Gao Thread
Precure Thread
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This Cure is the leader. She is girly, energetic, super-friendly, not the smartest but she always tries her best, big dreamer, busybody.
Which Cure am I describing?
Definitely not Nagisa, Saki, Tsubomi, Hibiki, Mana, Megumi or Mirai. So the candidates are down to Nozomi, Love, Miyuki or Ichika.
Is she ugly?
Every main Cure except Tsubomi.
>This Cure is the leader
I can already pinpoint that it's Nozomi.
has this come out yet?
Anyone who doesn't say Nozomi is utterly retarded.
Not yet
Rank henshin themes.
Im half way through Futari wa pretty cure. It's pretty ok but my problem with the show is that they only have 1 good move so fights are just boring. Which precure has the best fights?
Each season progressively adds more moves.
I first think about Nozomi but then I saw the "always tried her best". Before her episode with Coco she had a problem concentrating on her studying and obviously didn't tried her best due to her inferior complex. So probably Haruka.
Damn does that mean I need to watch them all?
Also Nozomi didn't really did anything except eating, lazying around and occasionally help out her friend'd activity while Haruka pretty much active in high-class lady's hobby class.
>Damn does that mean I need to watch them all?
Magical Girl Pokemon?
A bit more seriously, it varies. Some series have a varied bunch of different attacks, but the fights are mostly just beam spam. Other series stick with just one or two finisher attacks, but have a lot more punching and kicking for the fights. Splash Star and Heartcatch tended towards more hopping around, punching and kicking, along with the finisher attack at the end. I think it was probably Happiness Charge and Maho which had the large variety of attacks, thanks to characters having different outfits along with a handful of different attacks they would use.
How is it possible that your English gets progressively worse?
Watch Precure for the SoL and the cool and cute girls.
FW is boring in general.
The characters are great and I love their interactions.
Gao should be flat and futa.
That's disgusting and you're disgusting. Please stay.
>Which precure has the best fights?
I am not sure about best, but Splash Star is the most stylish.
Overall, every Precure has not that great fight on episode basis, but a few really great in whole season. Also, there are usually great fights in movies, you can check those, as they can be watched independantly from the series.
Also watch Precure All-Stars GoGo Dream Live. It is a short that you'll love.
>Watch Precure for the SoL
You should check Doremi.
Aren't they dead?
After I finish Futagohime.
The actual show.
Ojamajo Doremi.
I love splash star but won't recommend on its fight scene.
Probably HC, Smiles and Gopri. Fresh occasionally have somes due to generals being human.
I am just really, really like clapping and barriers.
>user asks what season has good fights
>/pc/ suggests Maho
>also claims the fights only get progressively better with each season (literally fucking what)
So only the shitposters are left now?
Too bad you don't like coherent sentences.
There is nothing wrong with either of those two statements retard. Go rewatch MH or something and let the big dogs talk.
Now THIS is maho shoujo.
So you're saying MH has the worst fights in the franchise after FW?
Pretty much. They're about equally bad.
Not better, more special moves. Get some reading comprehension.
As long as the show has cute girls doing cute things with fights that aren't just MARBUULLL SKEREWWW and done
Well alright, but what if they say MAAAKUUSUU at the end also? How about that?
I love it
*how bow dah
Cash me behind the gym, user.
Who is the most confident cure, and is it justified.
You mean someone who's not Mana?
>but what if they say MAAAKUUSUU
Then it is just meh version of Rainbow Storm. At that point you'd rather Extreme Luminario.
Erika and yes.
I want to lick Miki's perfect pits.
>others let her down
>she gracefully forgives them
How one person can be so knpk?
Teen mom episode was the best
Is Mana the most confident?
Dat random ship with Soular out of nowhere though.
Soular was the perfect one on his team. His evil plots were some of the hardest hitting and most efficient.
>who the hell do you think I am.jpg
Post Cures from your country.
> 1 day 6 hours 39 minutes to go until Kirakira
I love Yuri.
>other than the tomboys, Tsubomi and Mana every Pink is basically the same character
How do they keep getting away with this?
Maybe this episode will be good.
>Mirai and Haruka are the same character
>Hibiki and Megumi are the same character
Oops, sorry. Guess I ruined your ebin shitposting.
>Nozomi, Love, Miyuki, Muteki, Haruka, Mirai and Bunny are the same characters
What did he mean by that?
Is it true that Ako is cute?
No, but it is true that she is a buttslut.
Who here likes the amateurish voice acting in KiraKira?
I'm new to precure and girl anime in general.
Do any of the series have an MC who's just the best at most things?
And with an ego to boot?
I don't watch shows for the underdogs, I need somebody who can kick ass and knows it.
Did you make this?
I don't think you're new to precure. I think you just want to start a discussion about you-know-who.
Kuuga has tons of bike service.
Most of these shows have someone who runs into trouble and needs to overcome it. It's a staple of the genre. I mean, you might look at Smile Precure as, while the main character wasn't the best, I don't think she went through an arc where she got defeated several episodes and needed to come back from that. I didn't watch the full run, though, so I might be wrong.
If you just want someone confident and not willing to give up, that's a bit more doable. Happiness Charge seems to be like that, and DokiDoki as well. I'm not sure I'd paint them as having a huge ego, though.
It sounds more like you might be interested in Gurren Lagann than a magical girl show.
You should watch Fresh then.
Kamen Rider?
aren't those live action shows really shit?
>Happiness Charge
>Kamen Rider?
>aren't those live action shows really shit?
No worse that most weekly villain magical girl shows, honestly. Some of the acting and staged fights are really cheesy, but you're probably used to cheesiness if you regularly watch Precure.
>aren't those live action shows really shit?
>aren't those live action shows really shit?
It varies by season. I would put it on par with Precure, though.
what you're looking for is Kamen Rider Kabuto
Ok, cool.
Thanks, do you know where I can find a download for it?
Lurk for two years before posting.
I miss them every day.
>Gyu never.
>aren't those live action shows really shit?
It depends
Can you enjoy fun things?
If No, then they would probably all be really shit for a number of reasons.
If Yes, then I'm amazed you're not already watching Super Hero Time before Precure.
>masked rider
Yeah. Those kind of shows are pretty shit and are only watched by literal manchildren with nothing else to do, and fans who think it's better/more than what it truly is.
>on par with Precure
>Yeah. Those kind of shows are pretty shit and are only watched by literal manchildren with nothing else to do, and fans who think it's better/more than what it truly is.
ftfy, works for anime in general. If you weren't a manchildren you'd be watching superior american television like game of thrones which has even better incest than anime
I think that these sorts of shows actually are underappreciated by those who can't appreciate their wholesomeness and simplicity.
>meme of thrones
Not even grrm his best work.
>current year
>not watching neo-heisei kamen riders
>superior american television like game of thrones
> I would put it on par with Precure, though.
Precure wishes it was on par.
It has a huge disconnect between slice of life (which is generally the strongest suit of Precure) and the super hero component. You can especially see it these days where you have this cute show about girls doing girl things and then suddenly a monster appears and the story shifts completely away with at best very loose connections to everything else. It's not like that in Rider and Sentai, most of the time. The entire episode is usually about the same thing that's gonna be the crux of the problem in the fighting parts. And then of course there's outliers such as Kuuga.
But you've come to the wrong place to promote toku. Anime fans in general are really averse to, well not just tokusatsu, but Japanese film industry in general.
I don't know why that is (inb4 they act bad) but it's almost impossible to get fans of Precure to like SHT and vice versa. And hey, that's fine too. I'm sick and tired of people trying to recommend Precure to people who complain that heroines don't get enough attention on Super Hero Time because while there's similarities, the franchises are different.
Personally, I blame Power Rangers. Because of jew tricks majority of western audiences never got to see and get accustomed to really good stuff. But hey, can't be helped.
Or, you're just simple-minded.
t. triggered toku-fag. Also, please learn proper English.
>current year
>falling for the toku meme
Literally, objectively, factually wrong holy shit.
>Anime fans in general are really averse to, well not just tokusatsu, but Japanese film industry in general.
That's because even when it's dubbed they can't pretend it's not Japanese.
In many if not most seasons of Precure, the monster used or what its effects have are strongly related to whatever moral the episode is about. And not in a VotW way, in a Fresh way like pretty much every plan Soular has.