
>mfw season 3 announcement on march

Are you guys ready for Kamachi's big project?

Remember to praise gekota

Silvia is the shittiest girl ever



what if it's a pachinko?

Jesus Christ you guys are insane

Thats an understatement

I really wanna know what Othinus smells like.

I wish they'd put out car freshners like pic related in shape of Othinus. I'd totally buy it tbqh.

What if I told you sanity was unnecessary where we're going?

Then I would be afraid

Truly is

Coffe with a scent of chocolate

I paused reading the Index Novel at the second chapter of NT15.
Has anything good happened since then and should I start reading now or wait till NT18 and read them all together?


NT17 is the end of that arc so you should read those before NT18 comes out.

What is this girl for?

Touma gets a machine gun


And picked up again.
Next you are going to tell me that he went full Joseph Joestart against Yuitsu.



Confirmed OTP

Why won't Othinus fix Europe?


Its gonna be a Million Arthur anime

hurry up camera you fucking faggot

>fixing it when they abandoned her

They will be left to the fate they deserve.


Do you wish for a new season?


NOPE. Fucking nope.
There are many girls who would look better with glasses. Oriana is not one of them.


NT18 is being held hostage until Index III

Spoilers when

>he doesn't want Oriana to cosplay as a naughty teacher for him


Godammit why cant they just make her normal size again so she can end the Toumabowl once and for all

They need to kill her off for good so we can get back to normal.

Does it even matter anymore? We can't stop.

There are no normality in a world of madness

She won't be able to sleep in the bathtub with him anymor if she returns to normal.

I'd rather fight her.

>back to normal
Touman would break if she dies

Railgun S3 Saten spinoff

People still haven't dropped this?

She should die.

We've reached a point where there's no "Normal" anymore. The only normal thing left is Touma.

*be my wife

*punished properly

For the first time i like these threads because there're no waifu wars

Purple is my way of life.

Well, I'm a shit person so it'd be the same thing anyway.

Just you wait until NT18 comes out and there's an illustration of Mikoto, regardless of what she's doing.

At least it's not Silvia. I want to punch that bitch.

I can't wait for HO S2

There won't be any Mikoto because we're going to England.

Next wolume will contain a kiss
I have 30 page doc of pastas ready for this day.

Hime is the worst girl

Not necessarily. We could be staying in AC.

And Frolaytia was the best girl, last I checked anyway. Haven't read the novels and only other best girl would be Gcup Loli, which was pretty great.

You're worst girl.

Unless it's something big, wouldn't the reaction be a muffled "meh"?


>Implying the 5 seconds doom isn't another body of Aleister keeping Touma away from Tsuchimikado with some random keikaku shit

Sword fight? I'm sure she'd be willing to use a strapon.

Fist fight, because that seems like something she's into.

She'd put you through a tree user

Sometimes I wonder, are people drawing those blind or something? Her shoulder is completely messed up.
Often on boorus I see pictures that are really well-drawn except for some glaring fuck up no one with functioning eyes would fail to notice.

Worth it.
She deserves pain.

Mariydi a best.

I wish there'd be more modern magic artifacts/weapons.
Like what if Etzali used the sword of Simon Bolivar or some American guy used Billy the Kid's guns?

That'd be cool.

user I doubt you'd be able to hurt her.
Maybe you could hurt Brunhild when her powers are cancelled out when she's on her Saint Period


I'd fucking try my hardest anyway.
Silvia is nothing but disgusting garbage.

NT18 is gonna be a Frenda flashback novel

I want Silvia to beat the shit out of Touma again. She didn't hear him hard enough last time.

I'm just sick of SO many series using the same the old ancient weapons and shit.
Index still usually uses them in cool ways but I just want something different.
>No Magical WWI German Calvary saber
>No Magical Soviet hammer and sickle
>No Magical American Civil War Winchester
>No Magical African Machete
>No Magical Afghani RPG

>tfw Kamachi chose to do a Mariydi volume because Ace Combat 7 is going to be released this year


I want to beat the shit out of Silvia because she's a cunt.

It'd be pretty cool. I wouldn't go too modern though because some of the weapons are still being used

It's confirmed he already had it written like 2 years ago, I bet this is Miki cashing in on AC.

Stay mad about Touma rightfully getting his ass beat

>Stephanie Gorgeouspalace is given a 19th century revolver
>engravings are actually magic runes engraved by Confederate sorcerers from the American Civil War
>The Knights of the Golden Circle were actually a magic cabal who wanted to turn the United States from a science nation stemming from the Franklin Method to a magic nation on par with European powers, as the aristocracy of the South were descendants of exiled nobles who stayed in the American colonies of the 'Old Dominion' of Virginia during the English Civil War centuries ago
>Jesse James, as a Knight, was a sorcerer who specialized in banditry, raiding, and imbuing guns with magic to increase accuracy, to make explosive ammunition, or to curve the bullet in midair to make impossible shots possible

I thought she was great when she was teasing the shit out of Birdway and bantering with Thor.
Yandere tendencies are totally the norm for Kamachiverse.

Who has the most yandere tendencies

Necessarius is worst than a shounen MC when it comes for taking in jobbers.


Sherry jobbed but Oriana fended off Touma, Style, and Tschumikado all by herself.

In the Kamachi verse it's obviously the White Queen followed by Nagisa
In Raildex it's Mikoto

delet this

Sanity is a hindrance in general. Drop it for a fulfilled life


Why didn't Touma rape her after he beat her?
Look at the way she acts and dresses, she's asking for it.



Because she'd probably rape him.

Touma is a gentleman.

Touma is pure.

>inb4 we just get a 15min OVA about the maid girl or maybe even a pachinko machine with 2 new short animations and a remix of the soundtrack