Is it safe to have a Maji thread now?
Is it safe to have a Maji thread now?
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No. Never again. Not here.
Which majikoi would you fuck?
All of them. Except Miyako.
I like easy girls that pose no challenge, either Wanko or Miyako.
Miyako is only not a challenge if you're Yamato, if you're not Yamato it's nightmare extreme mode.
A-6 when?
This one.
All of them except chris
Wanko is the best, how can the other girls even compete?
Is that their middle school outfits? Either way, god damn yukie and momoyo
How can Wanko compete when she can't even win a martial arts competition?
Yukie. Her ass is literally perfection
It's the Tenjin uniforms.
My gf
Threadly reminder that I love this scheming lass
Could you not use the same fucking image every fucking time?
What are you on about?
>this much shit taste
Why did this take so long?
Dear diary, the ass was phat.
what did she mean by this?
There's the good taste of my niggas
Majikoi B when?
>hating chris
>shit taste
You can pick only one
only if we talk about the anime as well.
it was pretty fun to be quite honest
I don't know A was good but I'd like an official mainline game next
That or Benkei.
Wait, is that the President?
these two
Where is that from?
A+ disc.
I often wondered what a 3 way with them would be like?
Burgers when?
I didn't even know that was a thing. Thanks for the responses and such.
Least believable virgin in the series.
Not really
That's pretty believable.
>loving chris
>being a faggot
Pick one
Not. Hot as hell and really easy to trick into lewd stuff.
eitherway, you would be at their mercy.
it would end up with a bruised pelvis, bruised body parts and hickyspots everywhere.
and a busted asshole
>A+ disc.
When did they release that?
End of the year.
Was it with that compilation of all the A series releases?
Knew I should've ordered it after all. Oh well.
Robutt a cute! A CUTE!
Do you get to fug her in that suit?
There is only one robutt.
She's not actually a robot, she's just a chuuni cosplayer.
That scene was great. The way she talked about her sister shining and the realization that she never stood a chance was truly beautiful. I can still feel her anguish and sorrow
[YouTube] NieR: Automata - Amusement Park Boss Battle (embed)
This is the majikoi I would fuck.
I couldn't agree more.
Go to bed, Jun
Started reading this a while go but I'm not super fond of any of the girls. I'd say I like the dog, kouhai, and Miyako more than the other 2. What do?
I liked her.
>Wanting to fuck your big sister
Incest is only okay if it's between a brother and his imouto/Momoyo