Nigger Hate Thread

Post pictures showing how much you hate an entire race

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't.

I hate arabs more than niggers. European niggers can be chill but American niggers should be genocided.

Then dont fucking post








fuck OFF, Chaim

Hate. Niggers.

Great stuff. Glad to see it.


Only cucks hate an entire race

Try baiting on /bant/; don't think it'll work here

the irony is there are more niggers that hate all whites than whites that hate all niggers.


Was listening to this and thought might as well share here since it's kind of relevant:


-=- Daily Reminder -=-
If you hate niggers and want their numbers culled the best and only legal path forward is abortion.

Not only does abortion kill large numbers of niggers and niggers will fight you if you attempt to take away their access to abortion services but also the left is in full support of abortion.

The nigger loving left supports the aborting of large numbers of nigger babies and has the audacity to claim you are racist if you attempt to stop them.

So, if you hate niggers and want them all dead you must support the lefts strategy of fooling the niggers into believing you your concern for their right to access abortion is for non-racist purposes. Let the niggers kill themselves and help the left accomplish this goal.

Or do not support abortion and get called a sexist, racist bigot by the left.