Three weeks until Eriri loses for good. Comfort her.
God this garbage is so boring, if it wasn't for Utaha I would drop it.
Utaha a best. A BEST.
Eriri a shit. A SHIT.
Utaha basically carried the whole anime by herself. Does she do that to LN/anime as well?
Utaha is literal shit and the series would be much better without her.
That's Megumi.
I'm still waiting for a White Album 2-2
>Megumi basically carried the whole anime by herself
Based on vol.12's cover, Megumi will probably do that. The two look happy and sad, like tears of joy and relief.
Megumi is a literal miracle you faggot.
They're just making up after Megumi sees how her win absolutely devastates Eriri.
Megumi may have most likely odds of winning, but I still keep a faint hope hoping for Eriri route. But I'll take care of Eriri in health and sickness regardless if you know what I mean.
Is there any hope for an omnibus-style ending?
I really really REALLY REALLY REALLY want to see Utaha win.
Absolutely none. There's only one MAIN heroine.
How will Eriri confess? The other two set a high standard for her to meet.
But nobody has confessed yet? Eriri will be the first if she does it in the next volume. If Megumi is going to the hospital then it might happen before or after.
Utaha's was in V7, Megumi's was in V11.
I'm pretty sure Utaha didn't confess.
Megumi was reenacting. I wouldn't call it a confession. Megumi will most likely do it after vol.12 or at the end of vol.12 though.
Utaha kissed him and told him she gave up. It's close enough. Megumi's lines of "It’s not like I want something like a confession. I’m fine with a chance to fall in love, just a little. Ijust want simple, casual words. Words that can make one say, “ah, so I could fall in love just like that…”" are also pretty much a confession.
From a meta perspective, we know she has feeling and gave up, but Tomoya doesn't know that. She didn't say or suggested the magic words, so it can't be considered a confession.
I'm aware, but Megumi should convey that direct in person to Tomoya. She's the main heroine and it's proper order she goes last to make it a finale, you know.
But Tomoya heard Utaha say she gave up. The kiss already showed she loved him.
A confession implies that one party doesn't know the other loves them. For Megumi to say it when both already know about each other's feelings kind of ruins it.
>Tomoya heard Utaha say she gave up.
I don't see that anywhere. Even with the kiss, Utaha acted like she was teasing and went back to Rinri-kun again. Tomoya doesn't seem aware of Utaha's true feelings.
>both already know about each other's feelings kind of ruins it.
But hey don't know how the other really feels yet. A boy and girl may flirt or be drawn to one another, but until it's said usually by a confession of some sort, then it remains as that. But Megumi will definitely confess later, and that's what you should count on.