Sup Forums, I love lolis so much.
Sup Forums, I love lolis so much
Be wary of the loli!
this image screams pedophilia. like some toddlers shaking their booties in front of a camera
Tsumugi not for sexual
Nah, it screams "7 year old girl so excited for a meal she can't help but to dance adorably".
You're just a pedophile and project your own sick desires onto anything you see.
Tsumugi's not-for-sexualness is Yotsuba-tier.
So tell me, what OP implies; sexual implication or just what?
>You're just a pedophile and project your own sick desires onto anything you see
Are you reddit? it's for you to FUCK OFF
I love it too
What is the source of this image?
The age of loli is over, thicc cow-tiddied girls are best girls now.
The fact that Tsumugi is actually voiced by a kid makes me not okay with this.
loli is still great for weeding out the newfags
you have to be over 18 to be on this board.
This post is like the text-only version of vomit.
Go back to wherever you came from before your toxic waste spill kills anyone here.
poor user
It sounds like you are mad
Does the truth hurt?
Anime was not a mistake.
these types of women are only good for when I want to self-insert as a shota to make up for my deficiency of a healthy mother-son relationship that I've come to sexualise.
I'm an S-class lolicon, but this is not cool.
You aren't S class then faggot
____ with children is ____
Delete this absolutely NOW!
Actually, S-class lolicons are more selective with their smut.
Sex, only illegal if you get caught
This is hot. What happened to Sup Forums?
Do NOT sexualize the Tsumugi.
ntr = brain damage
I'm going to stick it in that meganekko.
This is the correct usage of NTR, I just wanted to point it out.
NTR doesn't equal cuckolding.
Having sex.
The best thing in the world.
hee hee!
CUTE Tsumugi!
that looks pretty shit compared to the manga one
at least Tsumugi's face that is, the one on the right is decent
the whole show is shit compared to the manga