I want to bully THEM and see how they like it!
Little Witch Academia
Other urls found in this thread:
don't bully the closet lesbians
Sucy ep when?
>Barbera will never be your lesbro
>you will never swap opinions on what's sexy with each other
>you will never be each other's wingman
>you will never show each other the latest porno DVDs you picked up
>you will never pick up and double team a QT together
Barbera hasn't gone down the bully abyss as much as Hannah has. Barbera can be redeemed.
>Hanna-Barbera animation style
Sasuga Trigger
I want to dick them both straight
I want them to bully me
Why is the TV anime so disappointing compared to the OVAs? Maybe it's just me, I never really liked Trigger long running series, their shorts and OVA have just enough of their style before being too annoying.
They had to pack in more exciting stories to get people interested. Definitely frontloaded themselves, but I still enjoy the anime alright.
I want them to suck me dry and then slowly abuse and beat me to death while laughing the entire time
Doskoinpo should do art featuring them
Has she went down on Hannah though?
Having something on-par with a random TV episode isn't gonna leave the folks who crowd-funded the project with their money's worth.
>>you will never be each other's wingman
Why would you need one if you have each other?
That's the bad Hanna-Barbera animation.
>that cross eyed 'what just happened' expression
because she's your lesbro, if you fuck a lesbian it's gay if you're a guy because that's like fucking another dude
here's the full version gelbooru.com
Not gonna lie, both are more entertaining than Diana
They can be cunts, but at least they are not a snore fest like Diana, that is almost falling sleep at every scene she appears
Without even counting that Akko mostly times asks for the bullying
>she spent a whole period staring at a fish without realizing it was the teacher
good taste
she looks confused and uncomfortable
I want them to mock me for tiny ugly dick!
Sauce please
These girls are straight.
of curse she is; she's not into dicks
>that hair on the right
oh my god
This guy draws waifus getting fucked as fast as chickens lay eggs
Did we ever get the Ms Nelson request done?
I just want to see her without the cap
And its always in the same three positions.
>Learn to make a mind control potion
>Spike their drinks
>Take them to an unused classroom with a magical video camera
>Make them engage in a gleeful conversation about Shiny Chariot
>Broadcast to the entire school
>They don't remember anything the next day
>Everyone suddenly looks down on them for liking Chariot
>Akko alternates between smug and obnoxiously friendly
>Diana doesn't help them, instead letting them in on her own secret love of Chariot
>Parents eventually withdraw them from school citing "bad influences"
first set of dubs decides her nationality
the second set of dubs decides her name
Romanian. She's a Gypsy.
that was fast
It now makes sense why she's with the indian twins
Name is Aishe
This thread got really bad really fast.
>She's a Gypsy
Gypsies are literal subhumans and their women rarely look passable in their late teens even and once they become adults they turn into fat disgusting she-ogres that evolve into literal hagravens at old age, no exceptions, it's like a racial trait.
t. Alberto Barbosa
>roll thread
Have we reached bottom already?
don't worry, user. Episode 8 will bring us to a new level of quality posting, as if we were reincarnated into the realm of the deva.
Akko gets paired with Diana episode when?
>roll thread
As opposed to
>i wanna fug dis widch :DDDD
>black lace panties
>SFW cropposting
>general shitposting
>furry trash
>"why is it floppin lads"
>bubble BuBBle
>(insert witch name)fagging
I want to make vanilla love to Amanda under the covers with the lights off while kissing her and holding hands
What's wrong with Akko posting?
All those things you posted are awful.
he said dumb akko posting
Is Amanda going to be alright?
Too bad they make up 98.2% of LWA threads.
>Not just two little devils
No and there is nothing you can do about it
no, the constant posting of this image will drive her to suicide
her constant delusions and irregular thought patterns are going to keep her from ever holding down a job
So is Amanda canonically a ex-homeless bum prostitute or is this only some concept art?
Where the fastest site to stream the new ep?
I'ma take alot of magic mushrooms for this one and wanna watch it asap.
Only till we get the Amanda backstory episode and her redemption
>unironically doing drugs
Why would she need a redemption when she's perfect?
I would've told you if you weren't a subhuman tripslime. Links have been posted every single week for the last 2 months. you fucking redditor.
please record yourself as you do it
Nigga i'm too old to know what reddit really is.. fux me a link nao boi.
>probably blew half the nogs in Harlem for crack money
I'll give yall lewds for links nao..
Pretty much every show with back to back threads is like this past the day a new episode airs.
>New episode.
>Anons talk about it, some discussion will arise from it, though there will still be shitposting, waifu posting and the like.
>Afterwards, when everything worth discussing is talked about the threads only have shitposting, waifu posting and related memeposting for the remainder of the week.
>New episode.
>Anons talk about it, some discussion will arise ect ect.
At this point it's a given that if you come into a current show's thread before a new episode airs you're here to take the piss.
Kill yourself newfag
And you go right ahead and do the same
>At this point it's a given that if you come into a current show's thread before a new episode airs you're here to take the piss.
I'm here because I have nothing better to do
>Doing drugs ironically
How the fuck would that even work? That sounds even more retarded than doing it unironically
Amanda works part time delivering pizzas on her broom, the only job she was ever good at.
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
>Angel Sucy says to feed Akko experimental drugs to advance medical science
>Devil Sucy says to feed Akko experimental drugs
>they're both psychopathic; one just lies about it
Give it time. I still want some quality Finnelan
>magic doesn't work outside the meme school
Face it, she services the local projects' "urban youth" dwellers for food and money.
The fact that there are witches and wizards who work jobs using magic outside of the school shows there are other power sources besides just the sorcerer's stone user
>Urban cunts projecting this hard onto the rest of Murica.
Nah. She's a good girl.
>there are people who haven't filtered the obvious shitposter tripfag
I'm not projecting anything. NYC is cancer and the mick bum obviously has no way to get income other than by prostituting herself, since nobody would hire a
>mick bum obviously has no way to get income
Except maybe, her parents?
They're dead or don't care about her
Except for the fact that she's abandoned and homeless
>shown to be homeless and underdressed in concept art
I don't think they care too much.
Who do you think pays for her to study on a british school?
Financial aid?
>concept art