Is EVERY girl in this show a slut?
Is EVERY girl in this show a slut?
All girls in general are sluts
>means "part-time work"
>not beito
You might as well be a phone poster.
>I didn't watch the show
Yeah, sure.
something something all girls are like that lol.
it's called "realism"
Why am I seeing these more and more often on this board
And why don't I see anyone calling them out as usual?
>Caring about purity
Kuzu no Honkai
Way to make yourself look like a retard.
New kids.
It's ironic.
Remind me how this is relevant to you posting a pic in a shitty resolution? There are phones with better resolution on the market, stop being a poorfag and invest in something above 1280x720. My shitty el cheapo laptop from 8 years ago supports a higher res than that.
Are you fucking retarded for real?
He' right though, it is a shitty rez. Also horrible subs are terrible piratebay-tier shitters.
Moca isn't a slut though. She's giving it up for the one she loves.
Oh wait, you don't like when women have sexual feelings for anyone but you.
Can you be a slut if you never got laid?
>you don't like when women have sexual feelings for anyone but you
Where do you think you are?
i want to believe i'm just being trolled hardcore
you guys have really honed your skills
>moka was supposed to be a pure girl waiting for her childhood friend prince
>turns into another slut
The only person she is opening up to is said childhood friend prince.
Not being a slut doesn't mean you don't ever open up to anyone you shut-in retard.
Senpai opened up only to Mugi too. Does it make her the best girl, untainted by slutiness?
She sorta opened up to ms redhead and to mr stranger mugi lookalike to spite Akane, so no.
Both of you are retarded. The show's resolution (native) is 720p. It has nothing to with his screen.
He meant the busty senpai girl, Mei, not Hanabi.
She quite literally admits to merely using him for sex and not really wanting anything more, so again no.
This is unfiltered stupidity.
You mean bait, I refuse to believe there is actual intentional stupid on this board, there is only bait and people who fall for it.
Sufficiently dumb bait is indistinguishable from actual stupidity.
>I refuse to believe there is actual intentional stupid on this board
You're in for a surprise.
I haven't watched any of this but then thought of it makes me feel ill. It's like they behave like 3D girls but in 2D.
>not watching AOTS
But I do watch LWA, user.
That's Maid Dragon.
>Gay Dragon
If you beleive this you are one of the stupid people.
Back to your moeshit threads.
Mugi is the hero harem animes deserve.
He's giving the dick to ALL these dirty little sluts.
>Dyke dragon and pedo bait
Yet he hasn't given dick to anyone aside from the pre-plot girl who admitted to using him for sex, so technically he didn't even give her the D, she simply took it.
>And why don't I see anyone calling them out as usual?
We've stopped caring, this is the age of normies.
>trashy soap opera with no likable characters
Kemono Friends is better.
Virgins who don't care about virginity, help me out please.
I can't stop thinking about how my potential gf completely submitted herself to another man.
I can't stop imagining her being marked with another mans seed on her face. I can't stop imagining her wrapping her legs around another man and saying please cum inside me.
>no likable characters
>implying Haruhi trash is any better.
Holy fuck purity fags are precious. Tumblr levels of triggeredness.
Sounds like you're into NTR
Self insert as the other man.
Self insert into the other man.
>even the only girl I found interesting at the beginning of the show is a slut
I'm really glad I dropped it 4 weeks ago.
Report it.
Is this a pasta now?
You're a funny guy.
Kill yourself.
self-insert your asshole into another man's penis.
It's not that hard to be a better character than all the sluts in this show.
Moca is still pure. Even the way she wanted to be defiled is too pure and innocent. This feels like rape.
She's a slut too, she somewhat using Mugi's feeling to take advantage of him but she failed, because Mugi is a pure guy.
Akane is best girl.
Does anyone have the linear generations graph i made a couple of threads ago? The "Human Cuckipede" one?
I was just scrolling by and saw this webm, is that her brother?
Kill yourself.
Why is it that whenever i see a webm from this show there's always a girl trembling and crying as if the guy is about to kill her.
Hey I'm asking an honest question here. Is it or is it not incest?
No that's not her brother your crazy fuck. It's her lover, well, almost a lover.
It isn't rape because nothing happened. She wanted it until she didn't any more, but she still wants it because she doesn't want it any more.
She's pretending to be "pure", she's using him, she wants him to fuck her.
That's all I wanted to know.
You have pretty vivid imagination and strange obsession with other men's semen. Do you self-insert as your potential gf?
>girls behave like sluts
>constantly cry and are unhappy
Really gets the old neurons going
Insecure sissy white bois getting called out on their shit.
You are fucking retarded.
Why does every girl look like they are crying before sex?
How do I become alpha like Mugi?
Come on, give him a break. I haven't even watched the show either. I was just browsing the home page and saw the word 'slut'.
It's most likely too late for you. You'll become Brad at best, you need to start your social development early to become Chad.
Baiting at its finest
MDMA/Benzos etc.
I love the effect this show has on Sup Forums.
Japanese animators don't know how sex is so they believe women feel bad while having it
She had no feelings for him, only wanted his dick
>making me think about that stuff too
wtf? i hate my girlfriend now. i want to stop seeing her and shoot myself
This niqqa gets it.
Your gf loves YOU now, it doesn't matter that her love isn't special and she shared it with multiple people before you.
First: Be good looking.
Second: Not spending all days on a chinese cartoon board.
She also said the same things she is saying to (You) now to another dude
The author is a woman
>Kuzu no Honkai airs
>Kana Hanazawa came out as a slut
Physical affection is on a different level though. My Cantonese wall paintings said so.
>Japanese animators don't know how sex is so they believe women feel bad while having it
You're actually gay.
>Not being a slut doesn't mean you don't ever open up to anyone you shut-in retard.
seriously wtf is wrong with people
>comes on to only guy she has ever like
>waah wahh all girls are sluts