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Tokyo Ghoul; Re Speculation thread
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I just want to see epicneki tear shit up.
how does the jobber law work again
do 2 jobbers job worse than 1.
also eto soon.
Posting before the thread turns to shit
For the sake of peace they all must die.
-tips fedora-
Admit it, trap is an interesting character.
Maybe if kaneki wasnt our mc. Dont need a rewrite of his story.
Eto this year for sure
I really don't understand how any other girl can even compete with Eto.
>Highly intelligent
>Hot, nice body
>Still Cute
>Isn't afraid to show her sexuality
>Caring, playful
Eto is the Tokyo GOD
Hurr durr kaneki can't help amon who's right there in front of him but he can set up a whole raid on the ccg's lab and put the others fighting the clowns and v in more danger and risk for akira. Im not even gonna call aysto retarded because this clearly just retarded on ishidas part. He clearly doesnt want kaneki and amons interaction yet so he used some forced bullshit argument from ayato to get kaneki to go.
Yeah, fuck that shit.
>all this ghouls died (are dying and will die) to save Akira
She better not be a vegetable when she wakes up
She's gonna be back soon
I hope we get more Clowns and Qs this chapter. Can't get enough of that stuff.
Ishida's been writing garbage for the past year. More at 11.
I just want to see more v autism.
>job to all males
>defeats 4 special classes at once.
Seidou activates his kagune but somehow manages to choke himself with it, Kurona trips over and impales herself with a broken metal pipe and Amon slips on Kurona's blood and knocks himself out cold. No one wins.
*teleports behind you*
Nothing personal, you must die for the sake of peace.
Huh, you're strong, I'll give you that kid, but it's to end this.
Where'd you get these spoilers from senpai
fucking kagunes
how do they work?
it just work
Originally liquid muscles, now magic.
Is that Tooru on Ishida's twitter background?
The artstyle kinda looks like redjuice.
Heh you made me use half my power, not bad.
*limiter release
why are these threads so dead
Only quality posting is allowed
wheres the new chapter
Who would've thought Mutsuki actually had a crush on Sasaki. Why does this fuckboy attract all the batshit crazy bitches?
Spoilers in 5 minutes
Looks more luke Hairu to me, but who knows.
>Mutsuki's eyes both turned into Kakugan
So this is what it means to be a failed half ghoul
5 minutes
Wouldn't it have been much easier if Kaneki, Kurona, and Seido all attacked Amon together? It would be safer and faster to subdue him that way.
You can't expect japs to read Clausewitz
That wouldn't be honorable, you see.
Ah of course, so instead they'll just 2v1 instead of 4v1.
Second season was absolute trash, atleast the openings and endings were decent.
Kurone doesn't count.
>Takizawa used power of friendship
>his hair turned black again
Fuck this gay shit
you sure you dont want an entire chapter on mutsuki somehow taking on and beating Uta instead?
The 2nd opening was fucking shit.
And where did you get this from?
>le mask kagune man is actually jobbing and its not an act
What the fuck is this shit?
You not into flower and hand symbolism?
> All these faggots shilling and shitposting when they hardly understand 1/5th of the story other than "muh Eto" or "Muh rose arc"
Wew try harder
It wouldn't have been so bad if the song wasn't so fucking terrible.
Move to exterminate the nameless king and that rabbit faggot.
That's a plus mate, not a minus
remind me again how did urie obtain kakuja
He got it through Ishida's autism
Half Kakuja, he got trolled on by King Clown and broke his frame in an attempt to beat him, people actually thought Donato would die against Urie, kek.
On another note though "hurr another character with a kakuja" it was foreshadowed for a long time, don't pay attention to shit posters
I don't think he did.
His kagune is just out of control. At least I hope this is the reason for the deformed face.
soon best boy will return
Everyone in these threads is a shitposter you fucking faggot
>Urine kakuja was foreshadowed
Nice headcanon friendo.
He is the chosen one.
Imagine what would happen if Saiko breaks her frames.
She'd become the strongest character in the series immediatly just because Ishida is a hack.
Still wouldn't be able to hit Autisma or Kekneki
Et al.
Nah I think most people would learn to just outlast her. Also Arima, playstation man and whatever bullshit Futura has will be the strongest tokyo ghoul
Naki can hit cuckneki
>Eto has become the new Hairu
She didn't get what she deserved but you have to let it go at some point
Al I want to see is a much more depressing scene
>Manga is still shit a year after the Tsukiyama arc
Only an Eto-is-alive asspull or Rize can save this shit now.
I completely forgot about it but Scrubs was pretty good at first
Anime-only here, and I watched it a long time ago.
Can someone explain why Kekneki joined Aogiri Tree? Wasn't the cafe faction with his imouto and friends opposed to them?
you cant explain that anime-only bullshit because he doesnt do that in the manga and the writers had absolutely no idea what they were doing with the adaptation.
Root A was anime original.
It doesn't matter.
He wanted to change it from the inside I assume but they had to have the final cafe fight so it made no sense why he did it in the end
I'd rate it 8/9 actually, but maybe it's just my nostalgia
Thank god. That twist was fucking stupid and made it hard for me to take the rest of it seriously.
Better read the mango then.
Start by chapter 1. Season 1 changed some things up too. Avoid :re
listen to this guy , I was in love with tokyo ghoul until i started reading :re and now i'm just here to see how this ride ends.
The early seasons actually did what it tried to be: a unique mix of realistic drama and comedy, but they fucked it up later imo, too much random shit
>avoid :re
Nah, you can read it, since it answers a lot of questions, but prepare to be disappointed by a lot of things.
They cut that portion out of the script from Ishida. He joined to get stronk of course but he also joined to discover who the One-Eyed King is and eliminate him.
But because of muh Touka speech, he chose to abandon Aogiri and come back to Anteiku, just when it was getting fucked.
What's wrong with :re? I probably won't bother with it but I am curious.
> People still think Re: got shitty after the Tsukiyama Family Extermination Arc because muh tragedy boner, muh Eto
It's mostly just Etofags whining about her possibly being dead when she was only there as a benchwarmer for Kaneki to become le king anyway lmao. And then the other 99% who think the story got uninspired, more ass pulls, or less tragic when they speed read and can't comprehend details. This is really the only place that shills TG
my speculation is ishida got a new editor or he just went mad and became a hack, but you can notice huge plot holes or ass pulls and just plain bad storytelling at times, in short ishida becomes a hack.
> plot holes
Where lol
The kakuho they used belonged to a kakuja ghoul
There aren't any plot holes
Would you rather be kaneki or arima?
Great ideas over-all, terrible execution and pacing especially since the last arc.
Art was top tier at the end of TG, but ever since :re started Ishida's art slightly deteriorated arc by arc until it took a nose dive in the last arc.
These problems probably arose since Ishida has been juggling multiple projects on the side, like drawing a 365 day calendar for 2016 and illustrating two sets of TG trump cards with different jokers.
Probably Shueisha and/or his editor are pushing him ever since the commercial success of the anime.
TG was barely known (at least outside of japan) before the anime was announced. Good days.
Arima so I can eliminate ghoulscum, especially the Kirishits.
at least hairu died early so ishida can revive her soon.
at this rate we'll only see a silhouette of eto at the ending credits or something
What did ishida mean with this bugs background
well to be fair, Ishida is a shitty writer and seemingly powerful ghouls get killed off so easily for the sake of making another character look good.
Noro and Tatara come to mind
He's used it quite a bit, especially for Jewzou.
Did they put Matsumae's kakuhou into Shao?