This show was so right brained and emotional, how did it not win the hearts of all you plebs?
WHY did Flip Flappers fail?
no marketing
also it was Sup Forums's official AOTY so you're retarded
yuri doesnt sell
What does the right brain do again
Oh...... cool
It has a pretty decent following on Sup Forums, it's the nips that have pleb taste.
More like no brained.
Shit marketing.
Get back in the womb Cocona
The ending was stupid.
I just finished it last night. Okay show, was really carried by Yayaka.
Left-side stuff.
It was average yuri-bait trying to hard to be the next madoka
Sometimes even the japanese have good tastes. I'm surprised anybody spent money on this shit.
One word.
If anything at least we can all agree that the OP was fantastic.
I hate hate hate you!
But I love love LOVE this show!
Because it has some superficial things that looked cool, but in the end the melodrama dragged it down.
Compare that to Kemono Friends which is selling gangbusters despite its iffy visuals, because the the actually interesting characters and atmosphere.
Barely marketed, no popular names attached, not based on existing source material and a first episode that wouldn't catch most peoples' attention (I loved it though).
The pacing was terrible and up until the last couple of episodes, each one consisted of watching them fail until they either got it right or lost.
Both were incompetent and frustrating to watch.
Because I'm truthfully not a little girl.
Uh are you talking about KF or Flip flappers
Garbage anime, easily the worst of the prior season and one of the worst ever.
I get the feeling that some of these complaints are just baseless shitposting.
Didn't it do well in the theater run? also streaming sales >>> disk sales.
What? Shitposting in a Fli-Fla thread? Even baseless shitposting? Such things do not exist.
Sadly, I watched the show after it finished airing, so I didn't get to participate in the threads while it was airing. I'm assuming this is the norm.
The first episode certainly caught my attention, I thought it was excellent. I could literally smell the adventure.
I found the first two episodes to be fairly boring and off-putting. From episode 3 onwards, it was engrossing though. Episode 3, especially, was a lot of fun.
As the show got more popular around here you could barely talk about it the day a new epidsode was airing. Everyone was invited to the shitpost party. Didn't help that the last episodes are at least weaker than the rest, so the shitposters had something to latch onto. Got to the point that it could become difficult to talk about it, I remember one time I had, what I thought, a legitimate critic, but I got scream down by half the thread.
The rest of the week was fine, though, only the salesfaggots were persistent. In the early days we had one spammer with a really hard anti-yuri agenda.
Wasn't so impressed by the first episode, got interested by webms of episode 2's psychedelic world. But things like AB-chan, "You are alive!", Coconas dream and Asclepius keeped me interested.
Main characters look like those american "how to draw manga" illustrations.
I suppose what I liked about episode 1 was that it had a nice quaint magical feeling to it, and that the PI was the kind of melancholy, quite, natural setting that I have a special thing for; those two things alone reminded me of some of my favourite things (books, manga, films etc) so it sat right with me from the start. And add to that the fact I really liked Papika from the beginning. Episodes 3 and 5 were probably my favourite, with the island episode right up there as well.
Because it was shit? You don't randomly drop a poor excuse of a plot to try to give your show "deepness" and expect people to give a shit when they were just in for the mindless fun and pretty colors.
This. It's the most pretentious show I've ever seen. Fags even are trying to say the shallow yuri bait was anything more than pedophilic fetishization. Deserved to bomb and have its hatebase.
It did though, Sup Forums just doesn't buy anime, even the ones we like.
Rare Papika
Because it was shitty
What's the deal with that show? Like a month ago I thought people were watching it as a joke
It had a dumb name.
I really can't think of a worse character than this bitch.
Yayaka please go. You had your chance.
The story.
It didn't need one.
There is something I don't understand, how can anyone like this show when it have not one but a bunch of inssufrable characters in it? Even your generic haremshit have most pleasant and likeable girls than this.
I honestly disagree with the notion that the last episodes are weaker in any way other than the animation errors. It smacks of confirmation bias to me.
And this.
And fucking this especially.
Anyone who says because it was shit or had a dumb plot is out of their mind. Plenty of shit shows do very well.
user, I defended the story-arc when everyone bitched about it. There are a lot of great moments in these episodes. My favorite is probably how they made Salt an actual character.
But see it this way: The show started this good that even the still strong last third kinda feels like a let-down. I think most people expected something mindblowing, but it played its ending fairly save. Also you can not see some issues with the animations at some times. I wish the fight scene at the beginning of episode 13 wasn't all key-frames. It's pretty much consensus that they are weaker.
Meh, if Sup Forums bought anime, it would probably just be barely 200 discs, so absolutely irrelevant.
It was great until mimi.
What a fucking waste.
the animation errors are the only thing that didn't live up to the rest of the series for me. But I was someone who was never in it for the animation so they didn't bother me at all. I was more worried that the narratives and themes carried from the start would not have a conclusive finish and thus I was not disappointed at all by the ending.
Of course the people who still talk about this are those that are passionate about it and that leans towards the negative. A lot of people who got what they wanted will have moved on from these types of discussions. It gets tiring to have the debate over and over again.
especially when it is often just bait or memes
Because it's Japan, you can't expect an Adventure Time rip off to get big.
>can't expect an Adventure Time rip off to get big.
But Kemono friends this season is way more Adventure Time-like than FliFla.
The characters felt pretty cliched an their relationships boring and predictable to me.
Unfortunately that's what the show spent most of its time on too.
No it wasn't, Flipshitters decided that themselves in their hugbox
no marketing for episode 3
I'm sorry your favourite anime lost to Flip Flaps user. But hey, at least you'll always have the sales figures!
You dissing Adventure time for not being autistic enough?
That show is autistic as fuck when you read between the lines. Full of physics and quantum bullshit for your stoner pseudo-intellectual american arse. When it begins to make sense writers usually stop it making sense though and it gets more right brained.
I laugh at you OP.
Kemono Friends is my favorite this season, but that's an oversimplification. I could just as easily say it's selling because it's a mobage adaptation with a huge and varied female cast. That absolutely fits current trends.
Kemono Friends is definitely not selling because of the mobage, though.
The huge and varied cute female cast might be one of the reasons why it's popular, however.
Something just occurred to me today while rewatching episode one.
Bu-chan talks. He speaks in full, clear sentences. He can articulate himself and communicate. And then after episode 1, he doesn't anymore. In fact, he stops talking partway into episode one and never says anything but "pyuu" again.
Why "pyuu?"
Because his first words in the show are "This is Pure (Pyuuwah) Illusion." He speaks a couple times in the first half of the episode, each time mentioning Pure Illusion by name, and then doesn't anymore after he flies up and strikes his head against the branch of a tree and crashes. His brain case breaks open and Cocopapi look inside it, because the impact of striking that tree branch was so hard. Bu-chan got brain damage in episode one and lost the ability to say anything other than the first-syllable of Pure Illusion, probably the last full phrase he had spoken before his accident. He spends the rest of the show brain-damaged, unable to speak properly, and never recovers. Rather, he seems to become even more retarded over time, until the final episodes have him at the mental-level of Nyunyu, singing italian music with "pyuu"s while he happily plays follow-the-leader with a scantily clad toddler that abused him.
they could have pulled a space dandy with cute girls but instead we got a shitty madoka with less suffering
cause it was a trash show, no lie
the only people who liked it were edgy losers going 'hurr durr so deep wow'
The show was definitely enjoyable and I appreciated the references. I prefer heavy dramas, but this was a good anime. Don't know why people would hate it so much.
>Don't know why people would hate it so much
See above. Shitposting mostly.
People exaggerate their dislike of something when they feel the positive response is disproportional. They don't hate the show so much as they simply didn't care for it and HATE the fanbase for DARING to like something that they didn't, so they embark on an autistic crusade and spout hate every which way in a vain attempt to antagonize the fanbase that failed to avoid enjoying disapproved content.
Angel beats syndrome
Shame, since the art was cool and the premise is cool and the characters were cool
The show has basically been game quests so far though. It definitely has the large cast formula that worked for boats and iM@S CG. Plus an idol element for good measure. I do wonder if it would have gotten as much attention if it were traditionally animated or if it would have just ended up like Leviathan.
Flip Flappers was more of a passion project with no marketing, and had a lot of elements that most anime don't bother with. I'm not really surprised by the response to it.
This guy gets it, though I don't subscribe to the implication that Madoka would be really much better.
Both cases are nice art but ultimately lacking in overall execution.
But that's a sad thing.
He spoke in episode 4.
Madoka was optimized to shock value. It's nowhere near deep as FLFL.
Really? What did he say?
I rewatched 4 just recently and don't remember him speaking. I must have missed it.
At the end of the episode when they were entering the pi.
It was also doing the eva thing where it just borrowed random symbols and mashed them together into some sort of aesthetic pastiche without much underlying meaning.
It's very postmodern in that sense, now that I think about it, but in a way that's the opposite of deep. Anti-deep.
No. It based its world mechanics on accurate concepts of Jungian psychology. It's deep-deep where normal deepfags can't even get it without reading a book.
What random symbols?
I didn't claim it was. Doesn't change that neither of the titles deserve the different scales of overblown hype. Madoka is mainstream, Flip Flappers will remain a niche darling.
>lumping Flip Flappers with shit like Angel Beats
It was, but the ED was better. The best ED ever, even.
i liked it because it was cute + had good art
The witch stuff was all a random jumble of historical and mythological references, most of which had little to no relevance to the actual show itself other than borrowing the image of "female from literature/history"
Like Homura's witch form randomly being Marie Stahlbaum with a spider lily head that was heading towards a guillotine for a french revolution-style public execution. There's not much meaning in her being compared to the character from The Nutcracker and almost seems as though they were trying to blend her with Marie Antoinette in some weird mashup.
It looked cool, but the references were meaningless.
>the animation errors are the only thing that didn't live up to the rest of the series for me
And also the sense of crazy adventures in LSD-land was completely missing from the Mimi arc, so it's easy to see why people like it so much less, as the crazy LSD adventures were the initial draw to the show.
I'm not the guy from before, but I share the same sentiment that the final third was great, but doesn't exactly live up to the rest of the show in many of its most important qualities.
I couldn't even get through three episodes. Pretentious crap.
I thought you were talking about Flip Flappers.
That was Hidaka talking through Bu-chan. Bu-chan is a communication device for Flip Flap.
Naw, Flip Flappers was on point.
>the references were meaningless
Says the ""deepfag"".
Almost everything that was put in has a meaning but the director didn't want to distract you too much so he made them latent.
>crazy adventures in LSD-land
It was never about crazy adventures in the first place. The Mimi arc started in ep 1, and in every PI the duo were fighting Mimi.
>but the director didn't want to distract you too much
Madoka was literally the definition of "style over substance." The aesthetic was in the forefront, and distracting, at all times because it was most of the show's appeal. The scenario itself was weak without the "trippy" visuals, and most of those visuals were just dead-end intertextual references thrown in for the sake of seeming like there was meaning where there was really none.
Intentionally misleading false-depth is a defining feature of postmodernism. It was very deliberate that the show's aesthetic was made up of things that had no deeper meaning in the narrative's context.
That's retrospective information that you can only figure out after having seen the whole show and looking back on the events, and doesn't contradict the descriptor of "crazy adventures in LSD-land" anyways.
It needed a male MC to self insert and about 10 more girls for otaku to waifufag over.
>Intentionally misleading false-depth
You're pretty predisposed but rest assured the show was intentionally made misleadingly shallow. Your failure to understand isn't really an argument about how it's not deep.
>isn't really an argument about how it's not deep.
It is, actually. Failure to convey depth is equivalent to lacking depth. In both cases, the depth is absent from the viewer's viewing experience.
That's true, but they could have done a better job at presenting the main plot and not keep it that hidden. Maybe namedrop Mimi a bit earlier, maybe with ever longer dream sequences at the start of the episode.
>Failure to convey depth
I see you're of the spoonfeeding type. If you like exposition FLFL is not for you.
I wasn't talking about FLFL, user.