Starting off with an obvious one.
Anime women will NEVER understand
To be fair, I couldn't follow much of the plot for this show.
Just about every anime that isn't bland idolshit.
No, only women will fully understand Utena.
Fuck off.
Utena's director and writer are men though.
Every girl i've seen that likes Initial D is only in it for the fujoshit
Anime women will never understand what?
The complex themes and deep characters.
Anime women aren't real, so of course they won't understand anything.
women r fucking retarded
Women will never understand justice
Sports and music overachiever girls take it to the next level. Definitely true for teenagers.
The romance that least felt like fulfilling Shigeno's divorce trauma in the show involved Mako equally, but it still wasn't TOO realistic because everyone think "why didn't they just call" and the more you look at it in the light of the rest of the series that makes it all a running joke, the worse it gets.
Girls don't give a shit about the romance in Initial D though. Most of them hate the girls in the series. They just want to look at drawings of the male cast fucking eachother.
Pic related, official poster pandering to incest-loving fujoshi.
The poster for the installment that flipped the bird at fujos anyway by removing the iconic Night Kids UST, as far as I'm concerned. Also, given Impact Blue was cut from it, the general public doesn't really care about the romance either.
No one really gives a fuck about Initial D apart from the memes now anyway, I guess
The whole mecha genre
The label of 'women will never understand' doesn't apply to shitty, depthless """""""manime""""''. Please stop posting.
le TRIGGERED roastie
Really? i just finished watching today and was planning to watch with a female friend,why would she not enjoy it?