What is Tanya looking at?
Youjo Senki
Other urls found in this thread:
my cock
thinking about sausages
Considering how disappointed she looks...
Invitation by a higher-up to go see the nutcracker together.
Mr X's cock
notGermany's defeat.
Plans at a hollywood adaptation.
Anybody else like that the infantry uniforms have changed as time goes on? I believe even the French soldiers had Adrian helmets when we caught a glimpse of them a few episodes back.
We haven't seen the French wearing helmets yet, but we have indeed seen the Nords drop the stupid tricorne hats, and for the first time we've seen the Germans wearing Stahlhelms
Now all we need is for Tanya and the other officers to adopt the post WW1 officer uniforms
where is my 1080p torrent?
not all regions have the same level of technological development so yes some will have dif outfits
The French guards in Episode 6 were wearing Adrian helmets.
Lol look at these nazi fags gathering
>Sweden going Volkssturm
A map of Not Europe TM
A map.
Oh my god, we already have to use it and we're only 18 posts into the new thread.
if s2 will be her in WWII as bitler i will fucking die in extasy
>implying Tanya won't go into politics post-war like Uncle Adolf
Give me early-cake Chancellor Deglichoff please.
still no 1080p
There will be no more world wars.
>7 episodes
>still no bingo
whats the point in that?
>x fugging her up
>tanya says fuck it, imma rip ya a new arsehole
>WWII incumming
>so as i
Right? Should have dropped the bomb on the commies.
Does someone knows where I can find the LNs? I searched in Nyaa but I didn't find them in english.
you can't
Yeah but they're not on the front lines.
Thats how it was in real life.
There's one volume translated on sky's blog.
That's all so far, and they're getting translated at a glacial pace.
as mentioned
here you go: skythewood.blogspot.com.ar
Murrica has the A-bomb. There is no WWII, it goes straight to the Cold War after notGermany surrenders.
ME-323? In my 1924? Drop it
>you'll never save Tanya from breaking her neck on that fall and quickly salute afterwards
Russia becomes communist before WWI.
>They would know going in everyone knows the ending and the story,
Do you actually think that Americans know who Kafka was?
I maintain that was bullshit those commie faggats needed the Duma to continue WWI in order for their rise to power to make any god damn sense.
>That's all so far, and they're getting translated at a glacial pace.
I hoped the crew goes full overdriver when the anime did hit but sadly its not. Still happy somebody translate it but meh so slow >_>
To be fair the ministry of defense or whatever looks really fucking nazi clad in all that red.
Why did Anson Sue's voice sound like it was recorded on a much worse mic than the rest of the voice actors?
don't do that
Yeah I thought it looked like the Gigant.
The face of a destroyed enemy
>tfw have to wait 2 days to download the new ep
capped internet was a mistake.
Is this the glorious future of anime?
They are socialists
Stop pirating anime.
Who cares?
No visa?
>Ships are all Kriegsmarine models and not Kaiserliche Marine models
>that Messerschmidt glider
NUT please.
>that moment in the aftercredits where Mary is listening to the radio
>the spoopy PV tune is playing
I was expecting her to go full bloodlust in that moment, was kind of disappointed she just cried a bit.
Have you seen LN illustrations?
I don't think she goes full bloodlust until after Tanya kicks her sorry ass
It would be stupid. For all she knows her father may still be alive. Now it's just a subtle foreshadowing for things to come.
>canvas and wood planes are primitive
They're the most fun to fly though
Wait what? She's going to be a thing? I was just saying that there was some similarity between that moment and the first PV where Tanya does the creepy turn to the unsettling music.
I figured the dude's family was just a prop so they could go "Look at how evil Tanya is killing this loving husband and father!"
This is what I get for being a filthy secondary I guess.
>all dat clay
>empire somehow not completely dominating the entire continent already
Fucking GrossGermaniums.
Also, Imperial soldiers now use Stahlhelme instead of Pickelhaubes.
When does Sonzai X appear to Mary and grant her the gift of overpoweredness?
Where are you? Afghanistan?
It will take a while. She doesn't even know that it was Tanya who killed her daddy yet.
Everybody hates fucking krauts so they can't really snatch any more clay without starting a world war (whcih is waht's happening).
Can novel fags spoil me please ! Is Mary stronger than Tanya later on ? Or she is gonna get shit on by Tanya every single time.
Is Mary stronger than Tanya later on ?
Yes. Her name is literally Mary Sue.
The way they moved their bodies also seemed kind of slimy, so there's clearly some kind of evolution taking place.
that general was literally stalin
When is Sonzai X gonna show Tanya the humility of having her tiny body raped for hours by a group of grown up manly men, until she has no choice but to pray to God?
So far she got beat up badly everytime she encoutnered tanya, but somehow survives by sheer luck (or maybe more?)
I have, but consistency is nice. Either go all the way Imperial Germany or don't.
I still wonder how the Germans manage to piss everyone around them and be left without allies.
Well, Empire will fight Russia later on.....
Literally geopolitics 101 user
>Anson Sioux
I don't know how to feel about this...
>Top is the Ribeyrolles 1918, bottom is the Modelo 1921 MAF, a really obscure Italian gun.
Gun jesus video when?
Well irl, they bitch slapped France as their first act as a country, tried to compete with the Britain at sea and then supported Austria in their adventures in slavland so Russia was pissed. There's probably magicland counterparts.
>japan is in love with germany
>they are racist even against their allies
>russia says no back stabbing
>they are too racist not to back stab
On my subs it was "Anson Suu"
>tfw no daughteru to give you a monogrammed rifle as a christmas present
Japan and Germany were at war in WW1.
>The new mage uniform is fitting my chest too tightly!
but ww1 never happened
Looks more like a SIG MKMO to me.
was she always an asexual sociopath?