Jesus Christ Sup Forums, I was told the ending of Erased was bad because it's a cuck anime but it's much worse than that. I'd rather have seen Satoru use the seatbelt properly than end up with Kayo.
Jesus Christ Sup Forums...
>I was told the ending of Erased was bad because it's a cuck anime
Jesus christ you were told this and still watched it?
If I knew, I would not have picked this up. The cuck end was such a infuriating.
Anyway it's Aots, by the rating.
There are some cuck endings that are actually well written and were foreshadowed like Onani Master Kurosawa. The protag also gets another girl in the end so it's not that bad.
Erased's cuck ending had no foreshadowing, and not only did Satoru not get the girl (or ANY girl) but he also lost 15 years of his life. That's what pisses me off.
>"cuck anime" even though they were never a couple to begin with
end this meme
They should've introduced some more adult characters. It was obvious who the kidnapper was from the start given that Gaku was pretty much the only relevant adult in the series aside from Satoru's mom and Kayo's mom
Are people still angry about the thing with Kayo? He didn't cry because she married, but because he was able to save her.
Those people should go and read the manga. It's hard to see it on the anime, but on the manga it's obvious that Airi would win.
There's a chapter where the MC says that Airi is really important, and depending on how you see it, that could be considered as love.
>Who is Airi
Fuck that whole 'Sorry I didn't wanna wait so I fucked the trap instead of you lol you know social obligations and stuff haha' shit, though.
Why couldn't the MC be true to his friends before the murders?
Christ, you're all fucking retarded if you thought the 10 year old girl was obligated to fuck him later in life after all that. The stupid shit was in a coma for years. Time goes by. In real life, you hardly ever end up with your elementary school crush anyway. Besides which, even if he did feel anything, he was a grown-ass man impersonating a child during the time. It was never going to work out.
You all need to go outside and talk to regular people more, interact with warm bodies other than your tainted love pillows.
>I'm going to wait for over a decade for this person to wake up so I can start dating someone with the mind of a child and get pregnant
In what fucking world...?
It’s thematically genius. The two lives that were lost came together and made a new one. Beautiful.
I thought it was Yuuki's dad or Kayo's mother's boyfriend at some point but those theories go down the drain too early on.
I downloaded Erased but this thread convinced me not to watch it. Thanks Sup Forums.
Still seeding that shit though
Satoru really was a child. He became a child with the memories of his adult self.
>Listening to Sup Forums
You're a lost cause anyway
>>Who is Airi
The character whose entire personality and relevance were cut in the anime.
OP here, I would say it's still worth watching, even if the last 2~3 eps are garbage.
>Are people still angry about the thing with Kayo? He didn't cry because she married, but because he was able to save her.
That's not the point. At least, not to me. I knew he didn't want to fuck Kayo. But, as Sensei said, he still deserved a reward for his heroic act. Beyond Kayo smiling.
Sensei is a fucking psychopath.
Doesn't mean he was wrong in that statement.
The show was never that good.
That man was dedicated as fuck.
Didn't he visit coma kid everyday or someshit? Man i hope i find somebody that loves me that much one day
And for 15 whole years holy shit. He was loyal as fuck, unlke somebody else!
If not a smile, then what she could give to him? Sex?
And not only he's successful as a mangaka, he probably ended up with Airi, that is around 10 years younger.
A YOUNGER WIFE FOR GOD'S SAKE!? If that's not enough of a reward, then I can't even imagine what would be good then.
Sensei best boy!
Seems much better executed compared to the anime.
This show unfortunately came out when a certain synonym of ntr is popular.
>Kayo didnt wait
>Kayo wasnt in love with Satoru
read the fucking manga, she waited the entire time, its just Satoru's mom literally cucks him by moving his body so Kayo cant find him anymore
>If not a smile, then what she could give to him? Sex?
I mean, he saved her life and it isn't mentioned how many times she visited him in the hospital.
And if he hadn't entered into a coma, or if for one reason or another she didn't get hooked up in her early 20s, they could have realistically developed feelings for each other.
>And not only he's successful as a mangaka, he probably ended up with Airi, that is around 10 years younger.
>A YOUNGER WIFE FOR GOD'S SAKE!? If that's not enough of a reward, then I can't even imagine what would be good then.
He said he didn't want to marry/date/fuck Airi early on in the series. It's implied that they're destined for each other but he had a change of heart for that to happen.
How is that a cuck ending? The amount of anons who were butthurt over that never cease to amaze me. She never even liked him as anything more than a friend. She was just kind to him because that was her personality. And the broccoli hair guy was a bro who still forgave the MC and was kind to him even after everyone found out what he did.
Besides he got best girl in the end anyway.
This anime was worth just for the doujin.
I was never butthurt about that ending. It's well written. Regardless, it's an ending where he didn't get the girl he initially wanted. I kinda used cuck as a buzzword there.
>retconning a bitch to a nice girl
QUALITY writing. Otherwise a great manga.
onani master isn't a cuck ending. Cuckery is a major plot point, but he ends up with a better girl anyways
> People actually think Sayo would have waited years on end for him to wake up, on the slight chance that he wasn't permanently in coma
Shit do you blame her? I understand people being upset because he technically went out of his way to make sure she lived and was somewhat happy with her shitty life but still, my god. The only reason people bash it is because it lost the momentum towards the end, by like what the 8th or 9th episode we already knew who the killer was so the story essentially rode itself out. Sayo ending up with the girly looking fucker wasn't that deep either, we have people on this board right now that sit around supporting Fags on Ice, that's way worse.
He ended up with best girl anyway.
She's literally the childhood friend.
What the fuck did you expect?
That's not a child, you massive, massive retard.
You saying he is legal?
To be honest, NTR isn't as bad if you take into account that her baby is still young and most likely she waited for him to wake up for most of the coma, only starting her life 1-2 years before he woke up.
Wow it's almost like the entire story is about people changing who they are and growing up.
This stupid word really has to go.
>If my autist shipping couple doesn't have sex, it's cucking
But with her we don't really see her growth, unlike with the MC. So it comes off cheap as fuck. Almost as if author wanted to wrap shit up already.