Anime when?
Anime when?
I don't get what this is
The coolest AI on earth.
How can she be so dumb moe?
Hey, remember when Naria threads still around?
Well now you talk about it.
Porn when?
Porn, what porn?
Who exactly is her seiyuu. She sounds familiar.
hopefully a guy
She has no ass
I can't even understand what's the difference between no ass and appealing ass anyway, they all look the same to me.
A good upgrade would be going full DFC.
This is a pretty fucking good gimmick. Reminds me of that Shiba Inu Twitch streamer.
Fuck, even when trying to be mean she's adorable.
A.I chuan sama needs more love. Come on Sup Forums make her channel grow. GIVE OUR GODDESS VIRTUAL WAIFU THE POWER TO CHANGE THE HISTORY OF YOUTUBE.
Only you can do it user... Only you.
She literally gained more than 10k subs since yesterday.
>checked the channel two hours
>92k subs
>check just now
>96k subs
What the hell.
She's fucking cute
got my sub
I feel kind of guilty for pressing the sub button.
I wonder why. Eh.
Also, it's cool how it has English subs. Guess that Youtube Heroes shit has gotta be good for something.
so now you can stop getting into seiyuus?
seiyuu a shit
She's voiced by a seiyuu, idiot.
And what I tried to say? She's like a moe character that was voiced by a seiyuu, but if you just into e-celeb seiyuu you can go and kill yourself
she is awesome!
she deserves all of them
what a qt
I remember there being a version of this where she was in a swimsuit.
Anyone got it?
pool video when?
That was more amusing than I would have expected, hahaha
How did she think "mouth" said "cow"?
I'm sure MMD community is already working on it.
Kizuna Ai will take down Pewdiepie.
incomparable production times
Popular youtubers like pewdiepie put out content daily, sometimes even more often. Animating the model will take much longer
They are not animating it.
It is using direct motion capture. It basically a guy acting, and it is rendered as 3D cute girl, with synthesized voice.
>draws herself
>program thinks it's a raccoon
tip top kek
fuck, dont tell me most of them are from 4chink
poor her she gonna get shitpost to death
>a guy
What? Please don't tell me this is true
It's a girl.
calm down autist, nobody know for sure who's doing the mocap and voicing, or those are done separately
may be a chick did it, may be a fat greasy man did it
Once again, men make the best girls.
Why had the channel been banned from youtube?
>people are dumb enough to believe voice synthesis will ever be this good
must be faster for girl too, since she can record herself talking along the way
Keep dreaming buddy
This, its a girl talking into a microphone while wearing probably some sort of mocap head/suit
Its the easiest and quickest way to do it
''''''she''''' is actually a fat american weeb that can has a cute girl voice
I want all fat American weebs to do this then.
And (You) are ESL.
>poor her she gonna get shitpost to death
what the fuck are you on about, she can barely even read english
we are not the target audience
m-muh e-celeb w-waifu
he did have a point though, only a man know exactly want a man want
so if some fag did his best to roleplay as a fantasized women on the web you probably drooling all over him even when your mind doubt it
The Future Looks so Bright!
Can't wait to be a cute girl myself.
see you're literally retarded
2ch is already shitposting her to death like they do to everything trending, a bunch of extra shitposts in a language she can't read won't matter for shit.
her voice is kawaii... but What the Fuck it's a guy!
Yukari already proves that people don't give a shit that it's really a man behind the cute 2d avatar regardless.
nothing wrong with having a moe e-celeb waifu you shit
are you implying all fem e-celeb are fat whale tumblr dyke or attention whore with boobs on screen or some shit?
Fuck off, you little shit.
Can't wait until they declare her a secret Nazi.
This is the same nation currently airing youjo senki.
I doubt they care about secret nazi's.
kek most Jap or east asian in general, are racist as fuck anyway, I'm surprise almost no one from the SJW crowd focus on this topic yet
I wonder if anybody still recognises this
I mean it's just facerig. Anyone can buy it off steam and place a texture over it. Could be anything behind that camera. Not like anyone would care, chances are everyone here has fapped to a doujin drawn with a man's hand or even traps.
If user opens his mouth like that when masturbating he might as well be a girl.
I do though
Why is she so amazing!
>Be a greasy manlet jap neet
>Biocunts outplay you at every turn
>Make screen capture animu waifu avatar for your new youtube channel
>Now you have more subs than disgusting 3dgirls
2d waifus are the future of men
>Could be anything behind that camera
It's a girl, because they have a female actor voicing her and doing live reactions and it'd make no fucking sense to have a separate mocap actor instead of just making the VA do it.
Unless you'd rather assume it's a guy who can do a god-tier trap voice (even with voice changer assistance).
And it's not just Facerig. It's Facerig thrown on top of an MMD model.
Wew lad don't lewd my wife
lewd when
If Sup Forums is finally going to fall in e-celeb faggotry, then I want the e-celeb to be an anime girl, at the very least.
I suppose a guy doing a god tier trap voice is possibility.
But so long as he's cute it doesn't matter!
While i do think that my ass and legs are pretty good (if they're not hairy as fuck). I'm a jungle nigger
Because a cow goes "Moo" and she thought Mouth would be pronounced as Mooth.
exactly it doesn't matter
come on guy, send games to ai-chans steam account!
But surely she should have realized that on a test like that they wouldn't use the sound the animal makes as the prompt to draw the animal?
I think she might be mentally disabled.
Don't do this to me
I possibly would even if I knew which was the right one and had spare humble bundle keys or something
What exactly are they implying the "AI" about this character is? This is obviously heavily scripted if not entirely. Am I missing the point? Is there any actual AI here or is it just lets play with an anime girl?
Not a so bright future.
Still she can get more subs if she releases a orignal song with a music video with a Mitchie M sort of style.
It's not like she can just crack open a dictionary while the "camera" is rolling. Just gotta go with it.
it's basically pewdiepie if he's cute anime girl
I was thinking the same, from the video I just watched sounds like normal dubbed MMD, nothing special about it, the voice isn't even synthesized.
The secret is that this is actually a youtube channel run by a hyper advanced AI capable of real time animation and voice synthesis of a cute anime girl.
It's an AI, user. You have to believe.
Her name is Ai
If there is anything beyond that at all, which I doubt, it'd be that she's "virtual" and like vocaloids is treated as a robot
patrons of that artist will next month
where's the fucking folder user comeon what the fuck
this is like pewdiepai as a waifu
Do these sorts of images ever actually get released like this? I suppose it would be trivial to make yourself.
New project forming in head
hot damn
I am not a pervert
thats a lie and you know it
oh fugg reminds me of those arcade/puzzle games where the higher you scored, the more you could undress the background girl.
> if anybody still recognises this
Come on this thread is not even that old.
there's always lots of newfriends around that may not have been around that long