Would you?
Would you?
No glasses, no passes.
No, give me Maemon.
Would I a pathetic middle aged woman trying to be as cute as she was some 30 years ago? Maybe, if only to make fun of how far past her prime she is.
I don't like women with right foot on left leg
She's just a living meme
sure; it could be the last time I shag someone born during the Nixon or Ford administrations, and could remember either of them!
Nice Meme.
One of the few series where all girls are the best
Twin tailstails never look good on everything older than 5.
Fuckbuddy? Yes.
Wife? Hmm, nah.
Post memes
>this is a 40 year old
I wish I was 2d
oh, so not only does she have a right foot on the left leg, but also a left foot on the right leg?
>Japanese """"""""""""""""""""""""artists""""""""""""""""""""""""
It's a meme you dip
Ain't she his aunt?
Season two never.
Aren't you a faggot?
What show is this from?
Yes, she is very cute for her age.