It's TIME for your shot, user~
Date a Live
Other urls found in this thread:
>date a live
That's Yoruka.
>Mixing DAL
>With Bahamutshit
New spirit?
Damn it. In my defense she could be one of the clones.
Tohka is a baka and made for abuse. When she goes inverse she even becomes smarter.
[x] Touch Tohka's tohkas
Kill yourself for making this autistic OP
Bwaka bwaka
The pic is so cute and hot at the same time.
Only if there is Origami.
Tohka a slut.
Why on earth would you want that?
Interrupting this bwaka thread with stupid OP with best girls
I love Kaguya!!!
Miku is best girl
The hell? What gives?
That's not Tohka. That said, the idea of Tohka holding a syringe and wanting to poke me with it is absolutely fucking terrifying.
Celestia is best girl
I love Yoshinon!
>Using a bahamut character for a DAL thread.
This doesn't feel right.
Where were you when Tohka's Tohkas got lewder?
Wow desu ne
She's the best thing to come out of that fucking shitheap of a series.
You are one great user.
Why are you so mean to her, user?
Look at this retard. LOOK AT HER.
I bet you're a Shiorifag too, you fucking faggot
Oh well, this isn't a DAL thread.
if you dont want to fuck >her fine
another hole for me
You're not OP
That's a guy
Bahamut is absolute garbage so I'd rather we just let this thread die and just make a new one with a proper OP. Bahamutfags are cancer since it attracts both THK and ESL
You're a fag as well as condoning one of the weakest parts of this series for liking the crossdressing shit
Agreed user. Let's do that. I happen to have a lot of free time now.
Do it
U wot m8
i dont understand user
please explain it to me as if i was tohka
preferably with crayons
Nep thread.
But DAL is garbage too.
>no friends
Bahamut ranks around Asterisk and Absolute Duo levels
In fact, just make a new thread, let's just abandon this one because other people keep bumping.
Don't do this
More of a yoshinofag myself, but good taste user
Worst Nep.