Why is the level of detail in the character design so good?
Kemono Friends
Finally, stop dying as I'm about to post, thread.
>Unless they where planing for the game to crash
I wouldn't put it past nexon, honestly.
I was waiting to someone to post a new thread, but they are too comfy to let them die and not start a new one.
But necon has nothing to do with the creation of the anime. They where just hosting the game and little more.
Huh, watching youtube videos of the mobile's story, "Kako" is actually a game character too. She doesn't appear on screen, but Mirai mentions she was caught by the Ceruleans when they took over the Park Central (it was meant to be an entertainment and commercial district, also with hotels and other stuff for lodging, although the only thing visually shown is a theme park-like castle in the game). Almost all the staff escaped, but she stayed behind.
I guess this pretty much confirms she's going to be in the anime? She had no design in the game but then there's art for her in the TCG. Maybe she's going to be the one underground then.
I want to impregnate the most right one.
You are a friend of good taste.
Why isn't Giant part of the idol group?
Maybe being extinct gives bad reputation to an idol?
I assume there has been like 2-3 threads since last night
Did someone say they would typeset the manga?
What's the ferris wheel about?
It's actually pretty odd since her design was created specifically for the anime, but so far it doesn't seem like she'll have much of a role.
Oh wow, that one is new
Yes. He posted the first chapter on batoto too, but I don't have the link.
The first chapter is already done, check the previous thread.
Someone typeseted the first chapter
You mean the one in chapter 3 or the one in the Ed?
Found the image from a previous thread. The 2nd one is Kako.
What a scrub.
I'm so hyped for PPP
I just noticed that they all wear headphones.
So not all bird friends have their wings on their head. Is it because they don't fly?
There's obviously some meme I'm not getting here but I wish they would just finish the arm instead of having it float there.
Maybe it's because they don't have feathers?
[x] Harapan
Maybe it's the "porno flash game" look
This is not gonna have some dark twist at the end...right?
Am I a cerulean?
It has it every episode
>Yes, like all other birds, penguins have feathers. Penguin feathers are short, overlapping and densely packed. The outer part of the feather is waterproof while the inner down section traps an insulating layer of air, keeping the penguin warm in the sometimes freezing water.
They're just not fluffy feathers. Maybe it's just a design choice.
Yuru Yuri?
Maybe they pull a reverse dark twist. Everything seems bad. Humanity extincted, park abandoned, the ceruleans predating on friends and humans... and then everything ends fine.
It doesn't seem like the kind of show to have a dark twist. Some people think it's masquerading as an educational show for kids but is actually some super deep post-apocalyptic tragedy.
I think that there have been some foreboding signs so far, but it would be weird for there to be some kind of complete tonal shift in a series as innocent as this one. I'm just hoping that the ending is happier than the ED would have me believe
Vol 1 is once again sold out everywhere, as one might expect. Wanted to order, but can't find it anywhere. Amazon, Mangaoh, Honto, CDjapan, etc.
Anyone else disappointed when they learned that Japari buns were made from plant material?
Was it here that someone mentioned maybe Arai-san was able to speak with Boss before, because she hid her ears under the hat and Boss thought she was human at that time?
That seems like an elegant and very possible reason.
I was relieved
more yuri friends when
I thought it only reacted to the feather. Why do we think she had a hat at some point?
Just noticed those silhouettes. This picture is so perfect.
Not all Friends have animal ears. I think Boss can tell humans and friends apart via other means.
I think it's more likely that normal Boss reacts to humans, while mystery voice Boss (which isn't really Boss at all) reacts to the feathers and other special items.
Otter was best. Why aren't there more otter posts?
>Why do we think she had a hat at some point?
Not him, and I don't know that she had the hat in her possession either, but we know she was certainly looking for someone wearing the hat, so she at least knows it exists.
She speaks about how she found a hat in the latest episode.
I'm a newfag here, when is the last time this here board saw so many post limited threads about a show in succession
Yeah that's Namori's art. Cute as fuck, right?
And yet some people will be pissed off by that
Every season, including this one.
How much did it sell until now?
You asked this last thread.
I think they might go for melancholy, but not dark.
Yeah, I love how he draws eyes.
I don't see it. Any kind of twist like "humanity is annihilated" and such would basically limit its legs as a franchise.
The park is in ruins and people there left or were killed. I don't see why so many people want to extrapolate that to the entire world.
Boss talked to Kaban before seeing the feather. When he saw it was when the ''recording?'' with the girl voice started.
penguins are fucking revolting
Well, they're intentionally hinting at it in the anime by having the animals assume humans are extinct.
Say that to my beak fucker not online and see what happens
noot noot
All CGDCT authors are cute lesbians, you should know this.
Sorry I forgot
No animals have ever mentioned anything about the world beyond the park though.
They probably don't know anything. Maybe it's all in an island.
What are they looking at?
The Japari Bus
Did someone say tomodachi?