Tsutomu Nihei,'s New series "Ningyou no Kuni (APOSIMZ)

1st Chapter RAW: imgur.com/a/1ethy


>The 200,000 KM diameter artificial celestial body of APOSIMZ. Most of its volume is its core space, which is covered by a superstructural shell. Fifty centuries ago, the people who lost a war against the core lost their right to reside legitimately in APOSIMZ, and were left behind on the extremely cold surface. They face the spreading Frame disease. And aggressive automatons which appear frequently on the ruins level. Yet even so, somehow people survive.

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Kuso ja.

>No name artist
Why should I care?

His art has gotten really moe


I miss when his art didn't look like garbage and he knew he was a shit writer so didn't even try.

It's already licensed by Kodansha btw: kodanshacomics.com/2017/02/23/aposimz-full-time-wife-escapist-taiyo-no-ie-peach-heaven/
I'm waiting for it (it's coming out today) to be released, that's why i'm not dumping the raw. You can read the translated prologue for free on the same link.

Oh! Even worse than kuso, actually. Take note of the furigana. It's fucking shounen.


Yay, more boring shit.

Ah - I figured it out. 人形の国 - Ningyou no Kuni - The Land of Puppets. It's a reference to the real world: those who still find value in Nihei's modern works are but puppets.

Where did it all go so wrong

Sure is pessimistic in here

Looks interesting
Too bad I can't read moonrunes, so I have no idea what's going on

They're still butthurt from Sidonia

Wasnt this a oneshot


>like 15 pages in


I don't care what you guys think, this looks cool.

Yes and now it's being serialized.

Not it was just the prologue.and the link in OP is the 1st chapter.

I blame his daughter

oh, sorry, here's the page

Yes, "Sidonia salt" is clearly the problem. Couldn't possibly be that Nihei no longer ought to exist.

Why the hell there are so many words. Nihei, the fuck are you doing.

>best girl wins
>people are butthurt about it

I fucking hate Nihei daugther. That cunt ruin everything.

You Blame! his daughter?

But that's his schlick since biomega isn't it?

>looks cool
>in before Nihei fucked all of us all over again with half-assed ending asspull
>"Daddy, you're suck at being a mangaka" said his daughter once again.


He looks like Tsumugi.

That was a thing in Sidonia too and no one had an issue with it before the ending.

Well Sidonia was kinda ass so no one really has any trust in Nihei's ability to produce things anymore.

muh dungbeetle armour

It always looked like garbage

>no one had an issue with it
Perhaps if you were hanging out on shipper forums or something. It's disgusting. It's pathetic. It's pandering. And it "being a thing" does not justify its presence in any way. It is unwelcome. It is unworthy. It is un-Nihei.

>A country for dolls
>Assured robot joint action
>With creepy tsutomu art and irregular characters

sign me the fuck up my friendolinos.

Dude, they're just tits, get over it.

I don't recognize his style here at all.

You don't understand what it is, you are willfully ignorant, or you are a troll/modern Nihei shill.

That was pretty bad

>inb4 actually its his daughter posing as Nihei

Are you mad about him seeing the tits or about him apologizing for seeing them?

Mc's solid black hair stands out as much as a generic card anime protagonist's hair in anime.

>all these people hating on Nihei

what the fuck? I really like his work



Fuck off, idiot.

user, I did too when I made my fingers black reading BLAME! back in the days.

Fast forward several years till the end of Sidonia.

It's a nice contrast to the story since both nihei artstyle and setting/story is usually pretty dark so a lighthearted moment of walking in someone undressing is ok personally.

After Sidonia and the new Blame movie people have plenty to be susceptible about.

Nihei is now creating works for mass audience now what he thinks is good.

But it's very nihei, you just don't like it.

>the ending of one of his works sucked so that means he's now shit forever

Sup Forums hates anything popular with westernfags, nihei is now a victim of that.

Sidonia burned all the goodwill people had for his stuff.
Exactly, now you're getting it.


reading comprehension isn't your strong point


wew desu ne

Some people just can't deal with change.

It's funny cause Blame! ending wasn't good either.

Change is not innately good. If I treated you well for 10 years then cut off your head, would you accept that 'change'?

how do you go from a god tier artstyle to a shit tier one in the span of 5 years

He went from "All black" to "All white" over time.

>Blame! ending wasn't good either.

You desire fame and wealth. You covet it above all else. You revoke your own natural systems of ethics and throw your being into chaos for that which you covet.

I chuckled

He does it on purpose. Try bato.to/reader#fff34f4cb47ff56b_2

He found a bunch of Moebius comics and decided to emulate him

Well, I'd have no choice but to accept it since I'd be dead.

But I understand the point you're making. And in this case, there's a really easy solution to change you don't like. Stop reading Nihei's manga. No one's forcing you to keep going, no one cut off your head.


>there's a really easy solution to change you don't like

That's not a solution, that's burying your head in the sand

>Stop reading Nihei's manga. No one's forcing you to keep going
I don't intend to read this work. I read what was produced in order to determine its worth. It has none.
I criticized it. I will criticize it. That is all which is.

What was so bad about sidonia? Was it actual plot or just that thing at the end about the transgender?

I can't into his current sketchy artstyle, it feels so uninspired and void... Why can't his pages be 80% black? Even his architecture looks half-assed, and that is (was) his strong point.

Is this weekly, Monthly or something else?

The magazine is Gekkan shounen Sirius, so monthly.

this is his new artstyle

That it devolved into pure harem garbage and next to nothing was resolved in the end

>What was so bad about sidonia? Was it actual plot
Yes. The ordeal about the transgender/transspecies shit at the end was the final nail in the coffin, in two senses. It was that which defeated any hope of Nihei returning to what he once was, and it was also given at the very end of the manga - thereby, it *had* to be the last nail in the coffin. Idiots hold up the anger produced over that single development as a sign that "lol shipperfags hate nihei now", or "xd ur just mad about the ending", or what have you. In truth, it is only one of the points of Sidonia which produced such violent emotional reactions.

Sound too much like his previous works.


Presumably to make fun of people like

It's a perfectly apt solution to the problem of "I don't like this manga/mangaka anymore". What else would you do?

Why are Nihei's girls so fucking cute now? I'd read his stories just for them now.

Criticize it and point out it's shortcomings


Scrolling down I thought it was some cute fanart of Cibo.

Oh hey it's the shota from Jomurgand.

Also wasn't it his kid who said he/she hates Nihei's works and prefers stuff like Shingeki no Kyoujin?

Kill yourself shitposter

>Also wasn't it his kid who said he/she hates Nihei's works and prefers stuff like Shingeki no Kyojin?


Reinforcing a point is not shitposting. Let this be the end of our discussion.


She said that regarding BLAME!
Her life is forfeited.

>killy gets defeated
>cibo's egg suddenly activates and implies killy got into the netsphere

It's not a bad ending but it's too open to be a good ending too. He did attempt to make blame2 but blame ending seemed like a bad bait for a sequel.

>a good ending must be wholly unambiguous

Nihei's moe disease has been in full bloom.

>every good ending must be a sequel bait

Sidonia ended? I stopped caring long ago and never even knew.

So what's so horrible about the ending?

Reading something just to shit on it doesn't sound very fun or worthwhile to me. Are you a masochist or something?

>Sidonia ended?
no This manga is the continuation of Sidonia