Yo Sup Forums I'm watching the monogatari series for the past 2 days and can I ask you something? Can you please tell me when they will FUCK OFF with hanekawa? I don't get it Its been 3 or 4 fucking arc's with her throughout this series and i'm in the second season now and its STILL about her.
Why? What is with this character when she's not even the main girl and he told het he just plain doesn't like her? Why does she take up so much of the main story when their was like fucking 2 arcs for sengokuhara? I fucking hate this character and so does the mc, so why the fuck can't she just off herself? At this point I'm not even liking this show because of how many times this character that shouldn't even be getting this much, is. And its the same fucking shit. And the worse part is she still loves him, holy fuck. This series can be interesting for what it is but sometimes it feels like its going fucking nowhere and its because of this character sucking everything up. At this point I would rather him says fuck you two bitches i'm gonna send the rest of my 500 years with my fucking vampire wife. Because it would be an entire better fucking story if it was about a man and a vampire spirit and not this fucking trainrweck of a character. So All I want to know is if the first arc of the second series it the last god dam arc for this character and they can move on to the actual important fucking characters like his fucking girlfriend and his fucking vampire.
Yo Sup Forums I'm watching the monogatari series for the past 2 days and can I ask you something...
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Was the book THIS bent on hanekawa or is it just shaft for no fucking reason doing this? All I want to know is if they finally move on with the story and If they don't i'm fucking ditching this shit.
There are arcs that don't focus on her but the bitch never goes away unfortunately.
If you've watched all the way to second season and still haven't realized araragi loves hanekawa and not senjou then you might have brain damage
Harem anime has always been shit
Because she's going to win
Holy shit, she takes up the whole fucking story then? thats it she gets everything? because it's the same repeated story line, so its not just her awful character. It's just plain annoying. His own girlfriend doesn't get fucking any arc's? The fucking story goes nowhere? If sengokuhara doesnt get to be the main star in season 2 i'm done. unless the vampire girl gets to be which fuck it it makes more sense storywise.
He fucking doesn't and If it winds up like that (which I read he doesn't in last book, he loves sengokuhara to the end ) I'm fucking done.
This is fucking worse if you ask me. I haven't felt this annoyed in a long time. I had to fuck off this series and watch pineapple express of all things randomly to actually have fun.
How do you know? I thought he was far more complex with sengokuhara then he ever will be with her. but is this shit like this in the books? sengokuhara gets nothing?
And the worse part is the main character, I usually don't mind hateful characters but you think since he does love her and snice he knows she is in pain from almost being raped or some shit he would say please get the fuck out of my life hanekawa? I don't get it the first series completely showed that he doesn't give a fuck about her and ended it perfectly. Why did the author go and do this shit?
Also to add to this its sated a billion fucking times he doesn't love her, he actually fines her revolting.
Its fine if she doesn't go away, but does she get another arc or is this hopefully the last one in this series because I cant in the fuck see how they could get another story out of this character. wtf else is left? The mc said I don't like in you in that way, he saved her like 3 fucking times,and she cut her hair which means she resoled it. So what could their possibly be left with this character. I thought that they were just getting her out of the way so sengokuhara then get's everything but no it didn't stop.
It seems in season 2 its more about Shinobu?
The last arc that is fully about her is Nekomonogatari Shiro.
After that she is more present in the first part of Owarimonogatari. Second season is more about the lolis and nadeko with a kanbaru arc.
You should read (or watch, if your country has 3rd movie screenings) Kizu, it's pretty essential to understanding the relationships between Araragi and Hanekawa, as well as Araragi and Shinobu.
So after the first part of the second season it' mostly free from her? I mean there is no sengokuhara arc or shes not the main star in s2?
What do you mean by loli's? is s2 not about sengokuhara or Shinobu?
Well I'm following galax.moe
hanekawa is his best friend and he lusts for her big cat tats. she also knows everything and was with him from the beginning of his oddity-busting journey.
she will always be there. make deal or stop watching/reading.
The rest is mostly free of her. I meant Shinobu and Hachikuji with some Yotsugi. Then start of the final season adds more Yotsugi.
The Kizu novel was released right after Bakemonogatari. It's not about Hanekawa and doesn't focus on her issues at all, but she is an important character in the story which mostly revolves around Araragi.
I don't think we even have a rip of the last movie yet.
There isn't really a main girl in the typical sense, but Hanekawa is the most "main" if you go by amount of screentime and how she marks some of Araragi's turning points.
You'll need to calm your autism if you want to enjoy the rest of the show. Even when Hanekawa isn't around Hitagi and Shinobu don't suddenly get treated better than the rest of the cast.
I might just stop watching because her character just fucking bothers me to no end. She a terrible not needed main character. but What are the books translated up to and are they any better than the show with character scene time or development like with sengokuhara who he seems to hang out with a lot off screen.
Alright then maybe ill keep watching. just how many books did the anime adapt, is it caught up. just how many books will he write or is it almost over. If she does get picked for some god knows reason in the very end after all that development over how he doesn't love her and loves sengokuhara in a complex way this would all be a waste of time. And first of all I hear he loves fucking Shinobu in a complex way maybe even more then sengokuhara. plus he will wind up only living with her in the end. If he looks at it as he will live with sengokuhara till she dies and then spends the rest with Shinobu then thats fine and makes sense with so far from what this main character is like and what he stands for. hanekawa has no fucking need to be apart of his life once he said no, its just that no fucking point. It only comes off as a annoying mess of a story when she takes up time and arc's. It doesn't feel like the story goes anywhere because the main characters that actually matter to the plot don't get anything.
She cuts her hair and stops wearing glasses, so at least she stops being an eyesore. I'd honestly like her if it weren't for the cowtits.
>the second best character's after Kaiki arc is pretty much entirely about giving up on Araragi
Really gets the hair tingling.
>if it weren't for the cowtits
You appear to have mistakenly typed the wrong thing, friend.
She does have to much screen time now that you mention it.
It's not autism, it's actually fucking normal because of how this story makes no sense based on what its about. I read a fuck ton of books and this is not how you do one. This show doesn't know what it wants to be. It's wasting all it's time on a repeated character story line. It's the samething over and over with said character. It's like the author made up his mind a billion years ago on how the main character should decide love, yet instead of continuing the story with the actual love interest he went fucktarded after all that shit about how hanekawa was only out of lust. So lets just make her the main star of this show anyway. and let the actual girlfriend who is far more interesting of a character and actually is touching and a character who was almost raped be completely back seated by the show and MC. What a great sense of direction this story has.
You know what the cow tits are fine anywhere else but here, It's the story, the main character already doesn't actually "love" her , her character itself, her personality and stereotype, everything about her is bad.
I just watched this whole show up to season 2 and can tell you the character and story direction is fucked.
Not to say Hanekawa is any better.
At least we can agree on the glasses.
>I read a fuck ton of books and this is not how you do one
Not conventionally, no.
>It's not autism
>spends the rest of the post being autistic
But Hanekawa's S1 design was the only good part about her.
She at least has better conversations and seems actually comfortable with her fucking boyfriend, he does too. instead of us seeing that we see just him wanting to lust after this bitch who he doesn't actually love or is able to touch or kiss because he wouldn't do it. So guess what this shit means nothing. your watching a character for no reason.
not him but nah she's fucking ugly.
Who do you think the most interesting Monogatari is then?
Kaiki and Sengoku.
Sengoku in particular I didn't care about whatsoever until S2 where she skyrocketed.
>Wacthes a story
>points out whats wrong with it
That's all i'm doing, all i'm saying is the story has terrible direction and maybe even the whole story has bad pacing if you look at it as a whole.
That's an acceptable opinion. At least you didn't say bat.
This is the main problem of harem anime. When you put all the girls on equal footing with equal chances of "winning", once the story is done all you're left with is a bunch of arcs that lead no where and had no pay off. It is particularly bad if the main girl ends up being a red herring, since they will have a more involved time investment that would go to complete waste if it leads nowhere. So much of the writing is wasted on leading the reader on by the dick that the overall story suffers from it.
This is why pure harem is a failure and should be avoided. You can have your anime full of girls, and they can each have a little arc dedicated for their development even, but it should always be within the context of their supporting role to the story. They should never take the spotlight from the heroine or try to steal her role because that hurts the story's coherence.
but Shinobu did kind of, the whole tub scene was far better then everything up till now with hanekawa. I'm not into loli and she ins't one anymore it seems in season 2 since she got older in nise. What i'm saying is she started becoming a fucking much better character than her and that's not hard. and in the end game she is the most complex relationship I feel.
You know what the problem is I didnt think it was a harem, I really don't and it's because it tries not to be. that's the problem. It's a bunch of bullshit. If this is a harem I know actually good harem. tenchi muyo is ten times better then this shit even though it doesn't have a ending. It has a better plot and characters and in the end if this shit is a harem then tenchi wins. like the only other good "harem" which I wouldn't call it maybe a neo love triangle from the old days is love hina. and then thats it harem became shit.
This is harem in disguise if it is one. You think the show is better than that but it winds up not being one. You think they would've moved on from this fucking character but they didn't and then it hits you that you were tricked.
Her interactions with one character don't make her a good one. Shinobu's banter with Araragi is literally the only decent thing about her. The one proper arc she gets in the show that focuses on her alone is easily one of the worst ones and gives her an issue far more suited to a dumb teenage girl than the actual dumb teenage girls in the show get.
Actually more so tricked because the main character has a fucking girlfriend already. thats it , it should be about him and his girlfriend right? no it winds up being about some terrible character for no reason.
What in season 2 you mean? Why its a bad arc? It can't be worse than any of the story so far. because after hanekawa cat shit over and over , she should be actually interesting. ill just have to judge it and see. I hear s2 is actually good unlike nise.
Cat tats
>it should be about him and his girlfriend right?
It's not a romance story, it's a story of abnormal events, and for Nisio his relationship with Senjougahara is too normal for the story (even though it's not very normal if you consider the latest spoilers).
What are the latest spoilers?
Whats not normal about it?
and I thought it wasnt normal to begin with since he doesn't fucking do anything with her in the fucking story.
and for not a romance story it really doesn't seem to have much to do with abnormal events but more so him just fucking saving the girls if you ask me. and plus if it wasnt about romance hanekawa wouldn't fucking be shoved in this story, it would've ended.
I meant the musubi spoilers, in the translated chapters.
Will she finally be the main character then now? Is there something going on with them?
Without going into details she appears for only a single chapter in a single arc in a single novel for the entirety of the 4th arc
Are there even any stories out there that setup a harem without it being the focus of the story? For monogatari, while the girls are great and important to the story isn't just about them like said. I think the quality of the show would go down if Nisio was serious in setting up the development needed for a harem to not be trash in addition to the regular storyline
4th season I mean, the off-season.
She is Nisio's favorite.
But there will be no Hanekawa in the next TV season. And there will be the second date with Senjougahara.
>watching that shit for the story
You're doing it wrong, you watch it for the quirky special snowflake directing and the lolis.
What is wrong with this author, holy shit.
So the mc just completely ignores her for the rest of the fucking story?
that's it i'm not reading this shit I can see it will bother me to no end.
Well It seems hanekawa get's ANOTHER fucking arc though right (from what I just fucking read)? but this time it looks like she's finally gonna be over with because this guy wrote himself into a ditch.
What the fuck do thae japs think of how he treats Senjougahara and this story in general?
If you could tell me whats the spoiler about whats not normal with their relationship, do they not fuck or something?
well then If I can't stand the author's direction and his favorite character why the fuck am I watching this shit. What a waste of time.
>So the mc just completely ignores her for the rest of the fucking story?
4th season is not about Araragi until the very last novel
like i'm confused what, who the fuck is the main character then. are you saying hes not the main characer for a whole book? wtf is a "season"
> If you could tell me whats the spoiler about whats not normal with their relationship, do they not fuck or something?
2 break ups in college and 1 after college.
> What is wrong with this author, holy shit.
He loves to write about geniuses and mary sues.
They break up because Araragi was secretly living with his childhood friend that wasn't introduced until later in the series, and then break up two more times for silly reasons and long distance relationship problems
Everyone but Senjougahara and Hachikuji are main characters of their own personal stories.
Holy shit, that's it i'm not reading this or watching it, it looks completely autistic.
That one paragraph just sold me.
Like what? What kind of asshole did he turn into because he seems like a different character completely? and did they even fuck at all then? I'm guessing they did since they are in college?And I thought it was just the viewpoint that treated her like shit but he actually does in the end? he treats a rape victim that completely loves him to death like shit while he goes off on shitty adventures with other women who he doesn't even love?
>He loves to write about geniuses and mary sues.
Does this guy love beating up Senjougahara then?
Yeah I'm now finally seeing that. but how will shaft adapt different character's and not Araragi?
>he actually fines her revolting
Wrong. He won't date her because he thinks too highly of her.
that's not what he said like 3 times in the anime.
God, I love watching dumb Crabfags get triggered.
> and did they even fuck at all then?
They did it in Nise for the first time.
> What kind of asshole did he turn into because he seems like a different character completely?
Calm down dude. He loves Senjougahara and wants to marry her.
That arc wasn't that great outside of the bits of detective work Kaiki does and the banter he has with Gahara & Yotsugi. Nadeko deludes herself and goes apeshit over the pettiest shit ever - and it's not even a "she's not a good person" type story done well (and it wasn't realistic either, which is the one praise everyone who likes that arc gives this), more than being a "bad person" she just came off as being an idiot (which is saying a lot because the story goes out of it's way to establish that most of these characters are supposed to be idiots to some degree). She was bland in Bake and became an outright shit character in SS. She was well voice-acted in that arc though.
Most of the arcs in Bake, half of the other arcs in SS, and the first half of Owari were all way better.
> Araragi was secretly living with his childhood friend that wasn't introduced until later in the series
wow he added a childhood friend, so original. so not only is there hanekawa he added another fucking person to annoy people with after she left? and still puts off Senjougahara with random other people for no reason other then what it seems to be just bad writing? she gets no fucking arc or time , just her fucking being beaten up over and over by this asshole?
The funny part is why the fuck was he living with some childhood friend and not her? hes fucking older then a college student and hes not living with her?
but I don't get these seasons, when does he stop being the mc? It seems werid.
Watch the fucking show first
Said childhood friend is the character that has less relationship with the main story and characters but still gets a lot more focus than most side characters after being introduced. She is the opposite of Hanekawa though.
I love her though, so it's great that Nisio does too
>muh waifu not getting screen time = bad writing
Every time I start to think Batfags are the worst, Crabfags step up to remind me how unbearable they are.
How is she treated like shit? She's constantly put up on a pedestal despite treating almost everyone around her with short shrift. It's been stated time and time again that he's loyal to her too, what happened in that paragraph the user posted had no romantic implications and was more a case of him just being an overly cautious idiot.
Almost every other character in the series is "treated like shit" more than Gahara is. Including the MC, most of the series revolves around him trying and failing to live up to an image that other people (including Gahara, who is unable to criticize him for his actions later in the series due to the same behavior being why she fell for him in the first place) have created of him, and even before it became the main focus it was always there from near the beginning (I think the first example of the MC talking about this was in the 2nd arc of the very first series?)
Hell no, not after spending two days getting to season 2, hating a character that sucked up screen time with the plot going nowhere, only to find out the mc turns into this.
A completely normal fag dick and the author being a fucktard with shitty ass characters instead of the main love interest.
You think i'm any of those? I'm completely judging this story as a whole ass. and the only two characters that seem important to the actual story, yeah the bat and crab. actually don't get shit. and its just about the mc jerking off to random characters while saying things that make no sense about how he feels about characters while he should be paying attention to his fucking girlfriend.
If hanekawa is this bad in this story, wtf does his childhood friend do in this story. Why the fuck does he live with her and not his fucking girlfriend.
This. I'd even wager that the reason Nisio doesn't write about Gahara anymore is that he never wants to seriously "criticize" her, and Monogatari is all about pointing out characters' shortcomings.
You are an idiot.
How is Crab "important" to the story? She wants nothing to do with the supernatural. That's the definition of irrelevant in a story about oddities.
>so not only is there hanekawa he added another fucking person to annoy people with after she left?
No, she barely interacted with anyone up until recently. Acts nothing like Hanekawa too.
> and still puts off Senjougahara with random other people for no reason other then what it seems to be just bad writing? she gets no fucking arc or time , just her fucking being beaten up over and over by this asshole?
Most of the arcs cover supernatural shit, which she has nothing to do with and wants nothing to do with. That becomes a plot point later on even. Despite often not being around in person, characters are basically always talking about her too in a near Poochy-the-Dog like fashion, her presence is always there for better or worse.
>The funny part is why the fuck was he living with some childhood friend and not her? hes fucking older then a college student and hes not living with her?
Said childhood friend lived with him & his family years ago for a short period of time, had a rough family life. She had nowhere to stay so Araragi contacted his parents to see if they could help her out, his parents told him to just let her stay with him. Generally speaking they're not particularly close at all, Araragi doesn't see her as someone of the opposite sex and said friend actually hates him on most levels.
The fuckup Araragi made was not telling his girlfriend about it, but that was out of fear that she wouldn't let her stay there. Which was a stupid thing to do, but not in the way you're saying it is.
Crab is a cunt of the lowest class. Shit taste user desu.
I'm sorry but It just doesn't seem like that at all. and the author makes it just as bad by completely shoving Gahara off a cliff and her viewpoint with other girls.
If this doesn't seem fucked up to you or hate the main character or even the writing then I don't know wtf is likable about this series. you just have to force yourself reading or watching about some shitty character like hanekawa the whole time? because thats what this series seems to be about. The whole thing about Senjougahara is one thing, but instead you have to hear about him talking about how he feels about hanekawa every goddam arc instead of anything going anywhere. and its the same god dam stress build up cat story retold. so instead of you actually getting character development with the main character and Senjougahara, you get some girl that comes off as really annoying because it just comes off as the main character fucking over his love and her getting in the way. the same goes with most of the girls they come off as annoying but not as much as hanekawa since she just takes up most of the story. and it comes off as the main character even though he seems fun as annoying.
IDK for some reason this series just makes me mad or annoying. or just plain tired. I guess its just not for me. the plot direction is not for me either it just doesn't make sense. In the end I guess its just some touched up shitty harem. which makes it annoying.
Lmao, crabfags in suicide watch like their waifu.
Hanekawa is endgame too. don't forget it
More like this series is on suicide watch If I go by what im reading by the recent book. looks fucking terrible.
Hanekawa is P E R F E C T I O N
Please just drop the series so we don't have to put up with your idiocy in the threads.
She's gonna die dude, look up the spoilers. hes a fucking evil murderer or someshit. She turned evil or some shit. She a endgame boss.
>what im reading by the recent book
Have you read anything of the book except that brief epilogue covering his shitty Ross & Rachel knockoff relationship with his girlfriend? 90% of the book is about him being a ghost-busting cop.
>tfw Kanbaru was the one person at the end of the series who developed normally even in abnormal situations.
She's effectively the anti-Hanekawa at this point. Hanekawa just went off the deep end and went full terrorist while Kanbaru just took the events of her past and used it to propel herself into a nice paying job which requires a decent amount of knowledge and effort in an attempt to make a grass-roots change in a few people's lives.
Hanekawa and Shinobu are the main females of Monogatari.
They always were and always will be.
> his shitty Ross & Rachel knockoff relationship with his girlfriend
Stop it please. You repeat it in every thread.
Nobody cares about senjou user, that's just how things are. Rewatch her episodes if you feel nostalgic.
Fans of monkey have it the hardest imho.
This series is idiotic, could've been cool too. If they just stuck with Shinobu and his girlfriend which are the only two likable main characters then maybe it would've been good without all the retarded drama and annoying shit.
could've been the new yuyu hakusho that didn't go shounen.
Instead we got some autistic ugly girl as the main character it seems.
>the same goes with most of the girls they come off as annoying but not as much as hanekawa since she just takes up most of the story.
She doesn't take up most of the story. Gahara was there for more of Bake than she was. Hanekawa's barely present at all in Nise. She has one arc in SS, plays a background role in a couple of the others. She's a supporting character in the first half of Owari, and that's it. She had her own OVA, but then so did Kanbaru. Nadeko gets an entire full-sized LN devoted to her later on too, though it hasn't been animated (yet?).
Frankly I still think she shows up too often but whenever someone says that she takes over the entire story I gotta assume that this person has no idea what they're talking about. You could argue that she takes over Kizumono at best.
> Nobody cares about senjou user
Araragi cares.
>Instead we got some autistic ugly girl as the main character it seems.
Who the fuck are even talking about here? Araragi's still the main character, always has been outside of the a set of novels literally called "Off Season" that were focused on other characters. Even the arcs in Second Season not from his viewpoint were largely about him.
> Instead we got
The most successful late anime TV series of the century. Fuck off already.
>discussing things on Sup Forums because you're super late to the party
Why don't you try, I don't know, watching the rest of the series instead of showing your newfaggotry and waving it around like a fucking banner?
Friendly reminder that Araragi is only allowed to make love with Hanekawa.
>If they just stuck with Shinobu and his girlfriend which are the only two likable main characters then maybe it would've been good without all the retarded drama and annoying shit.
Those two characters (+Hanekawa in the first season) are literally the source of all drama in this series though.
Not even a Monkeyfag but the MC's friendship with her was probably the best developed friendship within Bake. Though since you still get people saying that she only hangs around him to get close to Gahara despite what she says all throughout Nadeko Snake I assume that a lot of people just don't pay attention to the one part of the series they keep insisting is perfect.
nah it seems like this fanbase actually hate's hanekawa, a lot.
Are you kidding me I just watched all up to season 2 and it was fucking nonstop about her and she STILL has a arc. gahara had fucking shit like 1 and a half arc's and some romance ep, nise had shit for her,for the girlfriend of the main character it comes off as fucked up. and when hanekawa said she still fucking loved him in ep1 of s2 I just knew I was in for constant annoyance. So I wanted to see just how bad it really was gonna get with this character and how the main love interest getting no plot yet shaping how the main character and this story goes. if your not actually doing a love story but doing it in a harem its even worse. It means all this time he's spending with these girls is even far more annoying to me. none of this shit goes anywhere it means, It doesn't show character development with the main character, nor does it show with his love life, so what the fuck is this series for if not annoying you? and instead of him going from girl to girl and them disappearing like they should, they stick around and he completely fucks around with them while loving someone who gets no scene time.
I like Senjougahara, but it's also a fantasy of mine to be stabbed during sex. So I can see why I might like her whereas others do not.
> the MC's friendship with her was probably the best developed friendship within Bake.
Not that user but as a Monkeyfag I disagree. Mayoi and Araragi have bantz down a fucking artform and has to be the most equal of all the relationships within the series.
>Are you kidding me I just watched all up to season 2 and it was fucking nonstop about her
Gahara was there for more of Bake than she was. Hanekawa's barely present at all in Nise. She has one arc in SS, plays a background role in a couple of the others.
Eh. Mayoi and Araragi get along best, but Mayoi herself isn't a very complex character so I think it limits how fleshed out their relationship can be.
Why is OP such a raging autist? I'm sorry the series doesn't focus on the characters you want it to, go do something else you fucking cocknugget.
They had top tier banter but their relationship wasn't really explored until Nise if I remember correctly. Whereas Kanbaru had Nadeko Snake, which was basically another arc for her and defined what she wanted from Araragi and the sort of relationship she'd have with him (and Senjou)