All these years of holding out against lolicon urges, fucking ruined, thanks to Kyoani. I'm going to hell aren't I, Sup Forums?
All these years of holding out against lolicon urges, fucking ruined, thanks to Kyoani. I'm going to hell aren't I...
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why is she wearing mega anal beads in her hair?
cute loli btw
If it makes you feel any better she's hundreds of years old, not human, and is garunteed to outlive you and possibly the Earth itself (according to Tooru).
>If it makes you feel any better she's hundreds of years old,
I've laughed at people for using this excuse so I guess its only fitting that I ended up having to take comfort in it.
They're cute hair beads for a cute dragon girl
So she has them whenever she wants to shove something up her ass.
Yes, but liking loli is the least of your sins.
Because you have a penis for a brain.
welcome to the Promised Land
The Land of Milk and Cunny.
literally this is the loli to make you break?
you are already in hell
When they come for you just tell them it's not a child, it's a dragon in the body of a child.
good one carlos
>I've laughed at people for using this excuse so I guess its only fitting that I ended up having to take comfort in it.
Embrace it, user. When it's shades of gray, your shade is okay.
Yeah these legs are made for creating.
Don't worry, it is actually a 3000 year old dragon :^^)
That's why people are watching this boring shit.
I want to commit a crime.
thicc loli
But it's not you filthy plotfag
>I'm going to hell aren't I, Sup Forums?
That's where the loli succubi are, it's fine.
>Wearing a tie
That's how you know she's a professional.
Hmm i like lolis too but sexualising these kids looks absolutely disgusting to me. So burn in hell user.
It can be used for leverage, too. Stylish AND practical!
Maybe not hell, but you may be up for a free ride in the Sup Forums party van.
>not wanting to sexualize every loli but yotsuba
You don't really like loli.
>every loli but yotsuba
Even user?
>All these years
I believe you.
Loli Tooru when?
Oh i do. Maybe i am just not a pedo. I can deal with it.
>liking loli
>calling people who faps to them pedo
You have to go back.
I called pedo people who faps to lolis who literally looks like 4 years old. Am i wrong?
ESLs need to go back.
even christopher poole
>ywn be moot's little girl
You're already in hell.
You'll be okay user. I remember feeling like you.
I watched first episode. Is it really what passes as loli nowdays? She has fucking hips goddammit.
THICK lolis need love to. But not from me
Little anime girls feel good.
You're about to experience heaven, Sup Forumsnon.
Have fun
It's ok user, lolis are the best thing in the world. You just need to accept them in your life.
So is this anime really about loli dragons?
shit makes me grin like a dumb mother fucker once a week
There's only one loli dragon. The rest are adults.
I love smol anime girls!
Mitsudomoe is so good. Now there's a solid show featuring thick loli characters.
Why do people think they will go to heaven when they die? You are all going to hell.
Also, I only find Kanna cute that's it. Not sure why everyone is going nuts. Short stubby legs are gross. Hardly an appropriate feature for a loli.
2/10 try harder next time
Why are the OP and ED so good? I can't get them out of my head
>500yr old dragon
you wut mate?
They're made for brinin, breadin, and deep fryin.