Why do the nips care so much about the purity of the female characters? Don't they realize that what they're doing is just being overly concerned with the preservation of her hymen? What's so special about a membrane that surrounds or partially covers the external vaginal opening anyway?
Why do the nips care so much about the purity of the female characters...
They want to imagine those girls have loved, love and will love only the MC (read: them).
Adultery is degenerate
Their male characters are pure as well.
There's more to it than shallow physical purity
They opened their heart to another
because if you have sex with someone that's not a virgin, then there's a chance you'll get traces of nut on your dick and turn gay.
>it's a degenerate western values trying to judge a superior nation episode
If the anime girl isn't a virgin, that means that she must have had sex, which means that she knows good sex and bad sex. And since all nips are so bad at sex that their people are dying out, it means that she won't want to have sex with a nipponjin, because now she knows good sex and bad sex. Nobody wants bad sex. Nipponjins can only give bad sex, which means that she will never have sex with a nipponjin anymore.
It's just something that virgins feel strongly about. I myself used to think that way and I'm not japanese.
>muh pure virgin wiminz
t. alt-right
It's fiction, so why make it exactly like real life?
Aren't they rather okay with homo-love between old dudes and little boys?
They care about purity in real life as well.
Leave that for a different board.
This question gets asked at least twice a week and the answer is always the same.
A) Girls get used up, and you want to be the person that uses it. If they're not a virgin they are already partly used up.
B) Vaginas get really ugly looking when they get used up, and you wouldn't want to put your dick in something ugly.
Nips are culturally stuck in the Middle Ages. There is nothing wrong with a woman having sex
Because japs are deeply concerned with cuckoldry. Seriously, just read some old jap romance, that's literally all they do.
Read the post directly above yours.
tumblr go home
t. literally everyone except godless, postmodern cumskins
>Vaginas get really ugly looking when they get used up
Virgin detected
How is cumskin suppose to be an insult? Cum is literally what creates life.
I also don't get how black people think "cracker" is an insult either. What, is it suppose to offend me knowing that I beat and enslaved your people? Because that really doesn't.
>damage control
Disgusting third world Arby's shack detected.
Read an anatomy or health book or something.
I always wonder if you people genuinely think it's about the physical condition of their vagina, or if you're just pretending to be retarded.
See the post directly above yours.
I would love to claim that it's the latter, but we all know that for every jokester who just makes fun of it, there's five teenies who actually believe it for real.
Because kissless autistic virgins tend to get possessive over things that show them any kind of affection.
I mean, even if you leave out all real world experiences out of the equation you can confirm that vaginas get used up and ugly looking just by viewing porn.
And the average dick size for men is 8 inches right
So your only source of the human anatomy is porn.
Japan have the smallest dicks in the world. And a land of premature ejaculators.
So they are paranoid that an experienced girl would laugh at their shitty skills at sex. Basically virgin girls are the only ones they can hope to leave an impression. At least for being the first who tried to break their hymen.
I wish I didn't have to deal with people who so retarded they can't even read.
Okay, your argument is "duirrr ur wrong because u have no first hand experience", basically. Which, for one is a baseless claim that you can not proof one way or the other. So, to counter your flawed argument in advance I presented a form of proof that be confirmed with external sources not related to any one person. Even if porn was my only source, it changes nothing about the argument, because the conclusion is still the same.
I'm like 90% sure you're a high school drop out because you fail at even basic problem solving and critical thinking.
Seriously, go interact with normal people instead of being fake-angry over the internet.
Well, you just added autism to you list of mental disorders. And yes, I mean actual autism, the kind where you fail to understand basic social cues.
You're entirely wrong and instead of actually making a valid argument, you just try to insult people to deflect.
Tough words here, bro.
Considering you're all bitching about complete non-issues on a mongolian shadow theatre board it can be safely assumed you all have varying traces of autism.
Your post isn't coherent and in no way follows what you are replying to.
>I beat and enslaved your people
Slavery is illegal you bastard. You'll be found and put in jail.
you haven't presented any proof at all though.
I can understand why everyone loves to shit upon virgins. They're so hilariously defensive.
small dick? live like a loser or kill urself
Honest question, what's it like having downs?
Your claim is that the visual appearance of a vagina does not change with a lot of use. Porn, and cite-able source, directly proves this wrong, thus also making your claim that only people with real world experience can know anything.
I'm a virgin myself and I love shitting on them.
Having a hymen indicates having some standards and basic willpower to resist temptation and peer pressure. You know, the kind of traits you need to not be a cheating whore sort of person.
because if female character aren't virgin, autistic otaku can't imagine marrying their waifu and poping their cherry.
Nah, it just means that it's a fat girl who can't even ride a bike.
Except it can also be torn through other ways then inserting a dick or foreign object in there.
>If the anime girl isn't a virgin, that means that she must have had sex, which means that she knows good sex and bad sex. And since all nips are so bad at sex that their people are dying out, it means that she won't want to have sex with a nipponjin, because now she knows good sex and bad sex. Nobody wants bad sex. Nipponjins can only give bad sex, which means that she will never have sex with a nipponjin anymore.
A Muslim cleric was once filmed in a documentary, stating that women need to be celebrate before marriage because they can't be allowed to experience better sex than what their husband could offer. That would lead to infidelity. So it seems your argument matches Islam, congratulations.
A character virginity is serious business. What if she has worms?
>wanting a washed up whore
Just give her the anime pills. Or put some bleach on her to get rid of them nasty worms, then redraw a new waifu.
this is the basic idea
people who are sexually promiscuous have been shown to be more likely to cheat. plus, i mean, it's different if a girl has sex in a long-term committed relationship with one guy vs if a girl goes out to parties and has sex with random guys every month
>How is cumskin suppose to be an insult? Cum is literally what creates life.
Cum is disgusting unless it's your own
>this damage control tho
Top fucking kek
Then you just have to be good at sex if you want that one girl to keep having sex with you instead of having better sex with lots of different people.
Train that penis. It's made of muscles too, after all (plus other stuff).
It's not a double standard. The purity of male characters is obsessed over just as much, in fact often to a much greater degree.
Those "death threats" you hear about authors and seiyuu being sent when they do something "the otaku" don't like are typically done by female otaku, members of fandom shipping circles that violently over-react to anything that compromises their pairing.
The value placed in the hymen is as evidence that the woman has never had sex with another man. There isn't a male equivalent, so obsessing over male purity is more subjective, but in both cases its an issue of the fans being insistent that there is exclusivity in the pairing of their preference.
Why would your own skin not be your own cum?
Either way you didn't really answer the other point.
So in short, purityfags are just cancerous shipperfags.
>caring about 3dpd in the first place
Because Japan is a country full of pathetic virgins, why do you think their birth rates are so low?
Why is Typemoon stuff manage to be an exception to this purity bullshit? No female is pure and the ones who are will fuck eventually.
The government needs to sponsor more anime about people having sex and marrying and getting kids instead of just containing virgin waifus that autistically shriek at everything.
Because they're not brainded sandniggers and niggers from africa.
Whether they ship the character with themselves or with another canon character, it's all the same shit.
The ones who over-react tend to be the latter, though. Kannagi's famous blowup was mostly a mixed-gender reaction (the source material was very popular with men and women, despite the fictional stereotype to the contrary) to the idea that the relationship between the main guy and girl was being compromised by some shoehorned prior relationship. It just got played off as "lol waifufags" because it's easy to shit on otaku and there's not exactly anyone in the mainstream who speaks for them when the wrong story gets pushed.
The idea of sharing a first relationship together (not even necessarily first-time sex) is special, which is why it's something so often romanticized in fiction and fantasy. Undermining that upsets people who are invested in the idea, and undermining that with sex is even worse, because the fans who really get into the relationship are invested in it for emotional reasons --sexuality isn't important in fiction except as a way to present an emotional climax physically, so when it comes into the story in a highly negative way ("by the way I've had a relationship before because I was horny and fucked a million people, none of your flirting is really interesting to me because I've seen it all before teehee") it upsets people.
But of course every time this topic is brought up, the west will twist it into some kind of gender politic to fit their vogue cultural narrative.
>play Bunny Black
>time to fuck a succubus
>shes virgin
>time to fuck a 1000 years old hottie
>shes virgin too
Its fucking annoying.
Nuclear induced autism.
Because they literally make eroge. Fucking the girls is the whole point.
Plenty of eroge gets backlash from purityfags though.
Name one.
Who cares if character x has had 1 trillion dicks inside it or not? True love will find a way. If not, then they just weren't meant for each another.
R u 5 yo retard?
Capital letters go at beginning of a sentence dumby
Because first love is the most intense. A girl whose partners are in the double digits like the typical western girl turn into pic related.
>is not faithful
>true love
Yeah, you don't mean love. You mean shallow self serving attraction.
Can't just slap the word "true love" on it and absolve it of all its faults.
You can flip the argument around and ask why people make such a big deal in the west about the need for a guy to only be considered a man if he's having plenty of sex.
Because guys who don't have lots of sex then tend to watch more anime and start shitposting on Sup Forums to alleviate their boredom.
becoz the big dogs make da rules
If she truly loves you, she'll stop having sex with everyone else. If not, then she doesn't love you. Which means that you suck at sex. Which means that it's your own fault. Which means that you must kill yourself for being bad at sex. It is dishonorable and brings shame to the family.
Shouldn't it be with how much you could bench?
No because everyone on /fit/ would be a true alpha instead of a bunch of homosexual autists with gains.
>this is how depraved detergents actually think
I'm glad I'm more evolved than you.
So you evolved the ability to use your hand to clean your own piston? Impressive.
Nah, just to use my brain. Unlike you.
It's more about sharing the experience of stumbling through love for the first time together, not understanding anything but learning as they go, with each other.
A prior relationship undermines that. Fictional romances are really big on the characters sharing a defining circumstance. If both characters are adults in their mid-late 20s with lots of previous relationships, then they'll be going through the same uncertainty and existential ennui about their life and future and being an adult, or something of that nature.
When the characters have different contexts and different issues like real people, that fantastical element is lost. For youth and teens, being romantically inexperienced is just the most go-to shared factor. Everybody has good memories of the feeling of being in love for the first time, so it's a concept with wide appeal.
Undermining any shared factor pisses people off, but especially when it's one that they can relate to so positively.
The reader/viewer doesn't just want love, or a relationship that kinda works out because the two had some chemistry. They want special love, the kind you can't find in the real world because it's too perfect to exist. It's not that they get mad when they don't get that; they get mad when they get it, and then the author comes along and says "surprise! it's NTR now" or pulls some other such shit twist because they're fresh out of ideas.
You're very proud of fighting a laundry agent.
Will mods ever start cleaning out the Sup Forums crossboarders?
What does this even mean? Your low functioning brain can't even put coherent sentences together.
Nobody wants used goods. Girls that aren't virgins are disgusting.
You didn't do any of that, and chances are your ancestors benefited from slavery hardly at all.
You poor phoneposter.
Yup, you're legit retarded. Now you are just randomly calling people phone posters.
It's a sad reflection on western society that virginity is now something to be ridiculed. I'm glad nips aren't like that.
You do know what detergent is right?
It's only NTR if she starts fucking afterwards despite being with you.
Why do you think their porn is censored?
Nips consider themselves to be part of western civilization, though.
Because used goods are disgusting.