Newest chapters got posted on imgur since their website is having problems.
Mousou Telepathy
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He can perceive the evil inside of Croissant at a glance.
It's working just fine for me.
Mana being a bro again.
So when are she and purple having their wedding?
>their website is having problems.
They just changed the URL.
One of the scanlators posted on reddit saying they were still facing problem and hoping to fix it soon, so they'd post it on imgur.
Maybe it got fixed in the meantime? His post was 55 minutes ago.
>I'm so stupid, I troubled senpai
He's like a pure-hearted little kid, getting so excited about stuff and then really bummed when reprimanded. I wanna marry him. Why is everyone being so mean to him?
God, Mana is so fucking great. This manga is good but even if it wasn't she'd carry it easily
The characters or the posters?
In universe he comes on too strong, to the point where it becomes uncomfortable. He's cute, but he should tone it down or shove off to a shoujo manga where those types of boys are welcomed.
Out of universe he's Toda's (not) rival. So he doesn't have a real shot, but because he also likes Nakano and Toda is main boy, some fans do not like him.
Nice one, Croissant.
>It's the soccer club members
This is stupid, but it's making me think that all the teammates have stupid quirks too if the girls are reacting like that.
Yeah, I meant in universe. Seemed like an over reaction. I get him making the class uncomfortable, I even get Toda being hostile for obvious reasons. but Croisant threw me off.
>he should tone it down or shove off to a shoujo manga where those types of boys are welcomed.
So, this isn't this a shoujo manga?
Oof. Croissant can be fucking savage.
I mean, Croissant's the only one going nuts, and at this point, she pretty much ships Toda and Nakano kind of. Everyone else is just mildly interested and/or amused.
Bitches don't like people getting in the way of their ships.
Says it's a Shonen.
Croissant saving people's chastity.
>Mom blue haired
>Nanako blackhaired
Nanako is adopted.
The breast size different also point to that conclusion.
Luckiest cat in the world.
see Dumbass.
Need more Mana
They have both blue hair in the mind world.
I want to be that cat.
Okay, Toda.