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RIP Julia Roberts' Career
Unless she’s going to go full Gibson I don’t care.
doesnt she have like thirty adopted negroidal children who are going to each have a dozen kids and just fuck everything up? i highly doubt she is a good egg but i cant verify this now
No worries she didn't name em
fake news
You're thinking of Sandra Bullock
She’s /ourhollywoodskank/
except now maybe closeted conservative actresses can use their past sexual harassment as leverage to say whatever the hell they want
Oh shit!
Nice fake news. She was a Hillary supporter and fund raised for both her and Obama.
why does she have such a large mouth pol?
No source = OP is fag
>Light years beyond believable.
>No link/citation.
Try again kike LARPer.
Shittiest bait I've seen here all week.
And that's saying something.
career? she is worth literally half a billion dollars. lol.
bitch can say what she wants. that's fuck you money
>USA Daily Portal
Sup Forums has gone full Facebook
I want fucking cat videos MEOWWWW
>No link
>the screenshot has the site title right there
Has gone?
My video didn't attach!
Still shitty clickbait.
Find literally one other source 5 days after the original "story" that's not a tweet/retweet of the USA Daily Portal "story" link itself.
Oh wait...., you can't, faggot.
I love Julia Roberts now.
WTF. Since when did Julia Roberts have the balls to say something like this?
Since never, dumbass.
Everyone ITT is being (((kiked))) by OP's desire to make a slide thread.
>slide thread goys!
What big news am I sliding?
>Julia Roberts is a feminist
>hates men
>hates "Michelle" Obama
Well if the boot fits
Is Julia Roberts even huwite? Looks Latina to me
Always go full Gibson
Interesting. Would explain why she hasn't been in any Jewish propaganda aka Hollywood films as of late.
The Jews don't like conservative or right wing actors.
I notice you waited until page 10 to self-bump your shitty bait thread rather than let it die the natural death it deserves there, Schlomo.
>isn't fit to clean to clean
to clean to clean to clean to clean to clean to clean to clean
>pretty much 666 shares
Ahhhhh I love the smell of jealous basement dweller in the morning.
wow. I did not see this coming. Julia used to be tight with George Clooney and the Brat Pack. Wondering what this means for those Hollywood tax laundering junkets.
>fuck it. you know what?
what Julia?
I would cum.
>Using snopes
Yeah, nah, bra