Clearly best girl while everyone else is busy trying to outslut eah other.
Clearly best girl while everyone else is busy trying to outslut eah other
Yeah, she doesn't have to move an inch to be a massive slut
Stop making threads. We have more than 1 already.
This girl is cute. Should I watch the show for her?
>muh generals
Clearly pure an dedicated to a single person without a single braincell considering alternatives.
Fuck off, the other threads are shitty baits an you know it.
>Shitty picture
>Can't even put the show title in the thread
Yeah, such a quality thread.
>Multiple baiting threads
I want 13 year old to leave.
Well I just looked at the main promo pic.
>multiple girls
>she isn't the main girl
She's gonna lose isn't she
Also she looks like Eriri, another girl I like who is gonna lose
I don't think I can take another heartbreak senpai
There are no winners in this show.
Everyone loses.
I just read the synopsis and still have no clue what this is about
Is this supposed to be a Toradora type of deal?
Whatever, at least I am not trying to bait and simply want to talk about the merits of the, imo, best girl.
This is what I thought at first, but it is far from it. It is an honest look at complex relationships, although in the highshool setting it is rather melodramatic. Then again it IS anime, so melodrama and the highschool setting are more or less a given.
Don't remind me, he is going to pick one of the sluts or it will be a cop out ending in which "nobody loses".
>Sup Forums
>needing the show title
back to le plebbit
Simply put: there's this woman that loves dicks, this man that loves said slut, and our kid heroes that are both in love with that woman and that man. They're all sick in the head so they try to heal the pain with dick.
>le plebbit
You need to go back.
it's an anime soap opera
This sounds a lot better than what the synopsis suggested
Picked up I guess
Not before you learn to not need to be spooned titles on Sup Forums I don't.
I browse MAL too, what are you going to do about it, bitch?
>every Kuzu no Honkai thread currently in the catalog is discussing meta garbage
>including this one
what the fuck is wrong with you people
Call you out on it, shitlord.
There is no discussion, Moca is clearly the only pure person in the show, everyone else is doling out sex like it is going out of fashion for the sake of not being lonely or getting one over on someone else. I guess Mr. Big Brother is sort of pure as well, used, but pure.
5 (five) threads on this show. Should I pick it up or is this just post air trolling?
Sup Forumsutism at its finest. Don't mind them, just watch it if you want to.
watch episode 1 and decide whether you like it? it only costs 20 minutes of your time
sick burn