Does this help you understand white privilege?
White Privilege
If you are anything but white you will never understand what it is to be white. You’ll only see whiteness through your own lens.
if you aren't white and in a white country then you are like a ghost.
Nigger lol
You're all pretty fucking ignorant, don't you think?
>muh white privilege
>calling others ignorant
What I understand is that white people won that race.
Niggers BTFO
> Not understanding a 5-minute video
Damage control.
Take two steps forward if you're able to instantly spot jewish subversion.
was turning something said by a BLM leader around to apply to the other side, so yes...pretty damned ignorant. I'm sure you agree.
>privilege of coming from a conservative family support structure is 'white'
das racis
yeah those in the lead might be more privileged but that's at the choices made my a hereditary family structure not a result of race. There easily could have been a black person of conservative background taking those steps. Maybe instead of blaming problems on skin color why not blame them on having shitty parents.
Because it's institutionalized.
yeah by the failures of the individual's forefathers not "white people".
Basically not everyone starts on equal footing and never will in a fair system because it's inherent in nature to want to help your children succeed and any attempt to stifle that desire is immoral. You shouldn't try to guilt trip these poor white kids because their parents loved them more. Life doesn't work that way,
>You institutionally don't have a father
these modern "Christians" are a fucking joke. Who's fault is it that those niggers parents were lazy pieces of shit? those kids?
so these white kids had hard working parents who took care of their children
modern "pastor": better make these white kids hate themselves for niggers being lazy, something white people aren't even responsible for.
Marxism in the church has gotten out of control and modern christians aren't dilligent enough to bother themselves with having to think. its just all let me virtue signal some shit to make myself look like a saint, my jobs done here.
i'm not even mad at you nig op, this church shit makes my blood boil, weakminded soy pussies are running the church
White privilege is really evil. You should avoid it at all costs. I know a few countries were almost everyone is black. Just saying.
> Because their parents loved them more
Yeah, us blacks just naturally hate our children. Where do you read this?
STFU you don't even know what institutionalized means
The highest form of culture is the nuclear family with close ties to extended family. The people who get that right will do better than anyone else in as little as 3 generations. That is a fact.
Niggers don't get that right
>Hurr Durr wypipo dindu nuffin we will kangs
That is actually factually correct. Or at least they treat them worse and actively choose to not provide for then to the ability in which they are capable of.
>Hurr Durr wypipo dindu nuffin we will kangs
Aw man, why do you gotta take away my only argument like that?
What that video taught me:
>white people take on the responsibility of raising their children
>white men are less likely to leave their children
>white people are less likely to divorce
>white people value education over sports
>white people work so their children don’t have to help pay bills
>white people are responsible when it comes to paying their cellphone bill
>being responsible for yourself and your family helps everyone you love go further in life
Why are black people falling behind in society?
keep pushing.. we'll bring slavery back
>Yeah, us blacks just naturally hate our children. Where do you read this?
you said it not me.
If you read my previous comment I stated blacks with a conservative and loving upbringing were just as likely to be as privileged, if not more given the current cultural environment.
Yeah ok, slavery is why we're all here in the first place, dumb fuck.
Minorities shouldn't be in my Anglo-Saxon/Celtic/Nordic/Medi/Germanic nation to begin with. If they're having a hard time it's because they're inferior. If they're not having a hard time (jews, SE Asians) it's because they are competitive enough to survive in a free country.
Here is a quick anecdote
And the actual proof is some simple statistics. Black women have the highest obesity rate and that black kids still have the highest food insecurity if any ethnicity
Nah that's just me hating black people. It's not even that I have a problem with them being black. They just treat their children so bad.
So a game of who had good parents? And blacks didn't have so.
>blacks --> bad parents --> bad people --> black people are bad
this is what i took from this.
this video 100% is saying that having two parents, married to each other and a stable family is white privilege.
it isn't. It's simple conservative values.
Why can't blacks do that?
As in last point. In the last post notice the highest predictor is still single mother up bringings. If the black community would just get their shit together and the idealistic white nuclear family they would wipe out the race Gap in 3 generations easy.
>Because it's institutionalized.
so is being a single baby momma with 5 kids... not whites fault.
Statistics back up that it is a conscious decision by the black parents to raise their kids in such horrible circumstances. Or maybe not raise them being the key issue.
There's no such thing as white privilege
slavery ended. its up to you to take those chains off now.
start taking care of your kids, be a dad.
"your only value is the compensation for your labor" -socialist
"you only deserve what you personally have worked for" -western society
And we'll cancel quanza.
Damn Sup Forums btfo any leftists compassion for the niggers arguments fast. Is it harder when the people you are arguing against aren't larpers and obvious bait? Or is it that regular people don't try because they get called raycist n sheet.