rather than a death by traffic.
It all depends on the committee really.
The anime was probably supposed to be a last cheap hurrah for the franchise since everything else was dead. If they play they cards right it can go up there with Boatgirls. But they need to smart and sensitive to the trends and its lasting appeal.
No, they're doing something more with the property after the anime's over.
Could be a second season of the anime. Could be a rebuild of the phone game. Could be whatever.
I want to commit a sin
It was fine 20 minutes ago.
Cygames please make a game from this franchise. Nintendo for the console games.
I think Bushiroad is making a card game, or at least a KF pack for an existing game..?
>It was lots of fun
>spending the day with you, Tsuchinoko!
>You little...
>Let's meet up again tomorrow?
>WAIT, what'd I just blurt that out for!?
>She's nothing but trouble!
>But still...
Bushiroad makes a card game for literally everything.
>Wanting the jews at Cygames to touch Kemono Friends
What a dork
S-sorry i meant if they play *their cards rights
I think it's a set for Weiss Schwarz.
Cygames is probably the best on the market right now for mobile games. High quality and pretty fun too.
Delicious pengtits.
They go to a live show for the penguin idols and meet the Margay. That's basically the story.
Also, good at making you roll and waste hundreds of dollars to get some digital data.
The site background is extremely comfy.
It's Chaos TCG, whatever that is.
I guess, you pretty much have to whale if you want anything good unless you have SSR tier luck. I know from experience.
That shot is too beautiful
An odd mix of minimalism and the colorful characters and vehicle
>Thanks to Sand Cat,
>I did make a ton of discoveries...
>...better not
>Oh, that's right.
>Don't go losing interest in your own idea!
>I won't.
Text is the same as TV Tokyo website.
All mobile games are like that. Cygames is like the least jew among the ones I played. The KF game had terrible rate too since lol Nexon.
Well yeah, that's what mobile games are designed for
If you don't want pay-to-win bullshit then you need a legitimate publisher and platform
>The anime was probably supposed to be a last cheap hurrah for the franchise since everything else was dead
You do know that this series was meant to be a multimedia project since the start, and the fact that the game was cancelled had no impact whatsoever on the production of the anime, right?
I wasn't really behind any of the Friends as couples besides Beaver and Prairie Dog, but the fanart on these two is starting to change my mind
Cygames have always seemed more jew than others to me, but whatever.
This thread is fast.
I bet Granblue was your first mobage. And I can say it's one of the most, if not the most generous mobage I have ever played. Unlike F/GO and DL's jewish practices.
Well they are all jews.
Nekofriends should play with each another.
Tanoshii can't be contained.
They are indeed really cute together.
Pretty good.
So card games Madoks has a collab?
>that broken down and overgrown bus
I don't ship them but I would love to see more interaction between them.
Crap, forgot to type in the full line.
It should be
>...better not stand me up.
Gonna set this as my wallpaper.
First game that comes to my mind in this setting is Fragile Dreams.
can't wait till the males show up and dick the friends
>Character Operating System
oh how clever
Wait, background is different from last time I check the site.
Excluding the character models, this show actually looks pretty good, there is some thought put it in what they are showing you.
Preorded 2 boxes of chaos, didn't see wixoss for preoder yet
Maybe they just wanted a version without Serval
someone has way too much free time and autism on their hands
Their contrasting interests and personalities can make good gags and chemistry. Sand Cat should have joined with them on the ruins.
Man, I love World of Golden Eggs. What would be a proper fit for the BRA JA NAI skit?
Wixoss crossover already happened I think, someone posted the Serval card in these threads.
>way too much free time and autism on their hands
Welcome to the japanese skyrim community.
My sides
>>way too much free time and autism on their hands
>Welcome to the japanese skyrim community.
Welcome to the skyrim community.
Oh well, hopefully will get most of cards from chaos in mid april
Didn't even know that existed, I thought japs only played visual novels and jrpg's
There's at least a hundred different japanese mods for "dick nipples" alone
I would like this to be Bag Chan's unofficial bad ending theme. Hunting for days against easy targets.
>another cat again
this show should be called Catmono Friends
Cats are hugely superior to all other lifeforms, I don't know why it's so surprising.
There's actually a bg-main.png too, but it's over 4MB
I didn't even know there were this many wild cat species out there. I knew about other large felines like fat lions and tigers, but not about the cats.
Maybe I was already happy meal