I just read all of Tsugumomo and all I can say is, what the fuck?
I just read all of Tsugumomo and all I can say is, what the fuck?
Spoiler this gore, man.
How does she still somehow manage to be cute even in that pic?
Sacrifices had to be made so we'd get to enjoy the flute saga.
Also the final battle between kazuya and kanaka would've been problematic with 2 ascended obi vs 1 ascended obi.
Do you, morons, know about the spoiler function?
Motherfuckers, i'm totaly tired of your shit.
Well this is a rather interesting Sup Forums bug.
Almost everyone disables spoilers anyway.
Why do you care?
I wonder what kind of crazy shit he'll start pulling once Kiriha comes back and he's using both flute and obi.
go to reddit
>MC tells Kiriha that she's the only tsukumogami for him
>starts fucking flute immediately after she dies
That's going to be awkward if she's going to retain her memory when she comes back
MC's mom is such an annoying and crazy bitch.
Go to ur mom vomb.
He put a spoiler on the important part so chill out faggot.
It still hurts.
Kiriha will be resurrected.
It has already been foreshadowed.
What would be the main use of a a shredded obi tsugumomo?
After an report.
Should i tell every single one of you to do so or what, is it that hard to do?
It's the forth thread with the same image.
You want to defend him, love to suck strangers cocks that much?
Who care? It doesn't matter what they are, once they go tsumogami they just do whatever the fuck they want.
You can have a dildo going super sayan.
Fuuka dies.
Fuck off you sperg.
Can you imagine this story ending with Kiriha still dead? Shit would be depressing as fuck.
Suck more, baby.
You love it?
Id be depressed if kiriha was resurrected, the moment you bring back the dead the concept of death ceases to exist in that universe.
Like who gives a fuck if someone died in dragon ball or naruto after the entire village was brought back?
It's not really the same, characters in those shows come back quite quickly.
And easily too.
Bringing back a dead character is ok if there was enough effort, time and suffering for it.
Cry more.
Wasn't hamada working on a new chapter with her and loli in it? he's clearly not done with them.
Its just a flashback.
he's not going to flashback to them just to rub in them not being around. Its foreshadowing the return.
Don't stop baby i'm almost comming.
Shame yoshi didnt draw any blood coming out.
They ARE meant to be just like human bodies when theyre in human form.
Kazuya is always blaming himself when fucking everything was his retarded mom's fault.
Famine and human greed make tsugumomo mad - > Mayoiga kills a god which makes her spirit is mad - > She Corrupts Kanaka - > ??? causes kazuya to attract curse - > Gods spirit exploits Kazuyas curse ability -> Kanaka did nothing wrong
>??? causes kazuya to attract curse
>Kanaka did nothing wrong
Did you forget the part where she went out to hunt monsters while pregnant with Kazuya and being careless enough to get attacked by a monster that caused him to be born as a "tabboo child"?
It was the gods spirit wasnt it?
Expecting Kanaka to be wary of a random angry god spirit to corrupt her fetus is asking a lot.
I don't think asking a pregnant woman to not go out fighting super strong monsters is too much.
What god's spirit
I think you're misunderstanding some part or I forgot about it
Pretty sure Mayoiga and its members have nothing to do with Kanaka prior to accidentally meeting Azami
Also her literal autism and "baww nobody is stronger than me" made her susceptible to being corrupted, and pushed Kazuya to become stronger which led to the main big problem (Azami again)
Huh I never made the connection
Still her fault for getting too cocky and going on a dangerous mission while still pregnant
It only makes sense for Kiriha to come back and finish off Kanaka for real, r-right?
Well kazuya could always take the 2 stone shards from kanaka and resurrect both kiriha and kukuri.
speaking of, the anime looks like shit and it will probably cause the author to be focused on supervising it rather than working on the manga, and also attract a lot of shitposters like it's usual with adaptations here
I'm still surprised the series got an adaption, going by how much of a weird mixture of sorcore porn tier fanservice and creative battle manga this is. It's too lewd for "respectable" studios, that have the skill to make the action bits work and the studios that are at home with ecchi fanservice aren't good enough to make high octane sakuga action. I'd love to see a good adaption, but I wonder how this got greenlit in the first place.
It is?
Yes now, thanks to mod-chan.
sh-she'll come back, right Sup Forums?