1920s liberal

>1920s liberal
>flower vase painter
>college drop out
>ww1 coffee boy
>animal lover
>straight edge
>admired islam
>weak minded
>wrote an incoherent diary
>killed thousands of whites
>invaded russia during winter
>never saw a battlefield
>never visited a concentration camp
>destroyed europe
>killed himself instead of making a last stand against his enemies
>a hero to imprisoned trailer trash, lifetime failures, anime weebs, edgelords, 13 year olds, and betas

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>>never saw a battlefield
this is wrong, he was in WWI no? You are right tho, Hitler was a big loser. Sad!

op is a kike

>true German hero

Also was constantly on meth...

He was also Jewish.

I know a guy who did meth once or twice, good guy. really.

Adolf Hitler Rothschild


>Inb4 anally flaming Naziaboos

The funny part is that it's factually correct.minus n"never saw a battlefield"

Bottled is literally the worst thing EVER happening to the white race
No single kike on earth I. History managed to amass such a kill count of toys in such a Short

Not to mention forever destroying the noble and good meaning of fascism-traditionalism and resistance to postmodernism with its bloodthirsty despisal of human life and freedom, Maki g it synonymous with mass murder and war

Yes, he saw plenty of battle during WW1 and was wounded/sickened by a gas attack.

Good post user, this is sadly the truth of things.

what? he was a scout
he spent virtually the entire war alone in the woods with his dog

Is this the designated JIDF bread?

While meth tends to ruin most people, for some it seems that for their brains Pervitin is simply high octane fuel. Btw when my grandma was young she often had severe migraine. Her doctor, an ex-Stuka pilot, then always gave her an injection with what he would only call his 'secret medicine'.

>mfw when some crazy-ass ex-Luftwaffe doctor put my grandmother on meth on a regular basis


>policies I mostly agree with
>invading Poland and France and a bunch of other places
>killing my fellow Catholics

Good post.

>it's ok when old german clay was given to those countries though
>it's ok when Napoleon tried to do the same though

That doctor later died from radiation poisoning. He was the first to have a roentgen apparatus in our area. Did not give a single fuck about lead aprons. Crazy Stuka pilots...

No, Napoleon was a manlet cuck too. He literally got cucked. Smart guy for sure, but a manlet cuck. Germany lost a war, and lost territory, the world is not fair, and the reaction of the nazis was too much.

A lot of insults coming from an average jew Joe.
Lead us oh enlightened one.

to the stars...


OP is somewhat right


Really activating those almonds.


>never saw a battlefield
He fought in the trenches in WWI you dumb Redditor