HAPPENING? :Mueller Plans To Indict Kushner As Dems Plot Martial Law


I know it's InfoWars but recently their sources have been correct all the time and that is why I'm posting it, otherwise I wouldn't bother.

Other urls found in this thread:


good, rot in prison you fucking subverting kike

>ecently their sources have been correct all the time

lüüüüüüül the ABSOLUTE STATE of rural and suburban retards!

Jokes aside, they have. Trump or whoever tells them. They make a prediction and it happens. As crazy as it seems this is reality.

> ABSOLUTE STATE of rural and suburban retards!

thats one nasty looking rural or suburban retard

Actually, Mueller is trying to end the investigation without going to jail. He has been acting as a law unto himself, in an attempt to overthrow the government. In the end, he will sell out Obama and Hillary so that they get the death penalty. He will be offered immunity to send the leftist vermin to the gallows.

I watched the video earlier, made some pretty interesting predictions. The outcome is still pretty up in the air and I believe things will be ok. When the shills go crazy you know things are going to be fine. btw my every day carry is a Bulgarian Makarov 9mm. cheers.

I actually buy this. The shitheads are in too deep at this point. They have no choice, if they do anything at all, to attempt this and suspend elections because they know it will cause a massive shitstorm they can't deal with any other way. Trump has forced the timetable.

Who is this soyboy?

It's a forgone conclusion that Mueller is going to indict Kushner and/or Jr.

Prepare for it anons.

Your still going to trust the very FBI that illegaly spies on the rest of us and funds terrorism and fakes terrorism, and covers up it's rape of children, the human trafficking of children, the sale of dead infant parts, and lies, lies, lies, and cat fishes autistic obese gay teenagers over the internet and arrests them because of how and who they love and because of their disability, Si?

>He has been acting as a law unto himself, in an attempt to overthrow the government.

lmao source?

That soyboy is one of the Shareblue thread spammer shills. They run one of the largest disinfo groups. They already took over plebbit and they keep trying to get Sup Forums but to no avail.

Is this thread vegan?

The consensus of opinion here requires facts as there is no popularity vote here. So false propaganda will most likely fall on deaf ears.

For what

like what?...

i have not been following info wars...what stuff have their sources been correct on?

lel who cares

Since Trump has been elected, they have made predictions 2 days prior and it usually would be true. I don't have a list because this is a conclusion I have had over time, but usually at least 10 times or something, they will say something in the WH will happen and it would happen. That is why since Trump has entered the WH, I trust them more.

Shit is funny as fuck we're god damn immortals. Imagine what happens if they shut it down and it fucking spreads like cancer even worse than now.

indicting Kushner is the greatest thing ever if it happens. he IS the swamp-

The only recent thing Infowars has correctly "predicted" was Manafort being indicted, and that's only because his friend Roger Stone told them.

Look at the back of his suit.
It must be some cheap shit all wrinkled like that

Shut the fuck up Sven

Roger Stone is blinking, sweating and fidgeting a lot. He looks like every word out of his mouth is a half hearted lie.You think he's been talking to the FBI?


If Mueller can destroy himself and Kushner that would be beautiful

Javanka is the cancer killing the whitehouse

>Roger Stone is blinking, sweating and fidgeting a lot. He looks like every word out of his mouth is a half hearted lie.You think he's been talking to the FBI?

I don't know, man, has he been flipping?

roger stone always talks wierd

>thinks approval ratings don't show only how stupid people are

>trump can't win the election
>hillary has a 90 percent chance of winning

Probably his weird head.

don't forget his weird hands

Being on the wrong end of a partisan witch hunt .

>Dems plot martial law
>I know it's InfoWars but . . .
it goes in all fields

In retrospect, prob should have deleted that but it was too late. Anyway, he may really get indicted, I mean who knows but IF has direct link to the WH at the moment...kind of like FOX during the Bush era

>thinks stupid people arent going to vote in 2018 and 20

>thinks things won't change in a sec

This. Notice the approval rating for GWB and how it spiked b/c of 9/11. They're retarded.

>Roger Stone is blinking, sweating and fidgeting a lot. He looks like every word out of his mouth is a half hearted lie
Yes, that's him, Roger Stone. He's always like that, watch the Netflix doc about him. He doesn't really value the truth, despite his many good qualities.

The popular vote polls weren't that far off desu and he didn't really win by a landslide or anything. Ultimately these were the two least popular candidates for a presidential election ever.

Thats why Trump wants a war so badly.

>death penalty
You people crack me up. Enjoy your reality television.

yeah, you're right, Hillary is going to no jail.... none of them are... that is how it works :/

>The popular vote polls weren't that far off desu and he didn't really win by a landslide or anything. Ultimately these were the two least popular candidates for a presidential election ever.
It's terrifying to think it could so easily have gone the other way. It's the same here, if only a few hundred people had voted differently the Tories would have had a majority.

Which is why they're slamming NK with endless rhetoric and trotting out "iranian missiles".



100% verified by Sup Forums "insider" LARPers. One of them even posted a photo of their feet so we all know it's legit af, end of conversation

>More info wars click bait shit
>Durrr watch our monetized youtube video

how likely is that this is all Trump's doing to snuff out the (((rat))) in the white house?? and he will probably pardon flynn in the end

>their sources have been correct all the time
No they haven't. Not even close. Fuck off.

>thinks they care about YT money

They are prob more into the facebook twitter business, that is where they get their money from and also don't forget the pills and shit

> AJ has been making accurate predictions but I can't name even one
wtf you must be trolling. AJ is famous for constantly creating a shitstorm of predictions, and every once and a while one will be semi-accurate and he won't stfu about it.

well alot of you have since alex jones is now selling pills called "The Real Red Pill TM" and enough of you retards are buying it.


No, just he has a direct connection with the WH at the moment and that is why I trust some of his info, also Roger Stone, also he was right about five or six times in my memory and that makes me think he might be right about this thing as well.... also, you have to be flexible in life so as Sun Tzu said: the four seasons make way for each other in turn

holy shit you are young and dumb. let me guess you have known about alex jones for about two years.

eight, you guessed wrong. I know where your doubts lie, but this is one year ago... things change fast


Fuck infowars those assholes selling you snake oil.Alex jones is the enteral jew.

Shills literally have nothing left. OP you're a faggot.

Kushner will bring peace to the middle east by getting rid of Israel once and for all.

He supports israel

How come Lincoln’s notnon your retard graph?


Were you born this retarded or was it a series of accidents that led to your current mental issues?

What, they will find out he collude with israel and get both of them fucked? LMFAO

Keep posting faggot. You know as well as I do what's about to come AND YOU CANT STOP IT.

Ohh shut the fuck up you loud queer.

Not much longer now Chaim.

>Mueller Plans To Indict Kushner
Kike BTFO!!!

>Dems Plot Martial Law
I wish the niggers would.

That's great, he can lock up Kushner.

Yep you kikes are going to rot in jail

Oy Jared Jared.

>I know it's InfoWars
Sup Forumsfags are a pack of dafties about sources
infowars has produced some of the most consistently accurate predictions and reporting about the Russia nonsense and all the behind the scenes court intrigue.


Don't speak that way to Ivanka's husband! Jared Kushner is part of the Trump family and we just respect him.

Praying for a not guilty verdict

>I know it's InfoWars but

>I don't have a list because this is a conclusion I have had over time

>OMG! he predicted it and it came to pass.
>What did he predict and it didn't happen? I can't remember...

The correct ones make an impression
The wrong ones are quickly forgotten

its legit.

heh what a faggot

Shills are DESPERATE for Trump to fire Mueller.
Not happening Soy-kin.

I have a feeling Jones is going to turn to have been missing some crucial inside info and will have to eat some words. Or like, a third of his general picture on what's going on behind closed doors.

I do think we're going to get a surprise out of the Russia probe that will be inconsistent with Jones' analysis, speculation, whatever.

Andrew McCabe; Deputy Director / Acting Director of the Bureau (the boss of Bill Priestap)
Bill Priestap; Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division (boss of Peter Strzok)
Peter Strzok; Section Chief of the Counterespionage Section (demoted to Human Rescources)
Lisa Page; a senior FBI lawyer (and mistress to Peter Strzok)
(text messages suggest this group was planning ways to ensure Hillary was not charged and if Trump somehow won to subvert his election)

Bruce Ohr; Associate Deputy Attorney General and Director of the Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Forces, as well as Director of the Attorney General's Organized Crime Council (since demoted)

Nellie Ohr; (wife of Bruce Ohr and former CIA employee) contract worker for Fision-GPS owned by Glen Simpson who paid Christopher Steele for the "Trump Dossier"
Curiously, she became interested in Ham Radio and applied for a license one month after Fusion-GPS hired Christopher Steele to produce the document. She received KM4UDZ as her assigned ID.
(no pesky emails to leak or have hacked?)
Bruce Ohr, reportedly met with Mr. Steele during this time period, and with Mr. Simpson after President Trump's victory.


Christopher Steele worked with the FBI when he was a MI6 Agent working Russian Organized Crime before his retirement from the British spy agency.
That’s the same desk and the exact same time frame FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe worked before coming the Washington, D.C., heading up the FBI Eurasian Organized Crime Task Force in Manhattan, along with NYPD Intel sources and resources.
And on the Justice Department side, also in New York at the very same time, Bruce Ohr was working organized crime for the DOJ in the Southern District of New York, beginning in the 1990s through the identical timeline of Steele and McCabe.
That’s the same Bruce Ohr who was just demoted at DOJ for conducting secret meetings with Fusion GPS, who hired Steele to write the Trump Dossier. And Fusion GPS also hired Ohr’s wife, a former CIA employee.

The Mueller investigation leading to the exposure of these people is why President Trump won't fire him.

fpbp. nothing will bring me greater joy than jared kushner's smarmy trust fund ass going to prison

Trump's approval rating would go UP if Kushner was removed from the White House in handcuffs. no joke

Ivanka's skin looks fucking delicious

>Mueller Plans To Indict Kushner
lol our guy

Fuck back off to cubist animal faggot, he's a two faced kike and so are you.

>Mueller Plans To Indict Kushner
Hurry Mueller

Muller won't indict Kushner; if he does indict, it will be for something stupid that has nothing to do with Russia; if he does indict Kushner, Trump will instantly pardon him. Oh and democrats are impotent to do anything about martial law or anything else.

>indict kushnet

bullshit. hillary clinton has underwear older than kushner. kushner has 1 year of experience in politics. if he does get indicted
it will be a bogus indictment and get tossed.

alex jones literally beleives that there is an evil entity that is trying to get vampire pedos to build a super computer to entrap us all

I think we should look at better sources than that guy

There is no universe so retarded that the son-in-law of the only person with unquestioned power to pardon goes to prison.

>I think we should look at better sources than that guy
I think we should try to take out the evil entity.

Remind me again of how the democrats could "impose" martial law. Last time I checked, only the POTUS has authority to declare a national emergency and martial law.