>Minami Kamakura Koukou Joshi Jitensha-bu - 08
It's time for jitensha-bu!
>Minami Kamakura Koukou Joshi Jitensha-bu - 08
It's time for jitensha-bu!
We're getting even more dead with every week.
It was a good Fuyune episode.
There is something really erotic about girls having leg-cramps.
That was a good episode, enjoyed seeing Fuyune's sister.
Who's taking the shots from these angles?
The endcards are fucking perfect.
This show has turned into a disappointment - the pacing is just awful even if it's a pretty series to watch with good designs, it's not casual enough for SoL and doesn't have enough plot to stay interesting.
Yeah it definitely needs more legs.
What's the point in typing that when we all said and think the same thing since ep 3.
Pretty much this. I'll continue watching as there are only 3 episodes left, but it's just awful.
What's the point of reading my posts if you already know what I think?
Gaijin slut a shit.
They should put more yuri already
I am beginning to wonder whether I should pick up Long Riders to see if it was any better.
It was much better. The only reason I'm still watching this garbage is to fill the void Long Riders left inside me. It's not doing a good job with that.
Kuma-san was robbed.
What the fuck, still no gaijin this week?
Isn't the bear the gaijin slut?
But I was hoping she would take it off today in a wet explosion of sweat and girl steam.
Here at the East coast, it's getting warmer way earlier this time. I'm ready to buy a bike.
A motorcycle.
Never forget.
>this is a Japanese road bike
>look, mom, no hands
Still watching, I'm just a bit late.
As if I wouldn't watch her show.
Great, now I want to buy an expensive bike I'll stop riding after a week.
They got the One Room protag to do it.
You'd be surprised how effective anime propaganda is when you commit to it.
I'm still exercising regularly and climbing mountains.
Hey kid
Why don't your legs work?
Couldn't get these sweet wheels if they did.
Is this Yowamushi Pedal but with girls?
Cause I could totally dig this if it was Yowamushi Pedal but with girls.
I can't believe they died
This. It was a good performance anyway, but doing it with the drag and heat of that costume is heroic.
What do you think about Fabian?
Is it too late to drop this? Its amazingly slow and uninteresting. How I got this far is beyond me.
Pretty much this. I think I'll stick around since i don't really feel like dropping it after ""investing"" the time go suffer through 8 episodes.
admit, you're still watching because gaijin-chan hasn't appeared yet...
Because let's be honest now, a cute blond girl who likes cycling is already a prime waifu even if she hasn't even been introduced yet.
So insurance fraud.
3 episodes on a shitty 10 lap race. What the fuck.
I wish I could look cute on my road bike.
>I wish I could look cute on my road bike.
Not that hard if you're female, just look at the Cycle Chic blog. Female body + stylish clothes + some level of attention to hair = cute.
>Not that hard if you're female
no shit
Now that's a good club
nah fuck you i know i attached an image
I'm pretty much done with it. Maybe I'll pick it up again some other time. Only reason I'm here is for rider posting.
Sweet sister complex
Not just heroic, but outright inhuman.
Or bikes for the whole club were mistuned making them much harder to ride. Can't see any other way a swimmer on a basic bike would be able to gain same speed.
So wait, she has three tulpas and thinks she's riding a flying horse?
Is she alright in the head?
LR shares as many faults that Minami does too.
It does, but somehow it was ten times more enjoyable when compared to Minami.
What did they mean by this ????
Minami didn't even finish. That's not fair.
I never cared about Long Riders' faults because I loved the show so much. It had 10/10 characters and a good story. Minami sadly doesn't match up.
i haven't watched this show in a month and holy shit it's still boring as ever. LR while bad had charm to it.
It doesn't matter if it's still airing. I was enjoying LR ever since the first episode aired, because while it was objectively a bad show, it had its own unique charm to it. I then proceeded to enjoy every single episode until the very end, even when I had to wait 2 months to see the final two episodes.
I tried to enjoy Minami, I really did, but I just can't. Even if it gets surprisingly better in the last 4 episodes (spoiler, it won't) then that still won't make up for the terrible 8 first episodes.
I prefer LR because it showed more actual y'know cycling than Minami has at this point
>and a good story.
Really?, LR story is bad, basically nothing, just your average clumsy girl who buys a bike to get friends and want's to ride with them, with no subplots or anything else.
>it was ten times more enjoyable
And that's with a tenth of the frames of Minami!
It's one of these moments where my sleeve feels like it's getting tugged in attempt to join in the LR wagon but I'm not like you guys. I don't have tunnel vision.
>clumsy girl
>buys a bike
>rides with friends
Sounds like a good story to me. I don't need much more than that.
Oh look, it's the dumb yurifag who got humiliated by Tattun. Say, did you enjoy Kobayashi's another hot /ss/ action?
She took drugs before the race to win.
So what is this? Cute girls doing cycling things?
Cute girls doing boring things.
Come join us user, we have nutrition supplements.
She should zip that up
Not that user but I agree with him. So far, MK > LR. Long Riders had too many quality issues, boring designs, and terrible pacing - the only thing it did well was a consistent theme (Ami falls in love with road cycling), which was good but not enough to save that show. MK is technically much better, but has really flopped the past five eps - there's just no story or real motivation for the characters. The next few episodes could be better, I'm going to be hopeful.
>this weeks short
infuriating. I've explained the essential basics of bike fit to hundreds of people just getting on bikes and it's not that hard - you can easily do it in under 60 seconds, there's no excuse for them reducing this week's short to 'looks right' when all Yunosuke-san had to say was this:
1. raise your saddle so you have a slight bend in your knee at the bottom of the stroke. 2. when the crank points forward the ball of your foot and you knee should be directly above the center of the pedal
3. for beginning cyclists, you want your back at roughly a 45 degree angle, and be able to reach the bars comfortably with some bend in your elbows - let your core muscles do the work
The girls in Long Riders are better than the girls in Minami. That's what settles it for me.
is there a point for having the big gears on for both front and back?
Cute girls doing competition bike while in Long Riders they are just strolling.
>bike still 3d
come the fuck on.
I'm mostly tired of seeing "LR is better" spammed in every weekly thread.
Just fucking post bikes and motorbikes.
I want to be her slave.
Is Kuma-san literally the best biker on school? He just lost because everyone teamed up to fuck him. And that custom was a handicap.
I want to be her servant.
What, one of her customers?
Sick ride
I like this show a lot still. The feeling of new friends discovering a new world together draws me in, and the characters all feel equal to each other. The way the world expands with a lot of side characters makes fills it out too. Also I love Fuyune and how she went out of her way to say this cool line.
?, It's not 3d.
>2. when the crank points forward the ball of your foot and you knee should be directly above the center of the pedal
>Spreading the KOP mith
It was warm today so I got to ride for the first time in a while.
It was objectively a mediocre show plagued by scheduling and animation fuck ups, but managed to show a certain charm that made it enjoyable nevertheless.
Minami Kamakura Kokou Joshi Jitensha-bu is objectively a mediocre show with pretty artwork, but lacking the charm to make it stand out from all the other CGDCT.
>Long Riders had too many quality issues, boring designs, and terrible pacing
While I agree with most of that statement, the very same thing can be said about Minami. Well, except the quality issues, MK is clearly superior in that regard. Also, I'm not trying to shill any of the series, I think both of them have their own strengths and are worth watching, even if you enjoy one over the other.
Sure, LR girls, while enjoyable to watch, were basically walking character archetypes with bland personalities - genki airhead, araara cowtits with the onee-san aura etc. However, the very same thing can be said about MK girls. We have the usual cast of archetypes - genki airhead, tomboy, ojousama, blonde gaijin (if we ever get to see her). They do give off the 90s anime vibe with the designs, but that isn't making them any more interesting.
As for pacing, LR had its issues and it took them some time to get to the actual part where they, you know, ride bikes, but it was nowhere near as bad as the pacing of MK. During the first 6 episodes they spent around 5 minutes riding on bikes altogether. I understand that we need to introduce the characters and all that, but if 90% of the episode consists of characters sitting/walking and talking about random shit, and the only times they actually get on bikes they keep reusing the same "lol I forgot how to pedal/stop/turn" routine, it gets old really fast.
And now when they finally started riding bikes, they ""wasted"" 2 episodes to animate a 10 lap race around school grounds. If that's not a fucked up pacing then I don't know what is.
Again, I'm not trying to describe LR as some kind of masterpiece. I could probably write a post twice as long about LR faults, I'm just trying to find a middle ground between Minamifags and LR refugees here.
The LR bullying puts it below Minami for me personally. Too much jewing.
So Kuma-san really was Sandy all along, wasn't she?
Has Shiki sensei gotten more screentime recently? I stopped watching after like episode 3 or 4 and she was the only character I liked.
>KOPS myth
It may not be a hard universal rule, but it's a fine starting point for getting somebody on a typical bike in a position comfortable for them to start riding.
I like both.
Me too.