Do Elementary school girls do this to each other in real life?
Do Elementary school girls do this to each other in real life?
You mean you didn't?
I want to fuck Kanna in that position.
Are thighs as thick as this legal?
Kyoani is really pushing it if I'm being honest.
this thread is illegal
I know your question is rhetorical, but yes, in real life, childhood sexual exploration is very normal, even between same-gender pairs, especially siblings.
Books have been written about childhood sexual psychology, and it's just a normal part of human development. Thinking of it as strange (or stimulating) as adults is what's weird.
Yes we do
I like to think so
Fuck off Milo
>what are sleepovers
It's more likely than you think.
exploration is normal, explicitly pleasure seeking sexual behavior is not and really only occurs if the child has been sexually abused
as far as this scene was concerned if it concluded it seemed to have been building to kanna either kissing or snuggling with seikawa which would be age appropriate
Telling from my experiences, they only do that to boys.
>Books have been written about childhood sexual psychology
Wow, this sounds very scientific and important, you want to share one of your favorites for scientific reasons?
Its pretty normal even with junior school aged girls and boys its also the only reason why I'm not a kissless virgin at 21 to fuck around and be silly.
Maybe female-female or male-female but ive never seen faggot siblings, even at 6 id never fucking touch my brother because its fucking disgusting. Hell if I had kids and I saw that shit id beat the gay out of them with a belt.
if I was an elementary school girl I would
I'm a guy and when I was in elementary school I used have a cute asian "boyfriend" who I used to kiss constantly. Then he moved away and I haven't done anything gay since.
I slept in the same bed with a girl before I went to elementary school back in 90's, so why not?
Well elementary school dragons do.
Kanna is a slut, SLUT!
I taught 4 of my bros how to masturbate at a sleepover in the 1st grade, so this seems plausible.
and were you?
Cute, basement knowledge.
If they wouldn't be, I'd rather not live.
Are you sure they aren't in kindergarten?
I am an elementary school girl (second grade) and I do that all the time with my elementary school girl friends. This is a common bonding method we use to establish new friendships and reinvigorate old relationships.
Me too.
Wow, I didn't expect to meet a fellow JS here! Yes, I perform cunnilingus with my fellow 7-8 year old friends all the time. God, being a little girl is so great!
Greetings my dear classmates.
After our coursework is completed today, let us all gather at the usual location for our regular tribadism routine and explore each others' bodies both orally and digitally.
Then we will share our reports on the most effective rock CD's and beer brands to lure men into vans.
Only if one is actually a dragon
No, but dragons don't obey human law
i played doctor with my sister once. Does that count professor Sup Forums
One of them is only pretending to be an elementary school girl though.
speaking of kyoani, can anybody tell me who this orange-haired character on the left is?
When I was in elementary school, my friend and I were playing videogames and after that we start kissing.
It's been years that I lost contact to him.
It's me. On the left.
Me and my sister used to practice kissing when we were kids but the one time I brought it up for some reason in front of my mom my sister got really upset and said I was a liar and gay. Then my mom told me not to say things like that and so I never brought it up again. My sister also seemed to hate me from then on.
It's okay though because later on I got revenge by humping pillows in her bed when no one was around.
Something like that happened to me actually. When I was an 8-year old my female cousin (10-year old) tried to teach me about sex. Don't remember the details, but basically it was just her lying on top of me (clothes still on, kinda like in OP's pic) and akwardly snuggling me for some short time, then getting off of me and saying "we just had sex".
Since I was a fucking 8-year old I had no idea what sex really was at the time so I didn't think much of it. Talking to her when I was a teen was akward as fuck though.
My best friend and I would touch each other's dicks and stuff during sleepovers sometimes. Doesn't seem unreasonable that girls would do something similar.
Those nametags say "class 3-2". I don't think there are any kindergartens that last for that long or are separated by year and class like this, so that must mean they're in year 3 of elementary school,meaning they're 8 or 9 years old.
Also, compare their classroom to literally any kindergarten you've ever seen in anime, they look nothing alike.
I don't remember how it started nor how why it ended, but for a short period of time I used meet with my sister's friend and play with her feet, mostly sniff them. I'd do things like bury my nose into them and run it across her legs. I recall ever going above her knees though. I think she was around 4 years older and probably new how weird and sexual these things were. I was just oblivious kid who thought her feet had nice and distinctive smell. I could probably still recognize that smell even now, 20 years later.
>one time I brought it up for some reason in front of my mom
You're autistic
Well, don't know of this is what you're talking about, but my little sister and I would "have sex". This consisted of cuddling naked in bed for a bit (I think that I stuck a flaccid in her once though). It really wasn't sexual, I just thought that was what people who were going to be together forever did
>tfw no little sister to cuddle
nothing of the sort happened between me and my siblings.
I think you meant Lean Dunham famalam.
Welp, if we're throwing it all out there, around the time I was in 6th grade I showed my sister one of my dad's porn vid (she was like 7) and we got naked and tried to imitate it. Never brought it up and probably never will.
it's okay when lena does it
its okay when liberals do it
You mean you didn't?
Oh well, family´s friend comes with daughter, invite her to room but Im tired so I rest in bed with closed eyes, she ask if she can kiss me I say ok(thinking of a kiss on the cheek), she proceeds to steal my first kiss
Damned lolis I wasnt that much older than her at the time but I still remember thinking of her as a child
>Children only seek out sex for pleasure after they have learned that sex can be pleasurable.
Elementary schoolgirl here, can confirm
They do.
Source: Niece is like 9 years old and when there's parties and shit and her friends are there, I usually get stuck baby sitting them and telling them to stop horsing around because they like to rough house more than usual because they play soccer.
I was lucky enough to be my non-english speaking [female] cousin's translator. All the girls were very nice and welcoming; recess was the best, all we did was roll around in the sandbox and sit close to each other. Unfortunately, she had cystic fibrosis and passed away at the age of 29.
when i was in elementary school the girls liked to make fun of me and step on me and they invited me to an AIM chat room and taught me about "cybering"
It doesn't look like any Kyoani character to me
I think some do if they are mature enough.
Don't you think that explains your current sorry state?
is there another reason?
for what?
He was probably a little kid who didn't even know it's not socially acceptable. You may be autistic.
Trust me, if the age gap isn't half decade or more it's just miserable quarreling erry day.