Was he right?
Was he right?
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Neji makes a good girl.
>the only fate everyone shares is death
Tell that to Orochimaru.
about what?
(so many naruto posts)
yes, in naruto's world is all about your heritage
>Part 1
>Neji is mad about having to die for the Main family since he's in the Branch Family
>comes up with a fatalistic world view as a result
>believes that natural talent is better than hard work
>Naruto says that's wrong and that he got where he is due to hard work
>Part 2
>Naruto turns out to be from a clan with special blood powers
>On top of that, he beat Neji with help of Kyuubi chakra
>On top of that, he's the destined child to save everyone
>Also, Neji dies for Hinata
>the hard-working characters all fade into obscurity, including Sakura
>Sasuke even takes time out during the final battle to tell Sakura that she's shit
what happened to this manga
>Sasuke knocks out Sakura
>Sasuke defects from his country
>Sasuke tries to kill Sakura at least twice
>Sasuke murders the acting Hokage and also attempts to kill Tsunade
>Sasuke shit talks Sakura constantly
>"Yeah, sorry."
>all is forgiven
>the first arc about their marriage is about Sakura possibly being cucked by Karin
I almost feel bad for the NaruSakufags.
I don't. Fuck em
Hopefully girls learn a lesson from Sakura. If she wasn't such a turbocunt to Naruto when they were kids, she could have been the hokage's wife instead of getting pumped and dumped by a former terrorist.
Basically, yeah. See
Enjoy it while you can. Soon itwill end and the threads will be endless shitposting about how naruto was better than the replacement.
He wasn't right about some specific things (Naruto being fated to be a loser), but he was generally proven right in the end (Naruto is the chosen one and Neji died fulfilling his purpose).
It seriously is such garbage. I don't understand how any of you fags kept reading past Pain.
No because Rock Lee already surpassed him in Part 1, he only lost to Gaara due to plot.
was worth it in the end to look past 1 part of a vast story
They won't. Most girls wanted the Sauce so Sakura was their self-insert. A few jumped ship when Naruto looked better in their eyes as Sasuke got worse, but not many. These ships were established early on and many NaruSaku fans were males who wanted Sakura so Naruto was their self-insert.
>Part 3
>Turns out that Boruto and Himawari can see uncle Neji's ghost
>Neji turns out to be reincarnation of the Momoshiki
>Boruto manga turns out to be continuation of Shaman King
>making it past zabuza
Fuck off you cancerous Naruto spammer.
>Neji is the reincarnation of Momoshiki
Fucking what?
it's not true, chill
>post yfw hiashi master plan was a succed
Also he's the reincarnation of the 2nd Hokage, who's the reincarnation of the strongest ninja in history.
no, both hashiama have ashura's chakra but naruto is not hashirama's reincarnation. he's not a reincarnation of a reincarnation
Depends on how you look at it.
>Naruto says that's wrong and that he got where he is due to hard work
I don't remember him saying that. IIRC Naruto was only mad at Neji for being the one who decides what happens to people due to their pre-existing circumstances.
No he was left
He said something to the effect of Clone Jutsu being his worst skill, yet he was able to learn the Shadow Clone skill and beat Neji with it.
Yeah pretty much. Is there anyway around the fact that things are determined by destiny and fate yet the underdog MC has everything literally handed to him through reincarnation?
Naruto still would disagree though.
Shonen manga has this weird thing where they need the protagonist to be a plucky underdog fighting against the destined natural order, but he also has to be a born winner (EX:legendary ninja chakra, will of D., Shinigami/hollow/quincy/human hybrid, saiyan). you can't have your Rock Lees, your Krillins or your Chads save the day. They're nobodies in the cosmic order of things. Shonen Protagonists always come with a Pedegree.
The fact that we will get more Naruto anime and manga secretly pleases me very much.
>yfw his plan succeeds too much
Are you tired of winning already my grandson?
he was so right that he's being ret-conned into an Obi-Wan Force Ghost any day now.
They even foreshadowed that in the RtB
>Why did you come here?
>Because our uncle is here!
>I need to ask for his help.
>For what?
>That's secret~
jesus fuck those narutofags as CC2 can't fucking help themselves with not spoiling shit can they?
they are foreshadowing it since Storm 1
I think its merely so the protagonists power level can increase drastically.
Which is why you have a satire series like one punch man running around.
>Natural talent beats hardwork everytime
nothing will top the "Secret Lovers" combo thing who knows how many years early.
Turns out that Naruto wasn't a hard working guy, he was on demon roids since birth. In anime hard work is for losers who will never do anything meaningful.
So yeah he was right.
>You either die as a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a grill and NTRing your own cousin.
He is already trolling his teammates...
So is Neiji really back as a girl or is this just a meme?
lets just say its a meme that started by spin-off author
We haven't even begun to win.
>Neji gets revived
but as a girl
10 bucks says Ikemoto would dare to do it
The only good Narusakufag is Sahara wataru
Why do you think he had to die? He knew too much.
Wow, I didn't even know Naruto had a comedy spin-off
did this happen in the LN or is a pure embellishment by the anime staff?
The Neji Dream/Ghost happened but anime staffs decided to have it their way
>Those implications of what they did with that dog
w-what implications?
Ironically Goku isn't like that iirc. He's not even the strongest being at the end of the manga. He's just the designated hero of the story.
Daily reminder that Orochimaru got away with everything
Requesting that keikaku flowchart pic
Hard work vs talent really had no place because Neji had both in spades. He learned a move that had been banned to members of the branch house. That was his gripe, that his destiny had been decided for him. He simply went overboard out of bitterness and started incorrectly applying to everyone, like Naruto. Sets him up to be tnj'd so he starts whining and accepts his fate.
Despite the underdogbaiting, Naruto became what he was destined to be. He used the cheat code inside him during the goddamn match.
*stops whining
Skimming this thread it sounds like Neji will get asspulled back to life somehow
Good, fuck Kishi for killing off my favorite character for what amounted to fucking nothing.
>Momo confirms that people with Hyuga/Ootsuuki/Byakugan blood can see chakra ghost
>Hinata was the only one to see the ootsuuki ghost in the Last and he sense they Byakugan
>Himawari 1st scene was her visiting Neji and the game confirms she always goes to his grave to 'talk' and 'ask' for help.
wow they legit fucking spoiled ghost neji coming back and granting his niece and nephew power.
Nagato was right.
Naruto never rid the world of fighting. Some Jesus he turned out to be.
What's up with his random appearances in the anime? How did he go from former main antagonist to stupid comedy relief character?
Literally one of the worst villains in the world's history and he got pardoned of literally everything.
How the fuck did he do it?
Ninja mengele is the funniest guy.
Big sis was always right. I love how the anime gave him his dues and got the autism spin-off team on board.
To be honest getting his shit pushed in by Naruto made him realize something important which is that you never know what exactly your destiny is.
also the best MILF (male)
He knew what his destiny was. In fact he fulfilled it. He (and most, including Naruto) didn't know Naruto's destiny is all.
Neji's caged bird seal reminds the saying of: " We will fulfill whats written on our forehead"
Kinda deep
Neji was right to begin with, kind of sad that he died after changing his mind and becoming wrong.
>genius beats hard work
proven to be 100% true. Even Mr hard work Might Guy in 8th gate (the ultimate normie hard work technique) with the help of reincarnated Minato, Gaara, and Rock Lee failed to beat Madara, who won because he was HAXOR as fuck through genetics and reincarnation and other bs.
Ironic as fuck that people try to use Guy as proof that hard work can trump genius when he didn't even win. He was better than Kakashi, because Kakashi got fucked by his naturally shit chakra and own terrible (non Uchiha/Senju/Uzumaki/SOSP/John Cena) genetics.
>Ironic as fuck that people try to use Guy as proof that hard work can trump genius
Because Madara wouldn't have even stood a chance against Guy when he was alive. He need Kabuto's mods and a fraction of God in order to still get his ass kicked, to say nothing of how unbalanced Guy's rivalry with Kakashi became despite the fact that the later was a genius.
I miss Neji. ;_;
He was so cool pre-time skip. All his fight scenes were highlights for me.
>Dog has Byakugan
>ergo they either surgically implanted them, or did some kind of genetic fuckery
>it has the "Control" seal
>either they implanted it for... discipline reasons (which may or may not be slightly cruel if you think about it) or
>There is a branch family of Hyuuga dogs that the main family Hyuuga dogs use the seal to control
>Hiashi fucked a dog.
Part of what I meant by genetic fuckery.
Now I'm picturing it. Fuck you.
As someone else said, Madara would have died to Guy if it was simply just his genius vs Guy's Gate attack. Madara added extra shit to his genius and even then Guy almost kills him.
I was surprised to find out this is Neji.
>If Hinata were flat-chested she would have been a top tier waifu on the same level as Android 18
>there are people in this board RIGHT NOW who think Tsunade is more attractive than this succubus
Fuck off you cancerous Narutards
b-but he isn't giving up!`
I prefer Kushina and Mikoto
Me too mag ;_;