My history teacher said Hitler was right wing

My history teacher said Hitler was right wing.
Is he wrong?

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>Uhmm....ACKSHUALLY...if anything, hitler was more left wing than right wing

In terms of economics, yes. In terms of everything else, no.

yes, he was an extremist, in the way of loving your people, but he also had kind off socialist ideas

Is Death Grips redpilled?

Ask him what NAZI means.
Ask him what was in his 13 points program that got him elected.

left by are means


Hitler is seem as a right wing dictator if you are a commie.
Seen as a commie if you are a libertarian.
And seen as a third positionist if you have read some political theory.


More redpilled than this board will ever be
British sexpats don't get a say on anything, ever

Other way around, sweetie.

their self proclaimed feminists, anyone who self proclaims feminism these days is not red pilled.

>their self proclaimed feminists
where did they say that?

Source or you're lying.

>Hitler was right wing

Like the 95% of workers who voted for him?

He was authotarian.
But he wasnt particular right wing.
I'd say he was maxed out on the authotarian axis but fairly in the middle if not slightly left leaning fiscally.

Post modern faggots mix these axis up every time.
For them lib = left and authot.= right wing.

There are four dimensions, not two.

I think you maybe a tad bit confused

Not sure politics can be boiled down to left vs right. People that are "rightwing" in the US would be more closely aligned with Hitler and his policies than Bernie Sanders. It makes me chuckle inside when I see retarded Republicans try to compare BLM, AntiFa and any other commie outfit as "literally Hitler". It pains me on the inside, as well, because they just can't see the beauty of what Hitler was trying to create. They're Christians that worship their Jewish overlords. They believe in the power of the word "racist", because diversity is so thoroughly woven into the tapestry of society that they now have friends, coworkers, and other colleagues that are of another race. When they try to argue that leftists are the actual racists it makes me cringe, because every rightwing White person knows deep down that they don't want to live around Blacks or in some barrio, but they are paralyzed and unable to admit it. We spent the last several decades gloating in our defeat of the Nazis and now things have come full circle and we've become the Nazis. Now we can see exactly the conditions they were fighting against.


Yes, in the context of the time and place the Nazis were on the German political Right.



Political compass puts him in about the right spot, imo. By US standards, that's fairly left wing-- left of Hillary, left of 2012 Obama, and a few squares right of Bernie Sanders. By UK standards he's left of UKIP, Tories, and Lib Dems, and right of Labour, SNP, and Greens.

C'mon OP say it with me now

hitler was right so he's correct about that

Nawt-Zees are literal radical centerist

Bump for death grips

>My history teacher said Hitler was right wing.

Drop "wing" from that statement and it's spot on.

your teacher is lying to you. 'left' and 'right' is a false dichotomy. the political spectrum is a circle, not a line.

My advice? forget all that voodoo and get a grasp on the symbology used by our rulers.

I’d say is was definitely right wing. Right and left are defined by their attitude to hierarchy.

yes, he was center left.

>Right and left are defined by their attitude to hierarchy
>muh hierarchy
This sounds like something a communist would say

He was wrong unless he thinks socialism and environmentalism are right wing.

In reality, Hitler had a mix of policies. Nationalism and militarism are pretty right wing, but socialism and environmentalism are pretty left wing.

Lefty teachers just like to label him as right wing, so they can then label right wingers as Nazis on their blog.

That's why fascism/national socialism has sometimes been referred as 'third way' positions - they don't fit neatly into either the right, or the left - they have a mix of right and left wing positions.

>Thatcher almost as authoritarian as Hitler
Of course it's an American too.

Marxism: democratic (read: revolutionary state) ownership of means of production
Anarchism: democratic (read: unclear) ownership of the means of production
Communism: democratic (read: up for debate) ownership of the means of production
Capitalism: private (read: entrepreneurs backed by state) ownership of means of production
Fascism: national (read: militarized state) ownership of the means of production

>right wing

Read Federer new NatSoc
There are free markets unless it conflicts with the will of the volk.
No crack factories for instance

At the root.
Right = pro monarchy
Left = against monarchy
Right = elitism.
Now, did Hitler believed in democracy and power to the pleb or not^

Words have meanings. And stacks of shit like you are a pain in the ass.
Hitler was most definitely right wing learn the fucking terms you pleb.

These assholes just keep asking this question because they're had success getting people to fight over it on here.

Thats not how right and left wing beliefs are defined.
It is about the economic part.
The right beliefs that competition is important and there shouldnt be much taken from you.
The left beliefs in a state-directed economy without much competition.

There is a famous quote from an italian guy about 50yrs ago or so and he pinned it down quite well. Better than I could now.

He was no conservative party. At the time, the right wing consisted of two parts. The capitalist party, and conservative party that wanted to bring back the monarchy. Hitler was socilist left by means of having a new vision of Germany. One that would mimic the great Austrian Empire. In short, your teacher is a varified SJW who believes that the ends justify the means. Do not trust. If anything write i detailed essay about that time frame political parties and place them on a scale.

Hitler was right and he did nothing wrong.

But it is literally true?

You're retarded and have no idea what you're talking about, you haven't even looked into the nazis, that symbol is just a fashion statement to you.

OP: In reality the Nazis abandoned most of their socialist planks the moment that they gained power, they even purged their own ranks to achieve this.

Facism is called the third position because it uses leftwing methodology to achieve right-wing goals.
Basically leftist sentiments were talking points used as a vehicle to obtain power, which was intended and used for right-wing concerns.

But don't take my word for it and certainly don't listen to this vapid idiot who makes up whatever is emotionally appealing to themselves (or more likely mindlessly parrots somebody who has done so). Go to a fucking library and learn for yourself, it's a complicated situation.

Oh and environmentalism is not inherently right wing, this guy doesn't even know what the paradigm means or represents. This is why you shouldn't seek knowledge from Sup Forums, it's full of lazy-minded children these days.

literally the other way

Still I like to remind the uneducated engies where the right left spectrum originated from and the main themes behind each party.
The liberals were the left at some point, then they became the right against the socialists. But it's always in regards to the original themes.
Most people here are leftists, just not as leftists as the people they are against.

At the root.
Right = Conserve
Left = Revolution

This is why in Europe conservative = "pro monarchy", but in the USA conservative = "pro constitution", wherein the constitution is a liberal document in and of itself.

that's why conservatives in Europe are associated with "authoritarian monarchies" whereas in the USA they are associated with the constitution and conserving traditional americanism

Europe liberalism, via the french revolution, morphed into Marxism. In the USA there was no left/right paradigm until the late 1800s, being imported leftism from Europe wishing to a "pro government revolution" in the US

Hitler = from the marxist school of thought. He was not a "monarchist", nobody was at that time. Everyone was a leftist. Hitler was a leftist. There was nothing "right wing" about him.

Nationalism is sometimes attributed as "right wing", but fucking Gandhi and Stalin were nationalists. What you've suffered from is European Marxist-influenced education. Nazis and Commies hated each other. That's why any Marxist sought to disavow Hitler and Fascism. Except, even the Sunnis and Shia hate each other, doesn't mean they aren't both Muslims.

You're an idiot who is spewing nothing but pure emotions in lieu of facts, attitude towards hierarchy is EXACTLY how it's defined. Right/left refers to how power is theoretically derived and exercised, and why.
And nothing else, no matter how much rhetoric you hear that gives you the warm fuzzies. That's called marketing, you are regurgitating commercials right now.

Go find a small child and ask them to let your borrow their social study primer and go ahead and look up "The French Revolution".
Maybe get them to read it to you, slowly.

I say again for the lurkers, look this shit up for yourself, in a library. There is no shortcut to knowledge, otherwise you end up spewing somebody else's nonsense, like this retarded poster.

Economic policy fits in with the spectrum of hierachy.

On the right we believe in order and hierarchy, knowing your place in society and your rights

>Facism is called the third position because it uses leftwing methodology to achieve right-wing goals.
>Basically leftist sentiments were talking points used as a vehicle to obtain power, which was intended and used for right-wing concerns.

And environmentalism can indeed be a right wing position if you look at it from the elitism spectrum. But then some of you would have to read Nietzsche and put aside your *tips fedora* bs.
The will of life is rather an elitist concept, which is associated to the right. And is willing to put in dangers many things to achieve more. To become more.
And don't associate Nietzsche with Ayn Rand. Wanting more is a broader statement than the simple promotion of greed.
It's an omnipresent force. Nietzsche is a continental philosopher and if you see any actual similarities with Ayn Rand which is basically american tier philosophy you're not reading him properly.

I essentially agree with you on the terms. Glenn Beck started this "Hitler was just like a Commie" stuff years ago and people ate it up. Hitler's Germany was that of Ernst Junger, not that of Bertolt Brecht, if I might use a literary analogy.

yes, because the left-right paradigm was a creation put in place to control National-Socialism by splitting it in 2 parts and putting shills in power to divide & rule our populations.
It worked pretty well when they created the worst generation possible who borrowed money from jews to be paid off by our generations and having everything served to them on a platter.
All for the jews to secretly sneak into power and destroy every point our people tried to unite around.
They took over the money creation from the Monarchies and turned gold-based currency with their fiat bullshit only to make us all slaves to their coin.

A history teacher who will be so inside the box that he cannot even fathom any ideological paradigms different from his current, extremely limited, black/white world.

In hitlers time we had jews, profiteers, capitalists, monarchists, nationalists, racists, fascists, anarchists, communists, bolsheviks, democrats, monk orders etc etc
As a thinking human being you should put certain information at the basis of all your conclusions;
1) we are in a post-war world where 1 side of said conflict won. Can we get objective information from such a source?
2) How can ww2 be seen without ww1 and even leading back to napoleon and cromwell?
3) what are the real differences in Europe from before ww1 to now? What side has gained power and what side has lost.

Honestly i cant even fathom learning anything from someone placing a historical person into a rigid 2-sided paradigm that is completely irrelevant to the political reality of that time. What a joke.

More feelings presented as facts, absolutely retarded.

So many drop out neets here.

>OP: In reality the Nazis abandoned most of their socialist planks

Not big spending and government control over industry. Or a plethora of social programs.

Nazism is interesting in the fact that its only occurred once in history compared to every other ideology. Its really hard to place it anywhere on the spectrum, but if you use the horseshoe spectrum it is really closer to left wing extremism than the regular "right wing" in many countries today.

I meant root of the concept as in where the modern concept originated from.
The people who sat on the right of the kind and the people who sat on the left.
No, I maintain my statement Sven.
Wasn't the Us itself a revolution against the Brits^
Case and point.
Go away Sven.

This, Hitler is basically socialist + Volkish.
He took from both movements.

That's a great argument. Your comment has rewritten history as you see fit. Amazing



... sent it to myself

>self proclaimed feminists
But how is this possible then?

I'm getting drunk

hitler was an authoritarian centrist

Fuck off burger these threads are not meant for your kind

There was a significant part of the NSDAP which was anti elite, esoecially before WW2

>Nat Soc
>National Socialist
>Right wing

Your teacher has completely surrendered to his conditioning.

pick one

" We started Death Grips being very pro-homosexual and pro-individual-- the idea of being OK with yourself no matter what. It really has to do with acceleration-- culturally, on a world level-- of sexuality in general, and getting past homophobia"

Yes. You are not wrong. But people who sat on the right weren't strictly "Monarchists" as much as they were Conservatives. They wanted to conserve the old way of governance. The left wanted a revolution.

This is at the core. The core is not "liberalism" vs "monarchism". It's "liberalism and revolution" vs conservatism.

When your very founding document is liberal. What differentiates a liberal from a conservative. One conserves the founding document, the other wants a liberal founding document. They both agree. And they did, up until the late 1800s, when Europe's leftism came to America.

Socialism. Marxism. Progressivism. And so on. The left right paradigm started then in the US. There was no paradigm before that.

And Marxism is not liberal. Not more liberal than the US constitution. It's revolutionary.

Left is liberal and revolution, the right is conserve. That's all that is to it.

In europe, left wing means egalitarian and right wing means hierarchical
Since hitler believed in structuring his socialism via hierarchical structures, i.e. ethnic germans above non ethnics, and everyone above jews, hes considered right wing.
American politics left/right dynamic is entirely on the left wing side of europe. So when we say "right wing" for american, i.e. individualism, it's "right of center" for europe.
Your teacher isn't wrong, it's just not the same definition. Just like some cultures only consider people gay if they have relationships with the same sex, not just because they have sex with them. Different cultures have different measuring sticks.

You're a fucking brainlet if you believe that and you should neck yourself.
Really, Canada would be better off without your degeneracy.

They were radical centrists.
Remove the ethnocentrism, and national socialism basically becomes social democracy, which is what we have in Scandinavia. It's neither right-wing nor left-wing, but takes from both.

Hush leaf you're not human you have no say in anything.


The question was "is he wrong" not "was hitler right wing" so "yes, in terms of economics he was wrong" means economically, hitler was leftist, i.e. socialist.


He was literally a radical centrist

I know. And I was kidding regarding my example.
It's true in this case but the revolution / conservation explanation is more accurate.
Though we can observe both on the right and the left wing some recurrent themes.
Like elitism, in part over the fight over revolution and conservation.
I maintain that Hitler was right wing.

Weimar was a revolution.

Auth. Left tells you there is no hierarchy. But it never worked out. Someone is or will be on top (mao, stalin, lenin, kim jong-il/un, pot).
It is just a meme for gaining power. Try to change it and get killed.

>his party were national socialists so he was a socialist
>butterflies are made of butter
Back to the_donald

Hitler is pretty much dead centre, his policies are as much left as right due to it being wartime. And that Thatcher is so wrong, that's where I placed fucking Salazar when I made a political chart based on this system

Not an argument, neither did you provide any for your fucking claim.
An authoritarian centrist is basically someone doesn't give a fuck and who is in for cash at the expensive of the angry pleb.
Fuck off burger. Retards can't figure out how deeply inflicted they are to the normal eyes. I'm saying this for your own good.

I wasn’t arguing that it is an effective form of governance, just that is the principle of its ideology. It fails because it completely ignores human nature & natural law, thinking man is perfectable and we can overcome our own flaws

By today's standards? Yeah probably. But he was more of a centrist.

Since Communism's fall, the West has swung way off to the left. We would be considered communism-lite by their standards

>Weimar was a revolution.
It wasn't. Neither was Nazi Germany.

Elitism can be found on both sides.

Hitler was an elitist, but so was Stalin's inner circle.

Kim Jong Il is an elitist, and so were the robber barons.

There was nothing about elitism in the French revolution. That's just pure propaganda.

Liberalism / Revolution vs Conservatism. That's all. And Hitler was a leftist, like most Europeans at the time. In Hitler's case it's not about "Revolution / Liberalism", but more that he worked within that school of thought.

Being a leftist doesn't mean you want endless revolution, but that you're more on the side of the left than on the right. In Europe, leftism became *the* way of life by the late 1800s. There were hardly any monarchists or conservatives at that point, save for some states.

True words bong

OP's teacher

>fascism is left wing idiology

only categorizing ideology as right or left wing is so arbitrary and 1D. and shit like the political compass that include authoritarian and libertarian is 2D. Ideology is much more complex than that, you can't put shit like that on a chart.

Nazis were center leftists, but they're considered "right wing" to communists.

Yeah we've all taken the political test too achmed, we know where they put the little dot for hitler.

But you can place every major ideology on the political compass and there are no problems... Or do you really believe that Wikipedia's categories like National Conservatism and that other hokum are real, fully formed ideologies?

>islamic gommunist :DDDD


Ask your teacher, what Socialism and Work mean.

I’ve only known one person who spells the word “our” as “are”. Is that you B Whip?

>in terms of economics

Your a fucking idiot.
The Nazi financial system has been called 'Psydo Communism' and 'Nazi Communism'.
The means of production were left in the public sector's hands, but manufacturing and agriculture officially were seen as existing for the good of the state, not their owners.
The government dictated what would be produced, how much, where it would be sold, what it would cost to consumers, how much the workers would be paid, and what profits the owners would take.
NONE of that is free market capitalism, the cornerstone of right-wing theory.

The National-Socialist position is more centrist than anything, which policies that reflect positions from both sides of the right-left dichotomy.