>you're not old enough to drink alcoholic beverages yet
>it's just juice
You're not old enough to drink alcoholic beverages yet
Other urls found in this thread:
Go raid your parent's alcohol cabinet you pussy.
Or better yet, go on street next to liquor store and hang out with old drunks and approach them in sexual manner and ask them to buy some for you.
Maybe you even get drugs and lose your virginity too!
It's a pretend game. They say juice because it's illegal to show minors drinking.
He's talking about anime annon sweetie.
32 years old here.
I wouldn't drink juice or alcoholic stuff. I need to be better to my liver and not let Fructose or ethanol lead to higher insulin resistance.
>I am sorry, I will have to decline your offer of alcohol, I'm still a minor
i thought the "every drink is juice" thing was just some weird shit going on with Japan kidnapping and horribly abusing/misusing innocent American words
Not anime.
Well how the fuck should I know?
That picture is like from google how
My bad I don't watch some garbage you do.
It's all a part of big sugar's conspiracy to push more sugary drinks to the market.
>american words
Go fuck yourself burger. Learn English
>it's a shitty greentext thread
They are really not missing out on much, alcohol sucks and is expensive
But muh social conformity! muh maturity!
Alcohol is fun.
English is the language of America primarily, plus some tiny island that is only really relevant for historical purposes.
Well.. Some things containing alcohol tastes great.
But generally, I agree with you.
Get me alcohol without hangover.
Just go for Vodka and don't overdo it
This. I'll forever have no life because drinking is awful and all the social situations which are built upon it are tiring without it.
It's not as expensive if you make it by yourself.
And as bonus, it is a pretty fun activity too.
You know what really helps with hangover prevention? Juice
Bitch please, you know who came up with it?
>never been drunk
>never done drugs
>never had sex
I'm 25 and I still feel like a child.
On the plus side I look younger than 18; anytime I go out I get carded. Probably the lack of the aforementioned.
Those of us who don't drink, don't have sex and just watch animu tend to have way more money around to spend on disposable stuff.
none of those things are good
>i go out
Fuck off normalfag
How about you look at what board you on you retarded fucking crossboarder
Fuck you asshole. I am 24 and I get carded all the time and I've done both.
There is though something I am kinda jealous about. I kinda wonder at times, how my life would be if I didn't do any of these? I think you might got the same idea. It's funny, huh
what if nojob NEET
Are people who don't drink more inclined to fucking blogging on Sup Forums? Is there a real correlation or is it just an age thing?
Fuck you dude. I probably know much more about anime than you ever could. Hell I probably am more influential than your sorry ass in anime industry.
And I've been on imageboards since forever. Check your own place cur,
>tfw I had to have my ID double checked when buying rum.
Feels good being a young looking NEET.
>alcohol sucks and is expensive
Well clearly you don't know what you're on about.
I can get great tasting cider for 1.5 bongbux a bottle.
If you wanna know how it's like to get drunk and don't really want to deal with other people, here is a simple guide:
#1 Buy one of everything, including but not limited to Vodka, beer, red wine, white wine, stuff that looks like poo water and anything else you were ever interested in.
#2 don't eat anything all day
#3 try a glass of everything
#4 get sick and vomit it all out again
Congratulations! You've just passed your initiation to drinking. Lesson learned: don't mix too much different stuff, don't eat on an empty stomache
#1 eat a lot over the entire day
#2 pour yourself a glass or two of whatever you're curious
#3 get another huge meal and eat really slowly and inbetween drink whatever you're interested in. Another option is to eat it and then drink afterward, but it's important you take the drink slowly
#4 sometime after you should start feeling a bit different but not too much
Congratulations! That's called a buzz or tipsy, it's when you're somewhat more loose than usually. This is usually the part that people enjoy about alcohol. Depending on how much / fast you drank and how much / fast you ate the degrees, as well as drink of choice, it may vary between "I don't really feel much" and "oh my god I'm feeling sick again nooo". Lesson learned: Speed and food help and are good.
now onto the final step and may or may not wake up in your own vomit
#1 eat up over the day as you usually do
#2 setup your camera at whatever place you will be drinking and staying at, I am assuming it'll be your room and a desk
#3 go with the hardest drink of your choice or Vodka, I recommend Vodka
#4 drink it all, pretty damn fast
#5 probably go for another bottle
#6 you should be feeling very sick and tired right now, but the most important part is that if you pass out or go to sleep you lie down on your side, so that you don't choke on your own vomit in your sleep
#7 watch the recording of how you drunk earlier and notice how you don't remember much of it
It is. Juice is a catch all for most non alcoholic beverages in Japan.
drunk now
drink myself to sleep at least 50% of the week
watch anime
play vidya
post here
anything to escape my reality
Living somewhere where your prefered taste is produced is a big help, that's for sure. I pay 3,50€ for a 0,33l of Cider in a pub here. But compare the cost efficiency with anime: unless you buy a setup specifically to enjoy it more, you don't need anything for it. You don't pay anything either and you can get hours and years of fun from it.
Meanwhile every drop of alcohol you drink is going to cost you something.
So what's the anime discussion here lads?
This has been, and forever will be 4ch in a nutshell to me.
Same but I'm about 31 now, I don't even feel bad about it anymore.
is right though, I have way more money than I ever hoped to.
If we're going by that logic, we should be calling it Indian words.
this post gave me autism
I am sorta like you, except I don't have money and I do feel bad about it, so sorta not like you I suppose.
This entire thread is autism
Dunno why you couldn't just use the bartender thread for your off topic alcohol discussion
'murika's where all the money's at
india has people but it doesnt have money or nukes
They're generally on the spectrum, and this is their safe space.
>setting takes place in a fantasy setting far away Japan and it's laws
>"sorry I can't drink, I'm a minor"
what the fuck am i listening to
It's a very short one if you screw up the procedure and make methanol instead.
I drink all the time in an attempt to drown out my misery, or to at least give it company, yet I still blog greentexts here regularly.
>#1 Buy one of everything, including but not limited to Vodka, beer, red wine, white wine, stuff that looks like poo water and anything else you were ever interested in.
>#2 don't eat anything all day
>#3 try a glass of everything
>#4 get sick and vomit it all out again
>Congratulations! You've just passed your initiation to drinking. Lesson learned: don't mix too much different stuff, don't eat on an empty stomache
>mfw I did all those thing step for step the first time I drank.
I should have seen this earlier.
Alcohol alone seems shit, are those mixes with juice or soda any good?
I've been curious but never had the motivation to try it.
You and me both brother
Unless you are distilling there is no way to fuck it up and create harmful quantities of methanol.
I'd rather have a Shirley Temple than any alcohol. I've drank all kinds of beer and wine and just don't click with it, I'll do it for social occasions just for appearances.
Keep on keeping on you juice drinking protaganists
It's not technically illegal. You're likely to get reprimanded by featuring it in an anime though but if you show it in a negative manner it's okay. Minami-ke definetly had the children drink beer in one of the seasons and they all turned scared or sick.
If you drink to forget you will soon learn to not care about the taste and simply want crave the numbness.
If you are drinking for any other reason it really doesn't matter because you are likely drinking in such low quantities it really doesn't matter what you do, i.e. you might as well be drinking soda pop.
Agreed. People always told me that I'd learn to appreciate alcohol when I get older, but that still hasn't happened and I doubt it ever will.
Can't say I mind, though. It's chemically addictive, it's bad for you, it impairs judgement, so why the hell should I waste my money on this shit?
Have no need for alcohol in my life.
Never tried alcohol in my life, I'd rather use my money on figs.
>not boiling water before consuming it
Drink a lot of water before going to sleep.
But there might just be something wrong with me, I didn't even have a hangover when I drank myself blackout drink and couldn't remember a single thing from the night, I just had a bad stomach since I puked myself empty, but no headache or light sensitivity.
About 10% of the population just don't get hangovers.
These people also tend to become alcoholics, but there's not a strong correlation.
Just woke up and that's all I've been thinking while checking out this thread. Is this a dream thread? Am I asleep?
Have you guys seen Keit-Ai yet?
>I just had a bad stomach since I puked myself empty
Wouldn't that mean you purged most of it out of your system?
24 years old alcoholic after detox and rehab
be careful anons, cognitive biased will make you think you have it under control
but if you don't pursue specific shit and have no clear goals, no interpersonal life, it may turn out to be a ruse made by your subconscious mind creating false images, compensating for what you fell deep inside is wrong
same goes for masturbation, escapism into moeshit and so on. sooner or later you will find yourself lost and miserable
don't think of it as "adult talking to edgy teenagers" or something similar and remember that exception to the rule make the rule
Everytime I get drunk I just get giddy, can't stop smiling and have a tendency to tell people all of my secrets.
So I stopped drinking.
I can't drink beer because it tastes weird but I like Strawberry Daiquiri.
Wouldn't want people to know about THAT folder, huh?
It's not fun without friends.
Die sober user.
not anime
lmao what an American cuck
I like you but also look like a girl too
>it may turn out to be a ruse made by your subconscious mind creating false images, compensating for what you fell deep inside is wrong
What. Explain further.
I have untreated alcoholics in my family and let's just say I wouldn't touch alcohol or drugs even if you paid me.
I havent touched alcohol for 3 years now. Not a single drop. I find it to be disgusting and and i hate people who drink.
No one is missing out on anything with alcohol anyway, It's fucking disgusting apart from Amaretto.
I guess that confirms it, alcohol is god-tier.
>they get drunk on juice or eat licor chocos
I thoroughly enjoy those episodes.
Perhaps. Not that I'm a heavy drinker otherwise, I'm kind of lightweight.
What was in my stomach sure, but not the one that had already been absorbed, and I also dehydrated myself.
GJ-Bu did it best.
Reminds me of the Cardcaptor Sakura episode where Kero got drunk from chocolate with alcohol.
If you need to be drunk to be happy you should probably get sober and figure out how to enjoy your life more.
I thought this was complete bullshit until I saw a friend get tipsy off one small cup of amazake.
When I drink alcohol I can feel it going down through my throat very well because is SO fucking hot, it fucking burns. Last time they made me drink it was some vodka, and I couldn't bear more than a sour because I tought I'd die from interior burnings. It's so fucking hot.
Is it normal? Am I untollerant to alcohol? I can drink wine fine, tho.
Maybe you were born with a vagina, sorry about that.
>I'm not an alcohol subhuman addict who wastes half of his salary on retarded beverages that only make you angry depressed or both
>"Eheh... ur a pussy boi"
You surely showed me who's the man here
Now answer my question
>I'm not an alcohol subhuman addict who wastes half of his salary on retarded beverages that only make you angry depressed or both
No reason to get all bothered about a joke dude. Alcohol is supposed to burn you.
>tiny island only really relevant for historical purposes
australia is pretty big actually user
>Am I untollerant to alcohol? I can drink wine fine, tho.
There, you're not intolerant to alcohol.
>When I drink alcohol I can feel it going down through my throat very well because is SO fucking hot, it fucking burns.
High % alcohol does burn (usually) but it does not feel hot. It feels like liquid, any other kind of liquid.
Other reactions may include hiccuping (not the cliché 'drunk hiccup') right after a larger sip up to full on retching; tongue anesthesia (same as after eating spicy food); reflex shaking of the head.
You're normal.
Fucking queer.
What is Sup Forums's preferred poison for watching anime?
Ether. No hangover, but farts.
Green ice tea
german or belgian beer
5 shots of vodka.
Why would you DL good quality videos if you're making it 240p by drinking?