So, why is anime one of the only types of media where the original source material/manga is outright disrespected by the watchers of the adaption?
I just don't understand why manga is so disrespected when it's the superior art form, Not the anime can't be better than the manga but 90% of the time it's a manga to anime adaption.
It's insulting to fans of shit like Berserk,Jojo,etc that people watch the anime,refuse to read the manga and still think they should participate in discussion
Anime plebs?
>So, why is anime one of the only types of media where the original source material/manga is outright disrespected by the watchers of the adaption?
>source: my ass.
Go to literally any forum about anime and look at the Berserk section, People flat out REFUSE to acknowledge that the anime is bad. In fact, I had someone get pissed at me because I told them the new Berserk anime butchered the manga and their defense was
>Yeah the CGI may be bad but the story is what makes it good
I'm bothered by how people refuse to read and get triggered when they're reminded what they're watching is dumbed down to appeal to masses
>Yeah the CGI may be bad but the story is what makes it good
I've heard this to but normally its the other way around its very rare, to me at least to see someone disrespect the original source material normally its
>animeonlyfags leave
>read the fucking manga
>start from chapter one anime fag
The story making the anime good but the animation is shit doesn't make since at all anyway wouldn't the story being good lead you in to reading the manga eventually.
This is a weird topic for me because I just began marathoning the kingdom manga and prior to that didn't know there was an anime and I saw more comments shitting on the anime and telling people to read the manga, of course some did say the story enticed them to continue watching but none were saying it was better or preferred it over the manga. So in summary can't relate
Nothing wrong with people discussing just solely based on the anime. I mean if they are dicks sure, but it creates interest/incentive for them to read the mangas/LN/WN. Even lurking on this board, I rarely see anyone dissing the source material. Especially when you consider that LN and Manga provide more in depth storytelling than an anime could achieve just because of time constraints.
It's the same with movies, if not worse.
How many people who like Marvel movies read the comics?
>but 90% of the time it's a manga to anime adaption
Not true if you consider doujins.
>refuse to read the manga and still think they should participate in discussion
As long as they are only discussing the anime, what's the issue.
Sure they can be annoying but it's just stupid to not allow secondaries, as nice as that would be.
But if anime plebs read the manga, how else will I derive smug satisfaction if not from having read something that someone else hasn't?
Because people have shit taste and reading is too difficult for a lot of the retards out there.
You must be quite young if you don't know that by now.
What makes you think that?
The only reason the anime even exists, is that the manga was popular.
And foreign people are never the demography. Like literally, Japs never acknowledge foreign people watching/reading their stuff, they just don't care.
> 90% of the time it's a manga to anime adaption
Not really, there is a lot of anime based on Novels. Also plenty of anime based on VNs and Games.
> How many people who like Marvel movies read the comics?
Also this. There are people who watched the movies and consider themselves Marvel fans without ever looking at a comic.
This shit isn't exclusive to anime
Manga is fine.
LN/WN's though? Holy fuck they're awful.
Most adaptations are just one-season commercial cancer anyway. They should just be fucking outlawed, if they're not going to cover the source material's plot. No Re:zero 2 is downright criminal. See this? This blue-haired bitch right here? You can't just fucking do this to me and go, "Huehue, if you want to see her happy ending, go read the otaku creator's fanfiction-tier writing!"
Seriously, fuck you.
But VNs are better most of the time.
Because anime only uses one route and one ending
And while there is no animation, usually there is still voice acting.
Yeah, LNs/WNs usually are badly written, especially WNs because your chances of getting professional editorial passes on your work is much smaller. I didn't realize how bad a lot of these sources were until I started reading them.
Could part of that be the translator's fault for being too literal, or not doing enough to work on their wording and flow to make it sound better? Absolutely. But you can only polish a turd so much in translation before you're essentially re-writing it.
Yeah, VNs with multiple routes are pretty hard to do, but sometimes can be done pretty well (I think the Amagami and Clannad/After Story adaptations are good examples of that). They can also be shitty, like the first F/SN adaptation.
I'd actually like to see a properly-done Tsukihime anime adaptation at some point; Nasu's writing is so awful it'd be cool if it were done by a team of competent writers and adapters.
Re: Zero's WN is definitely one hell of a turd to polish.
>Character says or does something that accurately conveys what's wrong or what he or she is feeling.
>Next paragraph is dedicated to explaining what he or she just conveyed.
>little to no sense of place or time, sparing descriptions of setting if and when he does include them
>All this while the world's cutest potato apparently sleeps through years of fucking content.
>why is anime one of the only types of media where the original source material/manga is outright disrespected by the watchers of the adaption?
it's not
That's unfair. I'll say that a lot of the Emilia shit in Arc 4 was so blah blah, but everything else was A OK.
It's because people are so comparative with anime to the LN/WN. It's really unfair because every action in those written stories, usually, has so much detail to them. Anime just flows through them because they are a visual representation.
>>Next paragraph is dedicated to explaining what he or she just conveyed.
After consuming so much Japanese media for so long, over demonstration or explanation of what a character is feeling or saying is one of the most grating things to encounter. It's clearly a cultural thing, but it often leaves me annoyed and going "YOU DON'T NEED TO EXPLAIN THIS, JUST GET ON WITH IT!" At least in *Ns you can just skip the text.
>little to no sense of place or time, sparing descriptions of setting if and when he does include them
Well, at least he's better than Robert Jordan, but that still sounds frustrating. On the other hand, it does give the anime plenty of leeway to come up with shit.
>All this while the world's cutest potato apparently sleeps through years of fucking content.
Agreed, such fucking bullshit.
It is
By still bitching about them and stonewalling them from our threads
jokes on you i dont watch anime lmao
Because manga is for children. "Picture Books" are meant to be a crutch until someone knows how to read properly. Its not even a good picture book: its black and white, short, and divided up into weekly cliff hangers.
Pick up a novel like a real man, or watch the anime.
Anime can be better than manga though, are you retarded?
> Not the anime can't be better than the manga but 90% of the time it's a manga to anime adaption.
Reading is hard, isn't it :)