Can someone identify this fang for me?

Can someone identify this fang for me?

Some people say it belongs to dumbpire. Some say it's Kirino. Others say it's brat.

Other urls found in this thread:!ZBVg3TSJ!_IGo5CFmRfewUEwVhOXOikEd-_4aHJntcrWmUEI3O2c

Oomuro's for sure.


I place my bets on it being Rika.

Locking in my answer

Lucchini, maybe?

I'm going with Brat.

Might very well be Kirino.

This is a hard one to identify because it looks like it was run through waifu-times-2, and then jpeg compressed.


I'm pretty sure it's brat.

Brat will never accidentally poke your tongue with her fang while you're teaching her how to do a grown-up kiss ;__;



This is Kirino

can't find exact image, but I'm betting on chibi Saya

Why do Japs like bad dental hygiene?

100% Oomuro

Lolfang-tan has D-mouth, she's out.

90 percent sure this is from one of those Idolm@ster cards, the coloring and lines seem to fit the style.

Yeah, I didn't expect it'd be this hard.

If it helps, this is the earliest instance of the image being posted (from what I can tell):

As you can see, it's quite recent, so I'm heavily leaning towards Hikari.

It's cute in 2d

went back to find this to compare
could be from the same character

maybe not though

definitely not dumbpire
i'm going with brat as well

The more I look at it the more the skin looks too dark to be Sakurako.

I'd put money on Brat

It could be shinobu from monogatari series...


I think it's Maya from GochiUsa.

Maya from Gochuumon?

That is without a doubt TYO's brat
I don't have the exact image but they draw her mouth just like that

Why is brat so fixated on oppai? Akari and China are just as flat as she is.

I'll admit that Sakurako is best girl if you can find the exact screencap that matches the OP picture.



Dammit user dont do this to me

It's Tohru!

There are two fangs.


the mouth to head ratio indicates a loli to me. maybe that girl from gochiusa.


I recognise that fang

Can you keep her face but replace her mouth with multiple smaller mouths?

It looks like it could be Satania but the line art really does resemble Yuru Yuri. I don't think we can be sure without a screencap to match.

Satania's mouth is pinker and isn't as round though. Plus the top lip tends to be :3 shaped.

which episode is this from?

It is indeed bestgirl.


Fine. Sakurako best girl. But Kyouko and Akari are slightly bester.


Gimme the episode number. My autism demands I be 100% sure of this.

Search for the image on archives. Find the date it was first posted. Compare that with episode list on Wikipedia.

it fits and even aligns with the line at the end of the face
I'm convinced

Her mouth is the perfect size

For what?

S03E04. Apparently it's flipped. Now my autism is pleased.

I'm convinced. Apparently Sakurako Is best.

How, are you OP

Of course I flipped it. Reiterative integers don't just magically appear on their own.

She even points out the size

If it's a girl from a recent CGDCT show pointing up and to the right, there's a decent chance I made the image. I like cute girls pointing up and to the right.

upload all your images to MEGA and post'em

OP here. Thanks again. It appears a bratfag's autism has bested mine.!ZBVg3TSJ!_IGo5CFmRfewUEwVhOXOikEd-_4aHJntcrWmUEI3O2c
There's a few in here I may not have made. Enjoy your cute girls pointing up and to the right.


I knew it was brat all along.

I knew brat was best girl all along.

>For what?


Kirino is the only fanggirl I haven't liked

looks like some random chibi bitch.

thank you friend

That KMB unknown girl.

None of those you mentioned I can tell you that at least

see and

There's a kind of phobia for this but I can't recall the name.

The fang is white you autist

the fang comes out of the lip you autist

the holes by machino henmaru

It's not a "real" phobia.

She's an oppai lover