How many times have you fapped to the BD rip?
Brave Witches
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I liked it. Will probably preorder the rest of the volumes now too.
Does it look better than the TV version? I remember dropping it because of how shitty and tacked on the 3D shit was.
Much better.
They didn't delay the release of this for nothing. I'd say it's good enough for a rewatch even.
S2 when?
What a stupid question. I watch for the witches at least. You might as well go watch Maken-Ki or some stuff like that.
Yeah it does, don't forget to check helma for threads and news in the future;
Still the visuals won't save the season itself for its bad writing and execution, which is unfortunate.
No one here knows as we're not part of the production committee, but the Petersburg OVA releases on BD by summer or so, so any announcements will probably follow after that. So at earliest next year we could get a season.
I hope they won't rush with the writing next time.
It's okay, I can handle shitty writing. Strike Witches wasn't exactly Tolstoy either.
Cute tits.
>"Brave Witches thread? So why would you use an image of Yosh-"
I feel bad but for a second I honestly thought that was Yoshika.
I only fap to Marseille desu.
It wasn't but this franchise has potential to be more than just a Neuroi of the week anime with almost identical seasons.
And anons sperged out that they will leave censorship for it.
i'd fap to that if imouto didn't turn out to be a huge shit
Nice reading comprehension and post checking, he meant Hikari. Miyafuji doesn't have big sister.
Rall is a goddess that I want to worship.
How do the eye catches look on BD?
Noble Witches seems fun.
Hikari is cute but Miyafuji is perfect.
I'm waiting for the lewd compilation.
I just checked but, there are no rips even released yet for BD1 as far I can tell.
So, I think OP is just talking out of his ass. Sasuga.
Shouldn't be any different.
Yeah, that's about the best thing Fumi has ever drawn so far. He seems to really dig 506th. Also, most modestly dressed witches with pants and coats ever.
You'll have to wait till July, because BD6 releases in June.
Oh nice.
I hope we get more tits.
Brave Witches? More like BREAK WITCHES!
Hikari's big round butt
I bet snuggling with Trude is cozy.
Hikari shouldnt have been in this
Yeah but at least she's likable.
Say what you will about Hikari but I at least cared about her struggles unlike Yoshika.
Did anyone else think they did a good job of making St Petersburg very scenic?
Where the hell in England is the 501 series supposed to be set anyway?
>I at least cared about her struggles unlike Yoshika.
Me too.
>Did anyone else think they did a good job of making St Petersburg very scenic?
I often switch between her and Heidi. Minna and Trude occasionally work themselves in somehow.
Anyone got comparisons for 3DPD St Petersburg and Brave Witches Petersburg?
Agreed for the hundredth time to the sentiment shared hundredth time. I still like her however as a witch.
Yeah Petersburg as a setting was nice and they captured it quite well, but that's where the good things kinda end about it.
The 501st base was in secret location, but it's near Dover supposedly, since 501st task was to hold Dover strait by themselves.
Do you even watch anime shows? They only released BD1 few days ago on disc, it covers episodes 1 and 2, which did not have Petersburg scenes. We have to wait till next month to see episodes 3 and 4, and so on with one month waits.
And the Petersburg backgrounds were pretty well done to begin with.
He probably meant photos of the locations shown in the anime.
>Near Dover
Come to think of it you're right, especially since Miyafuji flies over the white cliffs during the OVA opening at one point. Too far south for me to go and do a pilgrimage.
Ah, well no one has made comparisons to the real places save for the base itself which is modeled after Suomenlinna that resides in Finland, that and the church from Sasha episode if I remember right. Some anons mentioned that it does look like Petersburg, so otherwise one can search for images on google.
I remember an actual map image from manga or something that disclosed the place approximately or something around Dover, but can't find it now unfortunately.