From what?
All the anal sex
I'm the fat guy from Jurassic Park and I need you to delete this. I've been out of this business for quite some time now and would like to not be associated with this string of posts anymore, as it has hurt my personal and professional reputation quite badly. Thank you,
fat guy from Jurassic Park
From sitting like that.
Would you like some pads?
From the thumbnail it looks like she's sitting on a censored fat man's dick
Any good doujins with her on Clickhereiftheimagefailsloadingpanda?
Why is Megumin so perfect lads?
She makes me want to explosion
Megumin a qt.
stupid moralfag bitch
>b-but the demon king has to be defeated by RAW POWER
>NOOOOOO pls dont use money to save the world, it's wrong
i used to like her but i hate this bitch so much, i'd rather have darkness than megushit
>you will never go out for the day with Magumin, watch her explode a castle, collapse, then carry her back to the pub for dinner
Fuck this gay earth
>Paying someone else to kill the Demon King
>Allowing yourself to be denied the satisfaction of killing him yourself
Gee user, when did you become so much of a cuck that you pay other men to kill your enemies for you
She just wants to explode his ass personally, she's far from a moralfag.
>paying people to tank monsters for you
you are the cuck user. i would have just gameshark'd my way up to the top level if i only could
Agree! Aqua needs to bitchslap megushit with wad of eris.
This generation of gamers man I swear
lmao go to sleep grandpa
>spending his midlife crisis on an arabian bomb making madrassa image board
>literally search "aqua" on nhentai
or sadpanda if you're a kool kids klub nigger
> Implying Kazuma actually wants to FIGHT the demon king
> Implying Kazuma won't just throw money at the problem until it goes away
She's just chunni. Paying someone else to do it goes against her fantasy of an epic battle.
Dangerously underrated bantz
two best posts iTT