This is the Executive Order Allowing UN Troops in Chicago & US
Obama signed this executive order to allow (((UN))) troops to occupy American cities.

>"Cook County Commissioner Richard Boykin is meeting with a top United Nations official to seek international help with gun violence in Chicago. "

last bread if you missed it
This is it lads, the fugging habbening we have all been waiting for.
Maybe the (((Globalists))) are scared of Trump and want to push an armed coup ?
Maybe Chicago will be their main headquarters?
Video showing UN troops firing at Haiti Civilians
Daily Reminder that UN troops are mainly comprised of Africans, Indians, and Pakistanis who are recruited and are known to rape and murder the women of whatever country or city they are deployed in. Will we see massive rapes by UN troops and executions?

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Good, Chicago is a shithole. You need all the help you can get. We will free you from your suffering.

First for UN BTFO by /ourgangs/


>tfw UN scouts are already here gathering intel for the invasion

trump won't let it happen
we won't let it happen either
you can't save nogs from themselves, you should know this from africa

of course the whole premise is a lie, they'd be coming for other reasons

When are boots on the ground expected?

I'm unironically rooting for the niggers

best get them some decent weapons then

Yeah its totally happening guys, haha this is really big goys its happrning!!

Good. Not like Trump was doing shit about it.

But their not African nogs though

I can't find anything in that EO dictating anything about non-US troops in the homeland, it's all Obamo-era ROE bullcrap in soft pussy language, deploy new measures this, investigate civilian casualty incidents that

show me the line

>Daily Reminder that UN troops are mainly comprised of Africans, Indians, and Pakistanis who are recruited and are known to rape and murder the women of whatever country or city they are deployed in.

What is the Irish Army? Hint: Peacekeeping and digging out ditches are the only two things they actually do. If they send troops, they'll send troops who will speak the language at the very fucking least...

That'll give our own army an excuse to clean up our 2nd city

God have mercy on them.

They all have my full support. More than likely they would make the whole country proud. Not joking.

Wouldn't a federal judge block this like they did with Trump's orders?

Alex Jones addresses this here, new video.
Godspeed murican brothers, we will have to bear arms once again like our forefathers and fight for MURICA !


He'd better, cause we sure as hell won't.

Won't happen. Relax.

Yeah, good luck with that. They ain’t seen nuthin till they go up against some chimpcago niggers. Even granny keeps a :45 in her crown and will fuck your shit up. Why you think Africa is still a shithole? They’re gonna steal those guns and ream the UN with them, pull the trigger till it goes click.

Literally third world tier having U.N. troops on your soil.


>Obama signed this executive order to allow (((UN))) troops to occupy American cities.
Dat nigga Obama was so fuckin based I miss his ass.

UN peacekeepers will just start defecting to America. Once they figure out they can 50X their salary by holding a will work for food sign by any overpass it's over.

fuck off jew

Wouldn't matter. Trump could probably get away with personally shooting blue helmets in the streets constitutionally.

UN Troops can't do anything except mild rape of peasants.

He could.

Chicago is better armed

/leftypol/ is to the left and into the gas chamber you kike

Why do not you do that with Rio de Janeiro?

It's not happening until there's blue helmets on the ground.



i would personally be extremely happy if this happened

Do they even get live ammunition?

Do you think he hates fucking ng black dudes? Like sexually, clearly not morally

Yeah it's kind of a shame it'll never happen. Would almost rather it be Pence honestly. Having him land in a formation of savage niggers and just pop one in the dome with a revolver before the rest of them are mowed down by gunships would be pretty sweet.

If anyone tried this kind of shit Trump would be ruthless in eliminating him. You know the US military is on Trumps side

Britanon here ready willing and able to fight for America's freedom! The UN is cancerous now, get rid..

Dixie fag here, leaving the south for the first time to visit my girlfriends family in Chicago over Christmas. (North side bc she isn't a nigger) Should I be worried?? If I see a blue hat what should I do? Tell em to fuck off?

*breathes in*

PLA garrisons practice shooting blue helmets, I wouldn't be surprised if you guys did too

>ywn see Trump sign an executive order authorizing UN troops to pacify Rio de Janeiro
Chicago may be niggers, but they're our niggers, dammit. They're shot out of love, can you really say UN troops will do the same?

guess 1776 is coming back before 1861, or maybe its both.

save me a blue helmet, i want to bag me one

suck the shit from my ass you greedy hooked nose oily kike

I know l hope they send them to Detroit as well for more popcorn viewing action.

And how in the fuck are they planning to get their firearms and other weapons into the US? You think Trump's Customs would allow such nonsense? GTFO.

The UN army is still over 90% our army wearing blue hats dumbfuck.

>in b4 niggers steal the UN Vehicles.

>blue helmets move into Chicago
>the nig nogs and wops kick the shit out of them

Oh boy I can't wat.

No they can't stop him from rescinding an EO. Presidents can get rid of prior presidents EOs. It used to be quite a regular thing in the past. People think it is so bad now, but presidents in the 18th&19th century presidents hated each other enough to do it. Also actual EOs are not law for the public, they only are supposed to apply to agencies. If that is an Obama EO and it is allowed, there has to be an actual law passed by Congress to implement it.

If they do this, every blue helmet becomes target practice.


Men, they may be niggers but they are OUR NIGGERS. This means WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This. Say what you want about the blacks, but they are American. I would pay to see some foreign cuck tell some black momma where to go.

Lol let them.
Our niggers > UN niggers. Those blue helmets will get absolutely BTFO and after they get BTFO, they will get BTFO by a civil movement of "these new police shot and kill travon".

Lol god speed UN, you're gonna need it. Chicago will affirmatively put you on welfare stamp support.

It's actually kinda creepy that they would bring the UN there, considering the US military could do their job and better

You people are fucking stupid. No, there won't be any UN troops occupying anywhere in the U.S.

So if this happens does this just mean the rest of the UN paying members are subsidizing what trump wanted to do by sending in the national guard.....except with zero results?

It's strategy. If the U.N. comes in then the world cannot accuse the USA of being racist against niggers because the U.N. is multicultural and diverse. Once they are driven out out the USA by /ourniggers/ the libtards'll never cry wolf again.

North side is safe. White haven. Don't go past 35th and MLK.

>Executive order from 07 / 01 / 2016

they'll just be American bootlickers wearing blue helmets

they are trying to supersede our laws with those of an international organization

We are UN troops.

If UN peacekeepers were to come into the US without the President’s approval, it’d be an act of war on the UN and treason for anyone involved in bring them into the country

OH SHIT !!!!

Rahm won't let the Feds help, other than $, which Trump isn't willing to pissed away into corrupt Illinois/Chicago politicians

Yeah xD they are just like u and me except they have big penises and we have small ones

MAGAPEDES unite and please upvote this comment for others to see !

> tell them to fuck off
idk user, I would probably hide and get away asap
they may have orders to kill any civilian or round em up on sight

Makes sense, they will still cry racism though, it will just not be taken seriously. Libtards love defending their pet criminals.

and if that happens to a significant degree, martial law and the Nat. Guard or Marines start rolling in

>invading America
Yeah, good luck with that. The majority of the US owns a firearm, the army wouldn't even have to fight.

Hey guys, why is it you can't say Bill Priestap on here anymore?

Can't wait to watch them getting raped to death by the vibrant yoots

I want this to happen so bad

shooting foreign troops engaged on our soil is not illegal.

Hey Americans what ever you do dont go to the UN camps they always end up being attacked when they pull back and the civilians get massacred.

Won't happen idiot. I would not run around parroting this garbage. It's going to make you look like a tin foil hat conspiracy nut. Simply this is some nut jobs wet dream. The U.S. Military would obliterate the U.N. troops. Use that grey matter between your ears next time.

If I see a blue helmet on U.S. soil and they aren't standing outside some Embassy in D.C. I'm shooting them.


>EU main headquarters

You guys are all retards. Don't you understand what is happening? They want the UN in, but Trump already told them, that he will send in the army, or whatever. He saw this from miles coming. Now all he has to do, is say "why would you need the UN for this? it's US problem, and i will solve it". And nobody can say a goddamn thing. (((They))) will try to change the narrative to "literallyhitler invading city of peace" and try to provoke a riot or something. But as always leftist will never delivar, even if they do, they will get terrorist organisation'd and rekt.

Make a screen of this. They cannot push this trought under Trump

What an embarrassment Chicago is, the whole town needs to be leveled.

Because the USA is actively rebelling against the globalist tradition of erasing western nations, people, and values.

>implying our boys will defend a literal invasion force

blue helmets are an invasive european species that need to be culled if found in the USA.

Nice power fantasy


Dammit I will remember find my /k/ memes when they tried to get the UN the last time.

Requesting back up.

Was de part saying foreign troops allowed?

God, yes, LETS GET THIS GOING. But fuck Chicago. if they had any balls at all, they’d come on down south.


Activate the National Guard as a UN fighting force and then send them to Chicago? Solves both problems and pisses off the county commissioner

Just ask for the Uruguayan UN Peacekeepers, they like to rape niggers. Let the bleaching begin.

Impossible to help Chicago if they won't help themselves. He'd be best off offering the fbi's help to remove corruption.

This is unironically why a significant amount of a peacekeeping budget should be allocated to giving them all video games in air conditioning.
Bored young men with too much time do stupid shit. Give them good computers and a government bought account of games on steam and they will do less stupid shit. Hell this partly explains the decline in violence in the US. Plus it'll help westernize them for when they go back home.

Probably cause everyone calls then gay, they gotta prove they aren't.

Fuck no I know how this ends.

I can take haitians but american niggers never.