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Do you think this piece of shit nigger racist was banned in the twitter purge? Probably not!

>ID: NosE

Fuck, we Jewish now

Should have brought a jug of milk

That's too much water for one person. He is just rubbing his privilege in everyone's face. No civilian needs that much water in a high capacity assault bottle.

This tbqh

my nigga thirsty back the fuck off

I gotta admit, I am with OP on the whole drinking water straight out of A milk jug thing.But fuck OP on the whiter people thing. Fucking nigger

There's nothing legally or morally wrong with doing that, but you have to be a real faggot to carry around a jug of water with you everywhere.

He must really hate Mexicans.

I keep an entire case of water bottles in my truck at all times.
What's wrong with being prepared?

>bottles of water are fine
>but this large bottle of water IS WHERE I DRAW THE LINE

Water is a niggers sworn enemy.


Fuck white people! ! !

What the fuck does carrying around more water than you could possibly ingest at one time prepare you for? Multiple trips to the toilet? Besides that he should do himself a favor and get some style, the way he looks right now is completely autistic. I mean any woman that saw that would immediately think why the hell he's treating college like a trek through the outback.

Why isn't he drinking soda instead? I bet it's not even (((treated))) tap water!

>user on Sup Forums criticizes someone's style

>paying 87 cents for a jug of drinking water
>not 4 dollars for imported free trade vintage green eco water plus, a pint of it.

Look at this fucking retarded trap fapping soy boy who has never worked out a day in his life and doesn't realize or understand why it is literally common to see lifters and athletes carrying around jugs of water. Fucking pathetic.

>What the fuck does carrying around more water than you could possibly ingest at one time prepare you for? Multiple trips to the toilet?
Manlet blatter detected


WTF I hate wh*te "people" now!

The dude is an athlete. This is very common.




Someone post chad quench. You know it must be done.

No one is going to mention the jacket?

Bro is hydrating.

You're supposed to drink at least a gallon of water per day. Filling up a gallon sized container in the morning is an effective way of making sure you're ingesting enough throughout the day.

>fucking white people
>fucking being resourceful and shiet
>fucking being smarter than me and being all like "hey.." psh... "I'm a white person" like what the fuck

>Fuck white people
No ban
>Fuck black people

>Hurr durr why are whites becoming so nationalistic and racist.

People are fucking insane man.


>POC prob given a free ride into college with financial aid
>rather than spend his time studying and bettering his life he treats it like daycare and doesn't pay attention and tweets about what somebody else does

And then they blame "white privilege" for why they don't make jack shit for money

I'm sorry God created niggers

>fuckhuge jug of water for no apparent reason
>ACU pattern civilian backpack
>Army jacket

whoever took this pic being retarded doesn't change the fact that this kid is at best a retard. would call him out on stolen valor if I saw him - good thing for him I guess

>white people are racist and the worst race to ever exist
>white guy sitting in class
>person of another race behind him posting pictures of him and professing their hate due to his race on social media

I really don't get it. People have lofty views of themselves as knights fighting against oppression and can't even realize they are the actual racists.

it costs the same as a dasani 20oz and is usually local bottled.

>>this damn white boi and his white drink
>>not drinkin purple stuff

English not my best language what is this person angry about? Water?

A white person drinking water, yes

Wow, what a creep, taking pictures of strangers and making a big deal out of something that isn't even his/her business.

>would call him out for stolen valor

Nigger you black? How do you know he wasn't actually in the army and them used his GI bill to go to college? Most likely explanation really. I also picked up the habit of carrying around a gallon of water everywhere after spending 6 months in the Georgia heat.

I do that too but I'm not white. Am I still a bad person?

The person taking the photo thinks having a large jug of water and drinking from it in class is uncouth.

2 scoops, 2 turkeys, 2 sips, steak with ketchup, 12 diet cokes, AHHHHHHH GEREPPERPPPPPP


She is probably afraid because of his hoodie and his camo backpack

You always bring water with you during excursions into enemy territory.

Shut the fuck up Yoko I don't need your shit right now


He hates wypipo not drinking like them.

I love black women, noa

>You're supposed to drink at least a gallon of water per day.

You get much of the "gallon" from the content in the solid food.

that motherfucker probably even paid for that water



My id is my next twitter alias to make fun of negros

>How do you know he wasn't actually in the army and them used his GI bill to go to college?

no current or ex warfighter - and sure as hell no soldier - would wear those pansy ass pants


Well report him, what you waiting for?

>not instead buying an artisanal microbrewed water from your local gastropub

I took 2 trips to Afghanistan and I wear floral print harem pants like pic related almost daily

Everyone knows alphas drink from jugs

>can't into health benefits of drinking lots of water



ITT: Noone posting the related Chad Quench meme. Disappointing

if this was a more reputable site or irl convo I would maybe choose my words. on chins though I can plainly tell you that whatever you think military forces other than US contributed you were more or less picnicking in the desert/mountain.

your supposed tours are as irrelevant as your opinion on the matter.

Literally as i was posting Godspeed user

I wonder how hot it was that day and if the climate was dry or not

This guy is smart, all these virgin cucks on the left are shaky and emotionally unstable because they are dehydrated af and jerk off till their testosterone is a low as Brian Stelter's

Did he use two hands to sip though?

1 gallon is approximately the recommended amount of water for men to drink in a day. Other then the fact that he is drinking it from a plastic garbage (leaching BPA and other chemicals), there is nothing wrong with this.

I personally use a 64oz aluminum water bottle filled with water I distill and add sodium/potassium to myself.

I just needed a job after high school and then 9/11 happened. No regrets.

Black racists: White people drink from gallon jugs
White racists: Black people commit too many violent crimes

I don't get why this is a white thing. I went to a jungle for a school and blacks did this shit all the time, too. It was either a gallon of water or a bottle/tallboy can of arizona.



>Other then the fact that he is drinking it from a plastic garbage
>I personally use a 64oz aluminum water bottle

sometimes water is cheaper by the gallon also spending long days outside actually taking care of responsibilities = you need water. what a dumb nigger, probably wished it was purple drank or a 40, niggers cant into water, ask a nog if they drink water and they'll do the "kisk kisk kisk kisk" negroid rapist laugh of a criminal.

How about a pair of milkers and drinking right out of them?


you're supposed to drink a gallon of water a day

7-11 has a deal, two gallons for 3$, this is too much retardation for even me to handle

>he bought into the 'you must drink X amount of water' meme

Just drink when you're thirsty it's not that fuckin complicated. Carrying around bottled water is only a recent thing propagated by the waterjew.

>he gets this angry over how someone else drinks water

What's wrong with keeping yourself hydrated.

Dude you need to research the correlation between increased amounts of aluminium particles in your body and alzheimer's/other brain deterioration diseases.
The only redpilled way to consume water/milk/other liquids is with good old fashioned glass bottles, or occasionally porcelain for coffee/tea.

Plain clean water is good for your health/skin/hairs/niere and so on. The more you drink more healthy you are.
t. Dr. Feelgood


he could be a diabetic

Hydrate or die airborne

>the chad quench

I drink over a gallon of water everyday it's all I drink. and no I'm not a gym fag, I'm chunky and don't work out. all I drink is water and I'm healthy as fuck. you are a pussy, just admit you hate anyone who is more chad than you.

when i played football in high school one of our coaches would pretty much order us to be drinking a gallon of water on thursday and friday.

he also made everyone eat a banana so we didnt cramp up, dude was really into broscience shit

>Misunderstanding reactivity and the blood brain barrier this badly

I'm an asian. I literally do the same thing because I'm on sports.

our coach makes us do that too.
t. swimmer

healthy af, the jews lose


Would this guy be okay with a jug of vodka?

>all cultures are equal
>i hate white people because a white Guy doesn't conform to my social André cultural expectations
kek this thread is a waste of time, though

>personally use a 64oz aluminum water bottle filled with water I distill and add sodium/potassium to myself.
That is possibly the most hipster post I've ever seen on Sup Forums

Y tho