Miyazak Unretires again: "I've come back to end all anime"
I hope he takes out Kuzu no Honkai first.
YES! Behold, the savior of Japans animation industry.
What's this guys deal? I grew up on his films without knowing who he was. Does he actually hate anime, or is that a meme? Is he depressed? Why does he keep wanting to retire if he keeps coming back?
I guess being knocked off the top-selling anime movie spot triggered him pretty hard.
Not surprising, He still has the urge to tell us how the industry sucks.
>this buttmad that he doesnt have highest grossing film anymore
>Literally going hold my beer
I want to know too.
Honestly though I want Miyazaki to create a hentai about children and environment.
>ghibli is finally going the cg route
Is nothing sacred anymore?
>Spirited Away remains the highest earning film ever at the Japanese box office, 15 years after it opened in 2001.
What did they mean by this?
Great! I watch all of his Disney movies with my whole family! We gather around the TV and feel this indescribable sense of connection from his movies, just like when we watched The Lion King or Frozen for the first time.
To be able to create films that the whole family can enjoy... truly a genius of the anime industry.
Is that Miyazaki's second or third fake retirement?
>The Man Who Is Not Done: Hayao Miyazaki
Imagine being the only one to see and achieve the all the potential that your medium has to offer but the best your peers can do is cater to lonely virgins.
Hating Ghibli is such a meme. I hope whatever he produces is God tier.
He hates otaku culture and can be a crotchety old fuck, but most of it is a meme.
>Hates otaku culture
If something he's even better
He likes old animation much more. He has strong dislike to the general direction animation + community took.
>I grew up on his films without knowing who he was
How do you watch a film and not learn or already know its director?
I hope he knows he will never be able to top Kimi no Na wa.
I suppose when you're a kid and a TV channel airs the movie, you generally don't ask yourself "hey who did that movie?"
What do you think the current direction is heading towards?
Nah, he's always been a huge curmudgeon, it's not about the old and the new, he shits on pretty much everything.
He's bitter because Tezuka got the title "Father of anime" so he tries to destroy it every now and then.
Basically he's your saturday morning cartoon villain, brilliant but just as much as stupid.
when you're 7 yo you don't care about director/film makers. Then you forget about the movies. Then you watch one of them again when you're 20-25 yo and you suddenly realize that a vast majority of the good old anime movies you watched being a young lad was made by this man.
Then you begin to hate what animation has become
He knows that if he stops, he dies.
More of the same
Kinda hard to step back when you're such a master of the craft and you see everyone around you being content to crawl on the ground, while you know how high one can fly.
90% of Americans do this
There's no way he wouldn't be pissed off by some shallow melodramatic piece of shit movie becoming the face of anime worldwide.
Some people just like to watch movies and don't get involved in cancerous metashit and circlejerks, as weird as that might sound.
He doesn't like how anime mostly gets inspired by other anime.
Also CG.
And he's not wrong.
I'd believe him if it weren't for the fact that he never dared to leave his bland family movie comfort zone either. He literally made his career on his brand of moeshit.
I cannot accept that anyone could legit not like Ghibli and Miyazaki's stuff. What could of demented, soulless tryhard would such a person be?
>when you're 7 yo you don't care about director/film makers.
Some people continue to not care well into adulthood, user. Most people, in fact.
He could be living it up right now after making so many hit films but he sits around being salty due to the change in animation and otakus, classic.
I guess Kimi no na Wa was the final nail in the coffin, "how dare someone make a better animation than me" durr.
>Hates otaku culture
Shit, me too.
Because I honestly don't give a flying fuck about who created what, the only thing that matters is the entertainment value of a work.
Literally who
>what is mononoke hime
>what is the nausicaa manga
Are you talking out of your ass?
>cancerous metashit and circlejerks
>being able to appreciate art beyond mindless entertainment
People who consume media with no afterthought beyond immediate entertainment are tasteless plebs.
He makes comfy movies, so is ok. He should keep doing whatever he wants.
Stop masturbating to lolis
And then you frogpost on Sup Forums.
>'I've come back to end all anime'
That's not on the article. Stop with this clickbait and shilling on Sup Forums, ANN
You're cute when you play dumb.
Lol no. He did plenty of varied and fantastic stuff while working alongside with the other legends at Tokyo Movie Shinsha. Plus, the other reply is correct, Princess Mononoke obviously isn't simple slice of life, in the vein of Totoro and Kiki. You're talking shit.
Miyazaki is a fucking hack who wants to be an auteur like Seo and Tezuka but fails every time.
because someone insulted life.
Do you think children actually care about directors? Are you retarded?
Knowing the name of the guys who directed the movie you watched or animated the scene you liked doesn't inherently add value.
You can appreciate and like a movie a lot without knowing trivial facts about it's making.
Yes, if you don't expand your knowledge about the medium your a pleb, but judging a works of art based on meta-aspects when it's not commenting on that meta is pretentious and gay.
Not an argument
>He doesn't like how anime mostly gets inspired by other anime.
Yet Spirited Away is basically just Alice in Wonderland.
I wish Oshii still directed animated movies so Miyazaki could have someone to shittalk with.
Look at all the Shinkai cucks thinking Your Meme is anywhere near Miyazaki's status. If anything the US election had a bigger influence on a Miyazaki unretiring.
He hates otaku but do not hate lolicon. He actually admits that he likes little girls when he got drunk
>Spirited Away remains the highest earning film ever at the Japanese box office, 15 years after it opened in 2001.
what did they mean by this?
>source: my ass
>the guy who wrote and directed My Neighbor Totoro, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, and Howl's Moving Castle
>A hack
Literally incorrect.
> Tfw Kimi no na wa makes you jump out of retirement for the 3rd time
How does this make you feel Miyazaki fags?
I've never seen anyone here say this word who wasn't a 0 knowledge armchair critic wannabe expert.
A new Miyazaki film is always good.
>he doesn't know
Mononoke devolves into a 100% kids movie by the end (complete with asspull magic) and ultimately runs away from any difficult questions it tentatively raised in the first half. Admittedly I haven't seen Nausicaa yet, but I've disliked every single Miyazaki movie so far, so I wasn't in a hurry to see that one.
Well, Shinkai did a boring romcom. Miyazaki must save anime from boring teenager shit.
I feel like he's jealous of Shinkai.
It did?
Kimi no Na wa can suck my balls.
This isn't news if you were aware about the NHK documentary.
>He doesn't like how anime mostly gets inspired by other anime.
kind of ironic how he thinks that and yet he's BFFs with Hideaki Anno
>instigating a fight between shinkai and miyazaki
They're both great, you fuckfaces.
Shinkai is garbage, phonefucker.
Call the phoneposters instead.
>Kimi No Wa is so bad and overrated, the old retired man have to jump out of retirement to save anime
Miyazaki fanboys probably have shit taste too if they eat up all the shit he says. "Oh the anime industry is dying" "oh otaku weeb bullshit" "oh I feel the need to make another overrated film because someone threatened my masterpiece"
If Miyazaki directed Kimi no na wa everyone would be riding his dick, someone new comes on the scene and threatens his place however and everyone flips out. That shit was amazing, 10/10 feels and pretty good writing. At least it wasn't that 5 centimeters per second bullshit.
While Anno is an otaku he's got a similar view to Miyazaki.
And sure, Anno's works are inspired by other anime, but not soly.
They present realistic human drama.
The issue is shitty forgetable slice of life anime that feels like it's an aliens attempt at recreating human interaction.
I didn't care because i was like 8 when I first watched castle in the sky
But it's implied those are his intentions. Pic related, the truth doesn't always have to be said.
I love all of Miyazaki's work but his opinions on the industry and otaku-shit is wrong. Also, Kimi no na wa was fucking fantastic.
So, does this make him the Jesus of the anime industry?
Tezuka is Jesus.
Miyazaki is just a false prophet.
the aphex twin of anime
He is just upset that the industry is now geared nearly 100% to pandering to otaku culture.
retarded newfags who got pissed their precious lolishit animes got insulted
Is this the Oscar man?
>shit was amazing
>10/10 feels and pretty good writing
So this is the level of argument a crossposting feelsfag can make. You've sure convinced me - shit, it must be amazing.
Hayao Miyazaki? More like Ohayou Miyazaki.
thank you Shinkai
>Hates Otaku
>is friends with Anno
You mean towards fujos and soon to be the West once online crowdfunding kicks in. It's gonna be a disaster, with anime dictated by the likes of tumbler and Sup Forums. Here's hoping Miyazaki can save the Industry.
will old Miyazaki be the new Miyazaki?
>miyazaki and anno
When he dies, he's going to end up coming back again from sheer saltiness.
To be fair, he has done nothing for 20 years. And he is a pretentious hippy too.
How does Sup Forums honestly feel about Miyazaki? I unironically think he's great.