Who knew Sucy was such a dead fish in bed?
Little Witch Academia
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Episode 8 "Sleeping Sucy"
Sucy took the experimental drug she made herself and fell a deep sleep.
Next day, Akko and Lotte try to wake her up but she doesn't
She desn't wake up at all even though surrounded by mushrooms she likes
Lotte reminds the illness of the witch, "Sleeping Witch In the Forest"
By Lotte's magic, Akko is going to get into her mind.
Are they able to wake her up safely?
Akko a cute
>By Lotte's magic, Akko is going to get into her mind.
So are white mages exorcists too?
Sucy episode? About time.
>Sucy's episode is almost here
Can't wait. Who /Sucy/ here?
Is that official art and if so, who's idea was it to include the bare ass, upskirt pantyless thigh gap on a 14 year old girl? I'm shocked and aroused.
One will protect you
The other 15 will try to kill you
Choose wisely...
I love how even the background witches have such unique appearances and styles, like any of them could become more relevant characters at any time. Playing "spot the main characters" in a room full of all the witches wouldn't be impossible, but I'm sure some of them would lead to some second guessing.
6 is the most powerful
She's got something up her sleeves, I feel I can trust her. Though 3 is cuter.
Preview out?
Come on, check the twitter for announcements yourself next time
Indeed user
Every time.
Thanks, looks good.
It has nothing to do with Lotte's specialties. She's the only other witch with basic competence there.
Why doesnt she just use a safety monocle?
too lazy to order one
That looks so much like Tartakovsky's style
>Safety goggles going over her hair instead of her hair draping over her goggles
Also, did you fail your middle school science lab safety test? Always wear safety goggles when working with chemicals, and always point your flasks and beakers away from youself and others.
So why dont they go tell Ursula about Sucy going into coma? Im sure she could help them
Theory: characters from left to right are top bunk, bottom bunk, solo bed in their respective dorms.
Hoping that from this episode we get to see some wacky stuff from Lotte in Sucy's dreamscape. Akko's been getting too much attention now.
>will try to kill you
I'm honestly not scared of Akko at all. I'm pretty sure I could beat her up easily, and she obviously can't use magic for shit.
I mean White Mages excel in curing things, so by extension excorsim would fit the bill. Especially if we go by the Final Fantasy logic that white magic hurts undead and Holy magic hurts Demons
I want to protect Akko.
I'd say 4 because she's the smart one, but we all know how that would turn out.
Anyone got the prescreening impressions for episode 8?
We Dexter now, and Akko is DeeDee being a retard.
this is one of the most jaggy bitstarved webms/gifs ive ever seen somebody unironically post on this board in over 5 years, so i commend you for this achievement.
>Sucy! What does this potion do?
>Champignon de fromage
Goood concept for a WebM, but that bitrate and those artifacts...
So then, on to the real questions, whats Diana's choice in pizza?
>Hannah top
>Barbara bottom
Makes sense
Just the pizza dough
Nah, Constanze has the top bunk.
I hope someone draws this.
Goldfish episode a best.
Heinz beans, cheddar cheese, and worcestershire sauce.
Does Constanze sleep with her robot like a teddy bear?
8 bit ED theme
unless someone posts a better version I guess I'll save this one for baiting purposes
Do girls insert vibrating teddy bears into their nether region?
Impressions for episode 8 are very positive. People praise the jokes, the animation and the the pacing. They say the episode has everything: crazy action, laughs, tears, mushrooms and the most yuribait so far.
>By Lotte's magic, Akko is going to get into her mind
Is this going to be a massive shroom trip?
But teddy bears don't sleep.
>crazy action, laughs
Leave this show along you fuckmeme director.
>the most yuribait so far.
Do german girls invade the netherlands with their teddy bear robots?
I don´t really understand what went wrong.
Can you tell me?
Dumb Akko poster
can you post the full impressions?
>most yuribait so far.
All Akkos are failures so none would be able to kill me anyway.
It will be just some SucyLotte shit, nobody cares.
>moon speech
Off with you, foul monster
I literally do not care about lotte but they said Akko goes inside Sucy's mind so I don't see how this is going to play out.
Cheeze pizza.
Prescreening reactions for episode 8 is super positive.
Akkos face looks like someone punched her in the nose
I want to punch the yay out of Akko's gut.
So Lotte x Sucy is a thing?
My favorite...
Diana should hang herself
japs call fucking everything yuribait
reminder ep 1-3 screening impressions were "Diana's yuri qualities are way up" and yet fucking nothing is happening
It's akko being a dork again
>Most likely another episode without me
But that's the wrong one.
Let's play a game: add a Diana Ex Machina ending like in ep 5 to every episode
>Episode 8: Diana appears in Sucy's dream as a symbol of perfection and saves everyone
Akko: cheese with stuffed-crust
Lotte: pineapple or Hawaiian
Sucy: mushroom and black olives
Amanda: classic pepperoni with a bit of hot sauce
Constanze: meat lover's or alfredo cheese
Jasminka: any kind of pizza, and often multiple pizzas
Diana: five-cheese brick-oven pizza with thin crust and light on tomato sauce
Hannah and Barbara: share a half veggie/half pepperoni pizza
>people still calling her Sucy and not Suzy
I remember the episode 5 prescreening reactions were like
"this episode will make you like diana even more!"
Just dropping off my Sucy.
and it did
>Another episode without Constanze
>Another chance to see Constanze untie her red ribbon and letting her hair down slips away
Why is life so cruel, kills me to know that in all likely hood Trigger will never animate or have/show any art of Constanze with her hair.
>people still calling her for what her name is
Pretty dumb, right?
She'll take photos of Akko and Sucy in bed together (seeing as she's the only one who could have a camera) and sell them to Hannah and Barbara so they can spread them around school, convincing everyone that Akko and Sucy are freakish lesbos.
Thanks hun
Conz would never resort to bullying
Hannah and Barbara are doing the bullying - Constanze is just receiving a fat paycheck.
>Doki doki no waku waku.
Yeah right.
When will it go back to fighting giant dragons and stabbing a minotaurus again?
No. Official art always have the witches under a void spell in her skirts.
Is this better?