List the flaws that make this clearly delicious kurisumasu keiki witochi a rather poisonous adventure.
List the flaws that make this clearly delicious kurisumasu keiki witochi a rather poisonous adventure
Can Ursula's white magic fix my penis?
I think its broken.
Man you obviously have no idea how to write words in katakana. It should be Ke-ki (ケーキ) Uicchi (ウィッチ)
I would prefer good snogging with Ursula rather than Chariot.
Chariot/Ursula is the only reason I'm still watching this show.
I don't know what it is, but something about Hidaka Noriko's voice turns me off. Maybe because I heard her make diarrhea dump grunts too often in Ranma.
otherwise i'd be pretty into a ride with this chariot
Is this a fox
I want Ursula to reluctantly dominate to me.
Shes not that kinda girl
Fuck you she has he voice of an angel
Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.
Is it wrong to want to fatten Ursurla for the sake of making her hips and chest bigger, then impregnating her which only leads to her getting more fat?
Is this the Ursulafag containment thread?
Are there any Ursulafags?
Indeed, Ursula probably wouldn't be reluctant about dominating you. She only wears the guise of a klutzy timid teacher to make sure the little witches don't recognize her as Shiny Chariot, but I bet if she's around some muggle who doesn't know anything about her except she's a cute keiki she'd be fast enough to show you she knows her way; she would definitely show off her YAY!
Why is that a question?
"Kei" is a common rendering for ケー since kee's pronunciation isn't intuitive to an English speaker. Same with yoh for ヨウ. Translation isn't an exact science.
But why? Are you one of those people who don't like soft?
Besides I'm sure she could make a potion to either get rid of the stomach fat or put it elsewhere on her body.
Thing is, I have a hard on for meganekko Ursula, not for Shining Chariot...
Maybe you need help, because there's probably something really wrong deep inside of you. Maybe it's chronic bad taste. You should check that out.
>has THE poster
I'm jelly,
Where'd you get the poster friend?
>being this much of a faggot
I didn't know it was possible.