> Expecting to have an underdog story where a man prevails despite weaknesses.
> Gets a harem and unironically has the strongest weapon and goes daily life of a shield hero with slave-waifus.
looks cool, I'll check it out. thanks man.
this wasn't animated right? only manga and novel
Why did you expect anything different?
he never fucks anybody so its your generic dumb MC with hot girls around, gets boring pretty fast
Unless you're counting his army of slave children, Shieldbro doesn't get a weapon for the entire series and his only power at the end is he can reflect your attack back at you, which is a typical power for a shield in any video game. All of his abilities are defensive or supportive. His only offensive ability is the cursed shit which has huge drawbacks and fucks him over if he uses it, and all the other heroes also have access to it too. The reason Shield becomes stronger than the other heroes is because he figures out the secret of the weapons during the hero conference on that island and the others don't listen to him. You can't really call it a harem either, since there are really only two girls in the entire series which he has real feelings for, unless you're going to count the bird, which I certainly don't.
The only time he really had high offensive capabilities was during the mad scientist comedy arc.
He only has like three attacks retard, two of which are cursed skills.
I rather like it, the light novel license, though it has a shit ton of typos, is better than the web novel
>and unironically has the strongest weapon
That would be Itsuki.
I said strongest, idiot. Also, offense=strong doesn't mean shit. Ever heard of the term, defense is the best offense?
>Ever heard of the term, defense is the best offense?
No because that doesn't make any sense. The actual expression is "the best defense is a good offense", which is true because an enemy isn't dangerous after you kill them.
>expecting cool shield shit
>lame as fuck
>mad scientist comedy arc
That was the most unnecessary filler I've ever seen. I am glad that LN is going to skip that.
>defense is the best offense
Proportional damage fucks him hard.
Other heroes are more broken. Nao is lower tier than all of his compnions unless he uses cursed shields.
bought and read the first 3 -ordered the other 3- books of the novel and it's totally worth it, op is just a fucking faggot.
Are you kidding, mad scientist arc was one of the best arcs, especially his genetic tampering creating an entire race of raccoon things trying to "revive" Raphtalia.
It came out of nowhere and didn't lead to anything.
It's almost like Aneko watched Steins;Gate and decided that she wants to write something chuuni.
Good thing that Raphchan already got a better introduction in LN.
It lead to the creation of the racoon thing that could break dragon/bird barriers.
Other than that, I completely agree how it was completely filler and could have been left out or been a "what if" story.
>shield is the strongest weapon
The faggotry is strong here, the only reason he's the 'strongest' is because of his team and soon to be slave child army. Even grandma can kick his ass no problem
How does Raphchan even come to be in the LN if the mad scientist arc doesn't happen?
Pro-tip, every underdog story is just a power trip after a certain point.
Shield's party go into Grass's world in volumes 8-9. But Nao gets separated from Firo and Raphtalia. As that world is based on eastern Asia, there are familiar-like shikigami. He makes one from Raphtalia's hair that he had with himself to find her.
After returning in original world Raphchan became a Naofumi's familiar.
Even Grimgar? I barely got through volume 1 but by the end they could only kill a mid level goblin boss
Grimgar went into bullshit territory when Haruhiro had deus ex machina power that beat a big enemy (what a great surprise!) It already went into the whole accepting the mob mentality at the beginning.
>has the queen's ear
>all the other heroes know he's the shit
>plot armor out the ass party
Yeah whoops there goes all the tension in the story. Now it's just going to be the same old 'Can our hero best this seemingly insurmountable enemy? Spoiler warning yes' shit
It was going to fucking happen, dude. What you want the whole manga to be him getting fucked over by one kingdom forever?
HE CAN'T SAVE THE WORLD BY HIMSELF. The reason the heros are all getting fucked is because they don't work together.
Spear is a fucking retard white knight.
Who even cares about Bow and Sword.
Shield is (not that you can blame him) distrustful of ANYONE who isn't 100% loyal to him.
>saves world
>waifu suffered beyond imagination to deliver victory
>returns to shitty contemporary 3DPD
>leaves waifu behind
Wait, did the LN already end? THAT'S THE FUCKING ENDING?
>The reason the heros are all getting fucked is because they don't work together.
Actually, no.
They are getting fucked because they aren't serious and because they rely on knowledge from their games.
By design, they are supposed to operate in different parts of the world as waves aren't Melromarc exclusive.
Tbh I wouldn't be so upset if they didn't completely fuck up the catharsis moment the series had been building up to. SH takes on the world and proves himself right as a big fuck you to everyone who screwed him over? Nah whoops how about a powerful figure swoops in and fixes everything in a fucking timeskip, enjoy
If he had set up the 'woo teamwork' situation that had been building up himself there would still be the tension of whether or not he could keep them in check or if he'd get paranoid, blow a gasket and fuck up the whole thing as a natural progression of distrust. Now it's just a boss who whips them into shape and puts them all on the same page. It's dramatically dead
>Wait, did the LN already end? THAT'S THE FUCKING ENDING?
Only webnovel. LN confirmed for different ending.
WN had two endings:
Motoyasu, Ren, Nao and Raphtalia died. Then Ren and Nao get transferred in their original worlds and Raphtalia gets to live in Shieldbro's world. Motoyasu got a spear that got him in a timeloop that makes him return at the moment this series started when any of heroes die. That started spinoff about him. Worth noting - he was insane at this point of WN.
Then fans bitched and Yusagi made another end where Nao gets to be cool immortal godslayer that fucked all the bitches and lived two lives in both his world and fantasy world.
To be fair i liked more the process of taking the best qualities of monsters (Such as the filorial's transformative capabilities) and combining them with Raphtalia's DNA to create Raph-chan.
The original ending was Naofumi (and the other heroes probably not sure) returning to his world after the goddess went full exterminatus on the planet. Naofumi left a broken mess living in denial for failing to protect everyone.
>the process of taking the best qualities of monsters (Such as the filorial's transformative capabilities) and combining them with Raphtalia's DNA
It isn't that different from familiar/shikigami system.
>Naofumi left a broken mess living in denial for failing to protect everyone.
I don't remember this part.
Probably because it's more chuuni, was it the same in the LN with the familiar thing?
Okay maybe i got a bit carried away with "Broken mess" but he did feel like shit for surviving and knowing everyone else died.
Am I the only one who liked the WN ending? Maybe it's because I enjoyed Demonbane and it's similar to that one.
Well, it wasn't that chuuni, but he basically can modify Raphchan using anything he want. Of course he uses it mainly to improve quality of her fur, because he likes to play with her.
Or the time his shield got stolen then the borrowed the king's Legendary Rod, and then doubleteam'd the shit out of Tact with Fohl while using a sword.
D'aw that's fucking cuuuuuuute.
Now, THAT would be something new and interesting.
I completely forgot about that part. I should re-read this shit again sometime. I finished the WN by reading raws and never checked out the completed translations.
>cursed shit which has huge drawbacks
I'm sick of this shit.
MC having a dangerous cursed power inside them is done to death and it's always a shitty 'get out of situation free' card.
We learn that time that naofumi's magic repertoire includes decay and possibly many stat-down magic. He can even spellblade them.
What can you expect from this anyway:
The other 3 heroes are retarded that is always easily manipulated
MC is underdog at the start but look at him: great reflex, god-tier cooking skill that make everyone suck his dick, god-tier talent for trading and god-tier charisma that make all hero-tier characters suck his dick.
Nao has Raphtalia and Firo help him but the other 3 have nobody point out to them that they were being manipulative on top of them being the retarded
MC is underdog at the start but look at him:
>great reflex
>god-tier cooking skill that make everyone suck his dick
While, yes, he has innate cooking talent. The shield also pulls weight here.
>god-tier talent for trading
Honed by ricing harder than china in MMOs
>and god-tier charisma that make all Demi-human characters suck his dick.
Fixed that for you.
I meant to quote Then again losing most of your blood and hit with a 30% stat down curse isn't exactly free
>>waifu suffered beyond imagination to deliver victory
Almost Subaru-tier suffering no less.
It's only a matter of time before all WN isekai to LN have adaptations.
We have:
Atelier Tanaka
Super classmates
Duke daughter
What next?
English translated or jap only?
Remember that slaves should be properly used and are merely property, not real people. Using them as waifus is clearly the wrong way.
Oh wow he gets more? Are they as loyal as the first?
He also calls them m-0# series and b-0# series. Maid and butler series. They're primarily emotionless and talk like literal robots.
The ones that keep their personalities but have ingrained servitude are the opus-0# which Yuni, I believe is opus-01.
Seeing how he can literally fuck with their heads to make them loyal that's a question not worth asking anymore. Fucker somehow mastered neurosurgery.
He had three-to-six years of experimenting with countless slaves. Cutting open their heads, removing and testing parts of the brain and regrow the parts back while instilling their mentalities. Excused.
I gotta say the prospect of having someone like yuni kinda flips my switch.
She didn't even need the operation, doubt she'd act any differently even without it, this was more of a kinky fetish thing for both of them than anything functional.
Yes, having a obedient, beautiful slave that will follow you to the ends of the earth out of sheer gratitude and love will surely make anyone want to have her as a waifu. Good thing Talese only cares about alchemy.
The whole "FAAAAAKE" thing had me rolling with laughter. You have shit taste in humor.
Insurance at least, however pointless it might be
Lets hope he also gives eternal life to her too. Since spending an eternity alone is oblivion in itself.
>It came out of nowhere and didn't lead to anything.
It explained how the Filio Rial came about, and how the components of the weapons can give impetus to make things to better the cause of saving the world. That is HUGE.
What are you talking about? He ends up being with all of them near the end.
Probably of the "in the end" part.
Why don't we all hope the other cast get a part of that elixir? Oh who am I kidding, one of the cast ain't even human.
I saw elves on the vol 3 cover too.
That was Opus-03, the other one is another girl from a elf village.
Oroboros has a manga version?
Shieldbro has no elves, or dwarves, or orcs, or most of your standard fantasy races. Only beastmen and demihumans. And mineral people that would remind you of the crystal gems from steven universe
What spoilers do to you.
I read the WN and haven't paid any attention to the manga. I enjoyed it, but I definitely enjoyed it more up until the Queen appeared and made everything better for him forever. I honestly just wanted to read more Shieldbro adventures, wandering around, being hated by random villagers and having fun with his shield.
I think we can all agree that the best picture is the one early on with Raphtalia eating the children's meal with the flag.
It's not charisma. It's a low tier mind control since he has a disney princess beloved by animals esper power that also works on all demi-humans.
The cooking thing is also an esper talent which gets enhanced more by the shield.
I thought the other esper power was his poison immunity and his immunity to dizzyness
He has a few. The poison/dizzy immunity is a definite while the others are highly suspect and likely according to what bow guy was saying once the characters started analyzing things.
His chinese MMO skills also had little to do with his business being so great as it was really his cooking esper powers combined with shield buffs which made him give out HQ9999999999 potions that didn't taste awful or whatever regular potions are supposed to taste like.
His cooking tasting better inherent to it merely being him cooking it, "harmony with nature", and poison immunities are not at a level that would occur for any natural/normal human being.
I don't even have to read this slop to know you're full of shit.
>his only power at the end is he can reflect your attack back at you
I can only imagine this shit is OP and can reflect literally any attack back at his opponent. Until it doesn't and then the MC needs to "figure out a way to win" aka let his opponent defeat himself.
>cursed shit which has huge drawbacks
Holy fuck.
>You can't really call it a harem either, since there are really only two girls in the entire series which he has real feelings for
Harems are about chicks wanting the dick, not MC's wanting the vagina. Unless it's porn.
He only explicitly uses that move twice while he has used it for a long while off panel. It's not some special move. it's a normal way to reflect magic attacks via shield since apparently omnidimensional god attacks that encompass the entirety of space and time can get blocked the same way as a person lobbing a fireball despite there logically being no way to get the correct angle.
The cursed thing is barely a drawback after the first time it goes bad and leads to the other heroes using it when normally they'd probably listen to the help text(that actually exists) saying not to use it so that they can be chastised for using something so stupid to become more powerful They also lose portions of their sanity/personality so that they can be more easily manipulated by the shield hero who totally has the moral high ground despite alot of it being a mess he technically caused via some minor/major hypocrisy on his part.
He basically gets more attack than everyone else so that he can solo raid bosses in exchange for not dying to the boss monsters that outlevel/number him. There are other drawbacks but really they only apply to the other heroes. Shield hero stops it the first time it happens and holds it all back afterwards like it's nothing.
>He basically gets more attack than everyone else so that he can solo raid bosses in exchange for not dying to the boss monsters that outlevel/number him.
I think the actual attacks are based off the strength of his current shield, not off his own attack.
Not much of a curse if it gives you nothing but benefits, bit of a blessing really.
That only applies to motoyasu, who was already broken.
There are technically drawbacks. They were just less of a drawback than not using the curse because they're the MC.
There's broken and then there's BROKEN.
Being a depressed drunk is a bit different than what Motoyasu became after he used the dildo spear.
No man, there was no drinking. Only Firo
This shit quickly became boring
>set up an intetesting tragic and edgy anti-hero
>nah fuck that
>give him a harem
>solve all his problems
>also give him broken powers that somehow adapt to any situation
>muh anger fuelled powers
>tack on a predictable plot and bland characters
>make it drag on as long as possible because the author sucks ass at world building and making an interesting story
Maybe this would have been decent 10 years ago
You are a slave and this man comes to buy you, how do you respond?
I try to commit suicide asap.
>slave collar activates
>you're his bitch now
>or lab rat rather.
>that adolescent adam thread earlier got deleted
Geez, it even has a manga adaptation. Guess it's no good if it isn't isekai.
Oh come on, there's a 95% chance you will die but contribute to his experiments, 4% you become devoid of all emotion and individuality, 1% chance you have your individuality but still serve. What do you say?
Hooooly shit, checked.
That's because this is a christian board, user. Nice quads.
Isekai greatest genre confirmed
How hard does the mango deviate from the LN/WN, it's safe to drop at this point right? Pretty much everything I've heard about where it goes after this part sounds super fucking retarded.
MAnga follows the LN, save for a few changed bits here and there but that's to be expected from manga adaptations. There's still one chapter before you can drop it.
Just keep going until you're bored. It's decent fun up until that point but it does get really bland and mediocre
I mean, the fight where firo claws the shit out of motoyasu just has her punch him square in the jaw.
Then the fight with fitoria naofumi's safety was more her concern than melty's. To be fair fitoria was about to kill him in that moment.
It went from revenger fantasy and upped the wish fulfillment to 11 when the queen finally came and was like YEAH THEYRE ALL SCUM LOL.
So who would like to see slime licensed?
I kind of want Tsuki ga licensed, but I wouldn't like waiting a decade for them to play catch up.
But the best way to show ownership and dominance is to stick your dick in her. Plus it's good morale boost for them.
I bet that's what yuni wants.
Can't completely use a female slave if you don't have a couple kids from her.
Nice to see people use my edits