If hetero ending is "canon", why lesbian ending is thousand times more popular?
If hetero ending is "canon", why lesbian ending is thousand times more popular?
Was there any heteo building in this show? All i remeber seeing is the mc getting disgusted by being paired with male love interest
>/u/fags are a vocal minority so it's more popular
I don't see how het could be more popular when the "romance" is so terrible executed in contrast to the yuribait.
Only shitposters cared about Shuu or Taki.
Delusional, deranged, feral
No matter how much you want it, your fan fiction won't become real.
But it's more real in anime than in a novel no one cares about anyway.
Takeda will make Kumiko-Reina canon once she continues the novel it's inevitable actually.
Are we having fun pretending to be yurifags?
I pretended to be a yurifag for such a long time I'm now stuck like this
If she wants more money.
I see she has her priorities straight.
Reminder that hibike euphonium is not a romance and any romance in the ln is entirely circumstantial
Because c/u/cks aren't sane.
It doesn't matter if you think it's good or not, it's what's canon.
Well cute girls loving each other is cuter so it plays well to the otaku. They don't want their pure virgin Kumiko getting defiled by a penis being canon.
>pure virgin Kumiko getting defiled by a penis
I want this.
It doesn't matter what's canon when the question was what's more popular, you illiterate faggot.
And so do many doujin artists. You'll get it from them. I think in the LN he does win but I doubt sex is ever mentioned.
I didn't watch S2, so please someone tell me, did the show went full /u/ or just continued the yuri baiting?
Neither, it was all about muh Asuka.
The anime ended on a good note actually. Reina got rejected and moved on, she'll rebound to Kumiko. Kumiko's sexuality was also set up when she confessed to Asuka-senpai.
>muh Asuka
Which is just as /u/.
Because it's cute, still I've rooted for Shuuichi since the beginning, and I'm saying this as a yurifag.
/u/ bait with hetero undertones
It dropped it like a sack of hammer after the first episode.
I like Asuka the most of them all.
You need to shut the fuck up and so does Asuka.
I really really love Kumiko